• Term Limits for Congress
    Due to the inability of congress to get things done to strengthen the economy, and our congress is no longer by the people, for the people, but for the party, we must due what is necessary to make them more willing to work together.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dee Williams
  • Help Save Liberty Denim
    Liberty Denim has been a fabric mill since 1901. It is one of the last denim factories in the United States. It closed down in December 2011 due to being bankrupted by the owners & management in spite of producing 400,000 yards of denim per week and making millions of dollars in revenue. We plan on reopening it as an employee-owned co-op. www.facebook.com/HelpSaveLibertyDenim www.wearUSA.org
    664 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Liz Havlin
  • Bank Regulation
    Banks must be divided between retail banks (insured) and commercial banks (uninsured). This worked for 60 plus years with no "too big to fail" concept.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rggroves
  • Tax reform needed now
    Republicans in Congress backed out on a tax reform deal along the lines of Bowles Simpson last year and then almost shut down the government and lowered our US credit rating. We must not have the same scenario this year.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel Carlson
  • Don't tax Internet stores
    Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri is trying to tax stores such as Amazon and E-bay for sales over the Internet. He claims that small businesses will benefit if shoppers are taxed on their Internet purchases. He also claims that states (already running on tight budgets) will be able to cut taxes if they receive revenues from Internet sales. In short, he wants Internet shoppers to pay taxes by taxing the Internet stores. Isn't that contrary to the Republican philosophy of never increasing or adding new taxes?
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gene W. DeVaux
  • US aide to China that is lent to Calif
    Seems that we the US taxpayers send aide to China, who in turn is lending money to the state of Calif via the bridge projects in San Francisco area. The bridges are built in China, shipped here in Chinese ships and assembled by Chinese labor. this is wrong
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bill Brown
  • Petition for Redress and Pledge of Action
    The Occupy movement has identified the root causes of the problems facing our country. The 99 percent need the resources accumulated by the 1 percent to address these problems. We call upon the 1 percent to provide those resources to the 99 percent.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ruff Bear
  • No More Mistakes: Allow Felons To Work
    Allow felons the opportunity to prove themselves as productive members in society. The purpose of an inmate serving time is an attempt to punish and reform these individuals through rehabilitation. No matter what rehabilitation is made, if someone cannot find a job they will likely re-enter the prison system. Put an end to this vicious cycle and reduce tax dollar waste through promoting opportunity.
    100 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Cory Sunday
  • The need for higher taxes
    The Republicans have never explained why the economy almost exploded when President Clinton raised taxes about 17 years ago. Like any business, a not-for profit business needs income as well as expenses. President Bush II cut taxes twice after declaring war on terror. He didn't get so much as a bump in the economy. It sagged right in to President Obama's term. The importance of income cannot be disregarded. Never before George Bush II did we go to war without a tax increase to pay for it. So today, we have a huge deficit made up primarily by the costs of war, a decade or more of it. Of course, the Republicans are still trying to blame it on the President.
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James D. Deere
  • Hemp 4 Jobs NC
    Rural Economic Development, Environmental Protection, American Heritage
    203 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Sadler
  • Jobs: Helping the Worker and the Corporation
    The purpose of this petition is keeping jobs in the US, and making a level playing field for the skilled laborers that reside here legally and illegally. Currently in Texas, an open shop state, things are not so great for many skilled workers. Halliburton, which recently was headquartered in Houston, moved to Dubai and also cut the hiring of American skilled labor. Does this company deserve tax-breaks? There are many other corporations who have used the same strategy. Headquartering in the US, but doing their business in other countries. Perry Homes, major home-building outfit in Houston, subcontracts labor to build arguably substandard homes. The majority of the workers are here illegally, making substandard wages without benefits or having the advantage of Social Security, or Medicare, even though they may be paying for it. These folks, even though I sympathize with their plight, are depressing the job market. If they were somehow able to work legally, they wouldn't be taken advantage of so easily and their wages and benefits would go up. Tax revenue would increase, the size of homes would decrease because of the per foot cost. Bad thing? I don't know. But those who hire illegals illegally to the detriment of legal American workers don't deserve any tax breaks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Cockerham
  • Tell Brownback Not to Bankrupt Kansas and Veto 2117
    Increased property taxes, increased class sizes and drastic cuts to vital public safety and infrastructure programs are not Kansas values. Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes. If the governor now signs the tax bill on his desk there will be no money for anything. Public education, state employees, roads, KPERS, police and firefighters. Nothing. Please sign this petition to Governor Sam Brownback and the Kansas Legislature asking them to veto HB 2117. You can call Governor Brownback at (785) 296-3232 *TODAY* and ask him to VETO his tax bill. Tell Governor Brownback to VETO any tax plan that puts our children's future at risk and drives up our property taxes. Please call (785) 296-3232 and tell the Governor to VETO his tax bill and add your name to this petition which will be delivered to the Governor this week. The Governor's tax plan will devastate the state and every vital program that serves every Kansan.
    788 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Working Kansas Alliance