• Taxation Gender Justice
    Why should women taxpayers pick up the bill for impotence treatments while denied access to birth control and abortions? Why should women be forced into "breeding for the state" while millions of dollars in child support payments remain uncollected?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Sanders
  • Retirees Tax Relief
    Most middle class retirees pay income tax on their social security benefits. We need some relief in addition to giving the working class relief.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donald Crapps
  • Reduce payroll tax rate by eliminating cap
    The current payroll tax is regressive. Regardless of income, we all pay 4.2% payroll tax up to $110,100 in 2012. Why should the wage earners in the lower income brackets pay an equal amount or even more (percentage wise) than a high income earner? The rate can be lowered FOR ALL if there is no cap.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Zahakos
  • Recall Jan Brewer, Governer of Arizona
    Governer Brewer is poised to sign legislation allowing an unlawful militia connected with hate groups to receive over 1 million dollars in taxpayer money. She has given tax breaks to corporations, and decimated Arizona's healthcare and education systems.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C. J. McDaniel
  • Keep Walmart out of Humboldt
    Walmart has no place in Humboldt. - It will destroy our local economy. Studies have shown that within one year sales volumes at local stores will fall on average 14% and by ten years 31%. Many will be forced to close. - With two K-Marts and a target, we already have everything WalMart can offer and more. - Many states and communities will our tax dollars to pay for subsidies to aid WalMart's arrival. This may funding construction and removing trees from Highway 101 to accommodate the imports. - While WalMart may employ a number of Humboldt Co residents, as a company it has refused to support their workers in order to cut their prices lower. WalMart employees are encouraged to drain government resources to fund the working poor and therefore remain a part of the poverty cycle that already exists in Humboldt County. - WalMart is also one of many large corporations that employs slave labor, outsourcing from other countries to produce their products. - The products WalMart produces aren't created to last. Instead they are created to deteriorate quickly, be thrown into our landfills, and repurchased again. - It will put many hard working people and shop owners out of business for the sake of providing cheaper merchandise to our people, many jobs and livelihoods will be lost. There is no benefit here - it will only deteriorate our community. Thank you for signing and doing a small part to keep Humboldt County's economy local and thriving as much as it can.
    2,143 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Russell Harwood
  • Job Creations
    Send a message to the President and to Congress that creating tax incentives for companies that keeping and creating jobs in the US is the RIGHT action to take at this critical time in this economy. It's a win-win for the President as well as for the companies that want to keep jobs here.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Craig Bague
  • Restore the Gem Theater of Garden Grove
    The historic Gem Theater of Garden Grove could be demolished if the city deems it to be a blighted building. The current management of this city owned venue has allowed it to deteriorate and has lost a large part of it's financial backing. Without your support, we could lose an important part of our local history and an iconic part of Garden Grove.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Josh McIntosh
  • Tax income from all sources at the same rates
    Currently, capital gains and dividens are taxed at lower rates than wages. There is no reason for this. The only thing special about capital gains is that rich people have them: that's why they're always pushing for lower tax rates on them. The same tax rates should apply to all income, regardless of source.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven McDougall
  • Tell Scott Walker: Don't Touch One Dime Of Wisconsin Homeowners’ Settlement
    Scott Walker thinks he can just redirect the settlement money from already victimized homeowners in Wisconsin and that there's nothing we can do about it. Sign this petition to Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen and tell him not to let Walker bailout his budget on the backs of foreclosure victims.
    14,322 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter Barca
  • No bonuses for selling public corporation assets
    Allowing corporate officials to get bonuses for selling off the company is not much different than allowing cashiers to pocket cash. Their job is to guide the company, I think we have been missing that point since the 80's and the mission is developing into 'how can I personally enrich myself?". Since the top executives and boards seem often to be entertwined and self-serving we need a law to pervent this to protect this country's industry, our workers and our future.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Rhoades
  • Prohibit insured banks from trading stock
    Bank and securities regulators are required by the Dodd-Frank Act, written in response to the financial crisis of 2008, to approve a unified rule on the subject. The rule must go into effect by July, according to the statute. At issue is a measure that would prohibit big insured banks’ from trading stocks and derivatives with their own money, known as proprietary trading. It also limits banks’ investments in hedge- and private-equity funds in an effort to reduce risks to the broader financial system.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kurt Koenig
  • Student Loan Interest should be 100% deductible
    Currently the deduction for student loan interest is capped. Many of us pay thousands more in interest than we are able to deduct. The idea of getting an education to get ahead both personally and as a nation has become a fallacy for the middle class.
    184 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Puszczewicz