• Don't let Delaware Valley School District put our children's lives in danger.
    Delaware Valley School District is proposing to build a new elementary school with taxpayer money on an existing high pressure natural gas pipeline. Industry experts have agreed these children would be placed in a risk with loss of life.
    168 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jack O'Leary
  • Help save Public School and the teacher who work in them.
    My Petition is for children in poor committee and the teacher who now that they have bright student in there class rooms. I have nothing against Charter Schools, but before there where charter schools, public schools where just great. Until Corporation came into the picture. Being from a poor committee my mother work with her five children and went to school her self. to learn how to help her children, and work with the Teacher. Teacher are not babysitters, they are TEACHERS AND TEACHERS TEACH LEANING.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sheryll
  • If a college is not accredited then they should not receive government funding.
    I went to a college that was not accredited, and not only did it ruin my credit but wasted my time. I could have been going to a real college to get a better job so I can pay back this loan.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alfie Weathers
    On wednesday 26 September 2012 the Austin Peay State University (APSU) Office of Career Services will be hosting a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruitment event on campus. The CIA has a history of recruiting students and professors to spy on other students and faculty, performing unethical mind control experiments on students (Project MKUltra), as well as a long list of repeated violations of human rights and international law. Activities such as these are unacceptable and will not be tolerated at APSU. We are calling on the campus administration to uphold the student code of conduct and not allow the CIA on our campus.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Preston Gilmore
  • Student Loan Debt
    Long time student loan debt that won't be paid off in my lifetime because of age.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel C. Craig
  • Students for the MS Student Bill of Rights
    Jackson Public School students and parents are calling for the immediate adoption of the Mississippi Student Bill of Rights by their schools. The MS SBR's articulate ten rights that all MS students should have in their schools. For too long our rights have been consistently and routinely violated; this must stop immediately and the protections of MS SBR must be adopted by our schools. Students deserve the right to be treated humanely, with respect, free from discrimination and prejudice as they pursue their education. Students deserve exceptional teachers, administrators, and other staff who's first goal is always the best interest of the students. Students deserve resources and information that will provide us with opportunities to achieve our full potential. The school environment must be a conducive place for learning and achieving, not a place of criminalization and penalization. Students are the future of MS, we should be treated as such if this state is to succeed and prosper. Adopting the MS SBR is a necessary and critical step in achieving all of this for JPS students. Mississippi Student Bill of Rights PREAMBLE: We, the students of Mississippi, in order to have the greatest chances for success, have defined ten critical areas that will prepare us for our future. We commit to engaging our school, community, and state leaders on these issues so that – together – we can create a better Mississippi for all. 1. Equal Opportunity: We must be treated equally regardless of race, class, gender, sexual orientation, and disability. We must have full funding for public education and access to healthcare. Equal, quality education and healthcare must be provided for all of us. 2. Safety: Every school must be a safe and supportive place for learning. Police in our schools should protect us from harm and not be misused to enforce zero tolerance policies against us. Find alternatives to the harsh overuse of zero tolerance policies that do not criminalize typical student behavior. Educate us don’t incarcerate us. 3. Sex Education: We deserve access to medically accurate, comprehensive information about sex, teen pregnancy, and STD/Is and how these things affect our bodies and communities. It is hard to find comprehensive information about our bodies because curriculums like Abstinence Only/Plus are not sufficient. 4. Respect: Treat us as key partners in changing our schools by ending the overly harsh disciplinary practices and policies that push youth into the School to Prison Pipeline. The reliance on this creates a prison-like environment that takes away our power to positively influence our schools and communities. Educate us through positive behavior methods and alternatives to suspensions, expulsions, and arrests. 5. The Best Teachers: We deserve accurate, fair, and non-biased standardized testing by investing in alternatives that teach us and not just test us. Provide us with the best, most highly qualified teachers who inspire quality results in reading, writing, science, math, art, history and music. 6. Tools: Provide us with the resources needed to learn: books, lab supplies, musical instruments, art supplies, computers, and the latest educational technology that will help us be competitive in the 21st century. 7. Leadership: We hold all leaders accountable for vision, courage, and results. We will do this by actively participating and encouraging our leaders to do what is best for us; nothing about us without us. 8. Extracurriculars: We deserve out of school activities to expand our opportunities and skills that give us safe, fun, and enriching places to be when not in school and opportunities for quality employment. 9. Starting Younger: We deserve quality pre-Kindergarten education. Kindergarten should be the next step, not the first step, in education. 10. Ready for Life: Our diplomas must not just be a piece of paper. Our leaders must take the necessary steps to ensure that our diploma means that we’re ready for college, work, and life. This document was created by MS youth through the ACLU of MS’s Youth Justice Project
    223 of 300 Signatures
    Created by David Denney
  • Student loan forgiveness
    What started out as one student loan for my son ended up being 3 student loans. I am trying to pay all 3 loans for my son, it took him about 2 yrs to find a place to hire him because he had no experience. My son, his wife and 2 kids had to move in with me because they couldn't afford to live on their own. Student loans are a rip off. They promise you good jobs and job placement.Neither are true!!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Rose Smith
  • Increase Commuter Parking at ODU
    Every day that I come to campus I try to park in garage C (the garage by the Ted). And every day I see people on every floor circling like vultures to find that one person that's leaving. The same happens for garage D. Our other options are parking in the back of campus, right off the water, or parking over to the side of campus, which are very long walks. And when an event happens, we are all screwed; floors get closed off and we have nowhere to go. We were told that the increase in metered parking (garage B) was a result of demand, but every time I've gone in there it has been close to empty. The same goes for the faculty garage next to it (garage A). There are a lot of commuters at ODU, and we need more commuter parking NEAR CAMPUS.
    103 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ashlee Sawyer
  • Native American Day of Remembrance
    Native Americans were stripped of their country and their basic rights long ago and forgotten. They should have a national day to remember that they were here in this country first and they were good stewards of the land and lost everything including their lives trying to maintain their lifestyle before it was taken away by immigrants and greed.
    140 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Irene Krumwiede
  • Student Loan Forgiveness for the Permanently Disabled
    Student loan debt is crushing to those who are permanently disabled. They are unable to work due to their physical condition, and yet most banks and lenders STILL expect them to pay their debt. I personally am a 25-year-old Cystic Fibrosis patient who has been unemployed for four years due to my health. I am legally listed as permanently disabled, and have been on the lung transplant list for almost two years. But when I applied for loan forgiveness with my private and federal loans, I was DENIED. I will never be able to pay these loans, and when I die, which will happen even if I do get a lung transplant, I do NOT want my grieving family to have to pay the debt that I could never pay. Student loan debt should be FORGIVEN for the permanently disabled population.
    157 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rosie
  • Increase Adjunct Professor's Pay
    Over half of all colleges and universities use adjunct professors to teach America's students. These teachers make very little money, many work full time and most work one or two other jobs in order to continue teaching. I work full time at a community college teaching sociology and make $14,400 a year. I have to work nights and week-ends at other jobs to continue to teach. At my college, our Spanish teacher, with a PhD, works nights and weekends as a bartender. We are not considered teachers but contract workers; our "offiices" are cubicles in the library. Why would our students ever want to be teachers?
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Pollock
  • Stop evaluating students and teachers on a one-size-fits-all test
    Common Core initiatives and high-stakes standardized testing are about control and not quality education. Students' academic success should not be tied to a test score to determine their ability to learn, and teachers' pedagogy should not be tied to a test score to determine their ability to teach: Education (and the process of obtaining it) is much more than a single grade.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Yurimi Grigsby