Overturn NYS's Property Tax CapNYS's inflexible 2% property tax cap has deprived public education and municipal governments of critical resources via the elimination of basic democratic rights - an annual vote of the citizenry - in favor of a cap imposed by the state legislature. Adding insult to injury, NYS has (for several years) provided insufficient and diminishing aid, while demanding more and imposing penalties. The inability of school districts, in particular, to determine their own level of taxation, results in a more limited education, less opportunity for those who need it most, greater educational inequality, and a loss of democratic rights.69 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marshall Goldberg
Abolish the First Time Homebuyers tax credit re-payment of 2008The re-payment of the 2008 First Time Homebuyers Credit is unfair to the many who lost their jobs and had financial downturn due to the economy as did the rest of the US only to find out the following two years offer of Homebuyers Tax Credit did not have to be paid back. Did we not ALL suffer financially?141 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kerrith Eckert
Property TaxFor as long as I have a mortgage I do not own the house, the bank does. Since the bank is the owner of the mortgage, I do not understand why I have to pay the property tax and not the bank.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Besa Tarazhi & Ilir Pjetri
Governor Snyder;Stop Your Attacks.Taxes,jobs and the economy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David S. Walenski,Sr
Property Tax Reform NowNew Jersey tax the highest property taxes in the country and in some area's taxes have almost doubled in the last 15 years.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris LeFebvre
stop increase on homeowners taxesThe petition concerns raising taxes on homeowners who still own their homes. To compensate for the loss of revenue, we have been forced to pay for those that can no longer pay. If services stay the same, or are less, I feel that the american people still living in their homes should not have to pay extra to compensate for those that can no longer pay. My homeowners taxes have steadily gone up for the last four years, and it's a burden on my wife and myself. I don't want to lose my home to back taxes, but the state will definately take my home if I default one time.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by carl pratt
Pay Raise for Senators / RepresenativesThis is about Congressional Senators and Represenatives that feel that they are entittled to a pay raise. Right now the way the ecomony is i tend to disagree . Many people are out of work and i firmly believe that this money allocated for them should be spent more wisely.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lucia Ann Huffman
RevenueThere is no way we can continue to fight over revenue and succeed.Just as a household has to have salary our federal and state governmetns must increase taxes to pay for needed programs .Tell Congress to raise taxes now!!!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by muriel schnierow
Tell us the Truth.The government, the corporation, and Wall Street tells us lies about unemployment numbers, the stock market, the debt, our relationships with foreign countries, and many more things. If a collectivist economy is our destiny, just tell us the truth and explain why it is necessary. Let us hear the full story and give us the chance to participate, rather than having it thrust upon us through manipulation and lies.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bryan W
Ending credit checks from hiring employersYour credit should not keep you from being hired. How is somebody suppose to get out of the cycle if they cannot get hired based on their credit score.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ken
Help Our Local Labor ForcePetition our Legislative Branches to pass a law to mandate all U. S. stores to display at least 30% (+ or -) U. S. made products on their store shelves. (I had this idea when I was looking for a garden hose & nozzle at The Home Depot). Most, approximately 95%, on display were "Made In China". Fortunately, there was an item "Not Made In China". It was MADE IN TAIWAN!) I hope moveon.org would imagine what this 30% +- will do to help our economy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Loy C. Rayos
Help Our Local Labor ForcePetition our Executive Branch to pass a law to mandate all U. S. stores to add at least 30% (+ or -) U. S. made products on their store shelves. (I had this idea when I was looking for a garden hose & nozzle at The Home Depot). Most on display were "Made In China". Fortunately, there was an item "Not Made In China". It was MADE IN TAIWAN!) I hope moveon.org would imagine what this 30% +- will do to help our economy.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Loy C. Rayos