Prohibit insured banks from trading stockBank and securities regulators are required by the Dodd-Frank Act, written in response to the financial crisis of 2008, to approve a unified rule on the subject. The rule must go into effect by July, according to the statute. At issue is a measure that would prohibit big insured banks’ from trading stocks and derivatives with their own money, known as proprietary trading. It also limits banks’ investments in hedge- and private-equity funds in an effort to reduce risks to the broader financial system.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kurt Koenig
Student Loan Interest should be 100% deductibleCurrently the deduction for student loan interest is capped. Many of us pay thousands more in interest than we are able to deduct. The idea of getting an education to get ahead both personally and as a nation has become a fallacy for the middle class.184 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jennifer Puszczewicz
Don't Let Congress Take Away Our 2nd Greatest Tax Break!Sen. Baucus figures it will take 10 years to grab $4.6 Billion of our hard earned IRA money initially earmarked for our heirs. The “stretch IRA”, an outstanding estate planning tool, will be doomed if lawmakers get their way. In the latest transportation funding bill, language is buried deep within that would kill the “stretch IRA” for most non-spouse inheritors, primarily our kids. Those families who have established multi-generational IRAs to stretch out the tax burden over the life expectancy of a child or grandchild, thereby allowing those accounts to continue to grow, will see those accounts uprooted. These heirs will be forced to withdraw all funds and pay taxes over a 5 year period. For many, this will force heirs into top tax rates, causing them to lose 35 to 80% in income and/or estate taxes. The “stretch IRA” allows distributions to be controlled, thereby maintaining low tax rates over the years and allowing heirs use of this money over a period of up to two generations. Left alone, congress would actually receive more taxes over the long run while these accounts continue to grow and small annual required minimum distributions are taken, but unfortunately lawmakers are looking for a quick fix and don’t care about how this law will sabotage a lifetime of family saving and planning.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jackie Reading
Repeal BushPetition to repeal the Bush Tax Cut except for those earning $ 1,000,000 or more per year1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Johnson
Repeal BushPetition to repeal the Bush Tax Cut except for those earning $ 1,000,000 or more per year1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Larry Johnson
Governor Corbett:no education budget cutsThe Governor proposed to cut 30% for education while giving away $300 million of tax payer money to his corporate buddies and no taxes on the gas exploration companies.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alvaro Luque
Right to WorkThe state senate is attempting to rid the state of Michigan of their bargining and contractural rights of having union representation. Michigan would be a much more appealing state for business if we filled the lakes with concrete making transfer of products easier from state to state. You want to create jobs state senate? Start making concrete. Stop hurting the working class! If these people representing the people can't come up with way's to cut spending and create job's, maybe they should greet at Walmart at $8.00 an hour ! Deal with the real issues.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Peterson
Stop Subsidy of U.S. Bank HoardingThe U.S. economy would be growing 5-6% if the money supply (M2) were growing 8% which it should be given the rate of increase in money by the Fed. But, the U.S. Treasury is paying banks interest on their excess reserves motivating them to hoard reserves. Excess reserves to deposit ratios are currently 18% compared with the 2% historical average. Petition Congress to end this subsidy, end the hoarding and get money into the economy so the economy grows 5%, employment increases more rapidly and unemployment drops to 7%.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Conway Lackman
Stop new BridgeStop Governor Snyder from building the new bridge when there is one in place to be done. He is in it to spend money that does not need to be spent. This money will come for ALL taxpayers, not him included. Spend the money he had planned on the new bridge he wants and use it to finish the bridge already started!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elizabeth Gillette
400,000 Thousand Jobs, Come Hell and High WaterPresident Obama should send a request to Congress every month to pass measures such that employment growth in total, private and public, is 400,000 per month. 400,000 will return us to full employment, and erase the tragically unnecessary misery and injustice of the current mass unemployment, by about 2015 instead of 2020 if we stay on the current path of employment growth.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steve Bannister
Pay off foreign debt!Rather than our government paying other countries Interest on our debt, let's issue government bonds That go directly to pay down the deficit. Then US citizens Would earn a decent interest rate & pump money into our Economy instead of overseas. Even if it's only 2% Interest, guaranteed government bonds that Reduce the deficit is a win for all Americans!4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by D. O'Brien
It's Only RIGHT !!!Justice for the PEOPLE.........like "WE THE PEOPLE "1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by P. Covington