Student Loan-ForgivenPresident Obama once said at the beginninjg of his presidency that a person who is faithfully paying a student loan, after 10years the student should be forgiven. A working citizen who is working and struggling to pay off a student loan should get some relief from paying after 10 years. Americans get loans to have a better career and better jobs that offers decent life styles. However, dream is somehow, impossible to have because, besides having to worry for mortgage, rent, bills , there is the worry of having to pay student loan. It seems that the loan amount never decreases but it accrues interest.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Grace Estrada
Change the pronunciation of Republican PartyAs an educator, it is rude that Republicans refuse to accurately & intentionally mispronounce the four syllables in the name Democratic Party. Or to place a plural "S" on the name, Democrats. Let's change how we pronounce THEIR party name to: Repulsicans, or Republic or Repub2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by For His Glory
Protect the Quality of Education at UCSC! Reduce Class Size!As a result of the budget cuts, the quality of education at UC Santa Cruz is being eroded. Teaching Assistants are losing jobs and working longer hours. We're calling on the UC Santa Cruz administration to reduce class size and prioritize quality, accessible, education!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sara Smith
Save FAU FTL CampusDID YOU KNOW? The FAU Board of Trustees intends to close the Fort Lauderdale campus in order to save a mere 1.9 million. This amount could easily be made up by adding high demand courses to the campus. The FAU administration and Board of Trustees is consolidating academic programs on the Boca campus ultimately removing the presence of the designated lead state university for Broward County. The legislative money allocated to Broward County is being used to support the Palm Beach campuses. Nine hundred undergraduate and graduate students take classes on the downtown campus in professional disciplines including: Architecture Communication (Film, Video, Journalism, Animation, New Media) Graphic Design Urban & Regional Planning The faculty, staff, and students bring a dynamic presence to the downtown area. The Florida Public Archeology Network, Outward Bound, and Small Business Development Center also make their home at the FAU downtown campus. Voice your protest to FAU Board of Trustees (B.O.T.) if these issues matter to you. Call FAU B.O.T. @ 561.297.3450 Get info on FAU B.O.T. @ www.fau.edu/bot/ FAU Board of Trustees: Robert J Stilley, Anthony Barbar, David Feder, Jeffrey P Feingold, Angela Graham-West, William McDaniel, Abdol Moabery, Sherry Plymale, Robert S. Rubin, Paul Tanner, Julius Teske, and Thomas Workman Jr. SAVE FAU FTL Contact & Info www.facebook.com/savefauftl www.twitter.com/savefauftl [email protected]633 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Save FAU FTL
"SPECIAL NEEDS/ EDUCATION" STUDENTS ALLOWED TO PLAY IN SCHOOL SPORTING EVENTS.Schools all across our nation are refusing to let specially educated students (Children with down syndrome in particular) actively participate in sporting events. "We the People" are here to stand up for our nations next generations.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Thomas
Student loan forgiveness actTo have the student loan forgiveness act passed to relieve debt of student through Wi and the entire USA.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly thorsgard
Why do politicians hate trade schools? Is it a class issue?Do politicians hate trade schools because their students are blue collar workers?3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane Griffin
Make college affordableWe are proposing a petition that would haul government officials from making on-going budget cuts on colleges and universities in America. Our research has shown that the budget cuts have worsened the situation of saving money rather then making it better. By making classes bigger due to the high amount of professors being laid off, a lot of students have not received the best education that they deserve. We believe that the best investment a human-being can make is to invest in their education because this is a tool that has no replacement. Everyone should have the right to a strong education without having to worry about the monetary payments that come with it.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Humberto Ramos
STOP THE FCATStop or change the FCAT, and the new scoring system which will affect many children!22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lynda Fontenot
"Give Our Teachers a Raise"Education with Virginia teachers are facing a very difficult budget cut. Teachers have not had a raise in 5 years. We are calling on a stand to give a raise or a big amount of a BONUS to make up for the tough, hard economy.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Jones
Eliminate Student Loan DebtPeople who owe more than 20,000 on Student Loans, have not been able to pay them for over 10 years, and have been unable to pay them because they just don't make enough money, should have their loans forgiven. Currently, their is a limit on how many deferences due to economic hardship a graduate can get and forbearance just makes the loan worse because they capitalize the interest thus increasing the loan!13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Trammel
Save Old Torrence-Lytle High: The Only Former Black School In Northern Meck. CountyTorrence-Lytle High School in Huntersville, NC was build tin 1937, had only one principal, Isaac T. Graham and one librarian, Esther S. Johnson. In 1966, the only school for blacks in the northern end of Mecklenburg County was closed. Today it has the designation of a historic landmark but some buildings may be slated for demolition because refurbishing them will cost millions. Several companies have created plans to buy the site but none were successful. We're seeking individuals who believe that this site should be saved and brought back to its original character where individuals of all nationalities can walk the sacred halls of my Alma mater.134 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Betty Caldwell