Kentucky Senate Bill 151Kentucky Senators voted down a bill which would enable their constituents to decide whether or not gambling casinos would be allowed within the Commonwealth.30 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Delores Eisenbeis
Don't Subcontract school employees in MIFFLIN COUNTYThe Mifflin County School Board is proposing to subcontract the school district's 40 custodians. They want to allow a private-for profit corporation to take over the work. This would mean tax dollars leaving the county, and current employees being fired. The for-profit company will make money by hiring workers at lower wages and lower benefits. In the end, subcontracting often ends up costing districts more money in the end.636 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Lucy Harlow
Repeal Michigan Pension TaxTaxing seniors who can least afford a tax increase and who are already in the retirement pipeline making ends meet with a fixed income is unconscionable. This decision should have been taken to voters instead of being decided by legislators intent on giving wealthy business owners an 86% tax cut.224 of 300 SignaturesCreated by John Baublit
Fair Taxes For KansansGovernor Brownback's plan to change the State Income Tax code would decrease the tax rate on taxpayers earning more than $30,000 from 6.45% to 4.9% (1.55% decrease), while lowering the rate on those earning less than $30,000 from 3.5% to 3% (0.5% decrease). Furthermore, Brownback would pay for the tax cuts by eliminating 23 deductions from the state tax code, including the Adoption Credit, the Child Day Care Assistance Credit and the Earned Income Credit. In addition, he would eliminate itemized deductions including the Home Mortgage Deduction, which would adversely affect middle class homeowners. Under Brownback’s plan, taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes of $25,000 or less would actually see an effective increase in their state income taxes. Brownback is continuing an increased sales tax rate of 6.3% (from 5.7%) that would attempt to prevent revenue shortfalls. However, the sales tax and local property taxes, which will necessarily increase to fund services such as public schools, are far more regressive taxes than income taxes, and thus will also be paid by low and middle income Kansans.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Goering
Eliminate Food Sales TaxMost Tennesseans are hard pressed to buy grocerie`s. At the cost they are today. Governor Haslam has proposed a food-tax lowering of 0.5% ! This 0.5% request is almost laughable. I propose a real food-tax lowering. Lets lower it completely. By eilminating sales tax`s on all food ! This would indeed assist all Tennessee family`s in a time, needed !44 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Don Jones
Manufacturing JobsThe State should Incourage companies to set up manufacturing operations here that the average educated person of Louisiana could secure a good job. The chemical and ship build industries could incourage the ledgilature to give reasons to have other industries come to Louisiana. Why don't they do so? Is it because that they don't want to compete for labor? Let's get the powers that be in our state to give incentives to manufacturers to come to Louisiana.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harold Levine
H4043-Stop the attacks on the unemployedSC lawmakers are trying to pass an outrageous copycat bill that Florida passed last year where people that receive unemployment insurance will have to pass a drug test to receive benefits. There is no proof or empirical evidence that people that receive unemployment insurance use more drugs than people who do not. So far in Florida 98 % who have taken drug tests to receive benefits have been passed. its time we stop sterotyping people who are unemployed and stop wasting taxpayer time with bills that have no impact on the people, and get to working on bills that do.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by david calef
The People vs. Gas PricesGas prices have completely gotten out of control and everyone I know is infuriated by it but it doesn't seem like anyone is making a move to change it. It's about time we get our voices heard. I live in Los Angeles, CA and I paid $4.45 a gallon for regular unleaded gas this week. My husband and I share a car and he takes mass transit often and it is still squeezing us financially. Please review my petition which will go to the President and Congress and sign it if you want to see change! Thank you!45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Megan Geraghty Cuevas
Stop the Assault on Workers and the PoorThe Missouri Legislature, with backing from billionaires, has been proposing anti worker legislation and so called reforms that are detrimental to workers and the poor. The proposed changes to our tax structure, workers compensation, Medicaid, and workers rights will drag this states economy down like it has in Mississippi, Alabama and all the other states who've been made more "business friendly" and poorer!!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Justice
NO to HR4646 ,or ,NIX-46.This bill has been drafted by a democrat congressman from PA. Its a bill that will levy a 1%tax [they'll probably call it a "User Fee"] on all bank transactions. That means when you put Your money in or when you take Your money out you'll pay 1% of the total deposit or withdrawl to do just that . Even direct deposits like your social security check {which by the way as of jan. 1, 2012 the law now states that all SS checks are to be recieved via direct deposits, how convinent for them}will be subject.If you are lucky enough to get a check for say for 1000.00 thats ten bucks when it goes in your acct. and ten bucks eventually if it comes out of your acct Thats a 20 dollar bill folks on top of having to pay tax on your Social Security income . c'mon UNCLE sam.AND if you move money from your savings to your checking.{if your one of the few americans lucky enough to have a savings acct.} same thing 1% tax on that transaction.Think 1% aw thats not much ,just think how many checks you deposit from individuals , one at a time then add that all up with your deposits and withdrawls and the money you move from acct to acct And say you want to give Junior 500 bucks for gass money at college if you withdraw that and put it in an envelope as 5 hundred dollar bills for his birthday ,,,you guessed it ,,gonna cost you Five bucks to do it. This Bill may not be widely heard of yet ,as the admistration may want to keep this under the radar before the elections. But we need to start fighting this now so we 're not caught asleep at the wheel when they try to sneak this by us And I must say after hearing the president say No New Taxes on any one making under 250.000.00 a yr. I'm greatly disturbed by this information. Help us all and tell congress and the president NIX46 [ vote NO on HR 4646]3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by richard faust
Bring call center jobs back homeForeign call centers not only ship jobs abroad, but they endanger our confidential personal information because they operate without U.S. data regulation. You can tell lawmakers to support the U.S. call center bill. The bill would protect consumers and build jobs in America by: 1. Creating a customers' right to know—Ending the secrecy about call center locations, so outsourcers and offshorers can't hide anymore. 2. Forcing companies that outsource abroad to return federal funding—Because our hard-earned tax dollars shouldn't go to support corporations that ship American jobs to foreign countries. 3. Giving you the right to be transferred to a US-based operator.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Manny Herrmann, AFL-CIO
"Ensure Innovation Education for all Iowa Students"Innovation and Creativity are listed as top skills sought by business leaders hiring across the nation. Iowa schools list many graduation requirements; yet only a handful list a fine arts requirement. Arts education courses in the visual arts, music, theatre and dance provide laboratories for these skills. We want to ask legislators to promote this addition for all Iowa graduates to prepare them to compete for top employment.465 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Diane Franken