ROBOTICSWhenever people are replaced by any kind of machine then that machine should be taxed at the same level as the workers that machine replaced. This would keep Social Security, Mediaid, Medicare and the fiscal house in balance.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jack Thomas
Elimination of the City Managers PositionFremont needs a full time Mayor and not an over paid City Manager.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Panama Red
Less oil import, more jobs, less pollution.Develop and promote Electric Vehicles.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David A Liddle
Set Up State Owned BankMy petition is for the state governor to set up a state owned bank like North Dakota. With such a bank the bonds used to finance state interstructure improvements and state parks and such can be financed by the state owned bank at the 1-2% rate if interest the big banks pay. This would save the taxpayers the difference between the 5-6% rate of interest they now pay the big mega banks to finance these bonds.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Warren Uhte
Stainless 20-21-32This petition pertains to the sections of the Glass-Steagall Act which create a clear and clean demarcation between FDIC insured deposits, which all American should have for any legal financial purpose, and other types of financial activity that have, and will continue to cause Americans to question and, at times, fear and loathe their banks. I termed it stainless because if these sections are enacted, they will allow Americans to gain confidence in their banks, and faith in the economic recovery. (The first thing democrats should do is create multi-language campaigns supporting, and educating taxpayers about these sections, and relating them to everyday folks who want to live out their lives without being scared into reacting about the "deficit.") It could be more cost-effective, creative and fun to post marketing competitions at high school and college levels.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave C
Term Limits for CongressDue to the inability of congress to get things done to strengthen the economy, and our congress is no longer by the people, for the people, but for the party, we must due what is necessary to make them more willing to work together.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dee Williams
Help Save Liberty DenimLiberty Denim has been a fabric mill since 1901. It is one of the last denim factories in the United States. It closed down in December 2011 due to being bankrupted by the owners & management in spite of producing 400,000 yards of denim per week and making millions of dollars in revenue. We plan on reopening it as an employee-owned co-op. www.facebook.com/HelpSaveLibertyDenim www.wearUSA.org664 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Liz Havlin
Bank RegulationBanks must be divided between retail banks (insured) and commercial banks (uninsured). This worked for 60 plus years with no "too big to fail" concept.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by rggroves
Tax reform needed nowRepublicans in Congress backed out on a tax reform deal along the lines of Bowles Simpson last year and then almost shut down the government and lowered our US credit rating. We must not have the same scenario this year.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Joel Carlson
Don't tax Internet storesSenator Roy Blunt of Missouri is trying to tax stores such as Amazon and E-bay for sales over the Internet. He claims that small businesses will benefit if shoppers are taxed on their Internet purchases. He also claims that states (already running on tight budgets) will be able to cut taxes if they receive revenues from Internet sales. In short, he wants Internet shoppers to pay taxes by taxing the Internet stores. Isn't that contrary to the Republican philosophy of never increasing or adding new taxes?11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gene W. DeVaux
US aide to China that is lent to CalifSeems that we the US taxpayers send aide to China, who in turn is lending money to the state of Calif via the bridge projects in San Francisco area. The bridges are built in China, shipped here in Chinese ships and assembled by Chinese labor. this is wrong2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bill Brown
Petition for Redress and Pledge of ActionThe Occupy movement has identified the root causes of the problems facing our country. The 99 percent need the resources accumulated by the 1 percent to address these problems. We call upon the 1 percent to provide those resources to the 99 percent.144 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Ruff Bear