Congress: Support NOAA and Our ReservesClose to 98% of federal funding to the NERRS from NOAA goes directly to coastal communities. News emerged this past Friday that the Trump Administration is urging drastic cuts to NOAA's budget, including complete elimination of the National Estuarine Research Reserve System. Without the funding and support that NOAA provides, many of our nation's reserves would be forced to shut their doors. Science, training, and technical assistance essential to keeping our coastal communities safe and thriving would disappear. Reserves are special places that communities count on to educate children, adults, and decision makers about their environment. Nationwide, they provide STEM education to more than 8,500 kids and 250 teachers annually, deliver coastal resiliency training services that reach more than 2,500 communities, and maintain more than 110 water quality stations and 30 weather stations that collect data every 15 minutes to manage hazardous spills, shellfish industry operations, water quality, and emergency response to storm surge and flooding. Reserve science protects our estuaries, and healthy estuaries defend us against property and industry loss, sustain fisheries and other businesses, support recreational activities and protect water quality. Learn more about reserves at www.nerra.org. #MyReserveOurCoasts2,878 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Roth
Don't roll back fuel efficiency standards.The Trump administration is happy to do whatever it can to increase profits for business without any regard to the long term consequences for the health of the planet, or the workers who work in the factories. Let’s realize the power we have as consumers to influence decisions made by corporations. If US Automakers don’t make the kinds of cars and trucks that strive for greater fuel efficiency and lower green house gas emissions, let’s pledge not to buy them. Please sign this petition to the Big Three Automakers, asking them to stop lobbying for lower standards, and stay the course set by the Obama Administration for fuel and emissions standards for vehicles manufactured in 2025.60 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marc Bruell
AER - Auto Emissions RegulationsI am extremely upset about the new EPA rollback of auto emission regulations to ensure greater profits for the auto industry. How does one convince the corporations to become responsible citizens and promoters of the public good, i.e. to be mindful of public health?106 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sarah Lamstein
California State Attorney General: Shut Down these WellsI invite all those that are living with unlicensed operators and illegal dumping of toxic waste in your backyard to sign this petition and name your site in the petition. Let the Attorney General know each and every site that is harboring unlicensed operators. We will make this official. We will deliver this personally to the Attorney General with your site clearly cited for the record. I am hoping that this will be a call to action for our Chief Law Enforcement Officer. We have a right to be recognized and our concerns acknowledged. We have a right to petition our government for redress of grievances. This is a time sensitive grievance we need resolved now. On Feb 15, 2017 we the people of California were looking for relief from the constant fear and uncertainty of contamination of our water by uncertified Toxic Waste Injection operators. Our hope of relief was shattered when The State Department of Conservation Division of Gas, Oil and Geothermal Resources failed to honor their deadline to shut down all oil drilling wells and sites that had not been properly vetted by DOGGR. This is an forgivable breach of trust. DOGGR defaulted on their deadline date and unvetted wells remain fully operational. The State of California was delegated primary responsibility for implementing the Class II oil and gas underground injection control (UIC) program of the federal Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) in 1983. DOGGR has admitted the program has never been fully operational or functional citing unresolved and ongoing staffing and funding issues that prevented them from implementing, monitoring and enforcing a fail safe, secure program. As a part of its oversight role, EPA audited the California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources’ (DOGGR) Class II UIC primacy program in 2011 and identified substantial implementation deficiencies. DOGGR, together with The State Water Resources Board and the EPA agreed to set Feb. 15, 2017 as the deadline for completion of the implementation of the UIC program with the condition that all non-compliant, undocumented operations would be shut down for our own safety and well being. That deadline has come and gone and nothing has changed. All the wells are still in operation. This is a breach of trust by the agencies entrusted with the safety of our water. It is beyond reason to expect us to have any faith or confidence in this process. It has been 33 years since DOGGR was given the responsibility of implementing a program to protect and safeguard our underground water resources from an accident prone industry with a history of mechanical malfunctions and human error that uses a patented toxic waste disposal process that has been proven to compromise the geological integrity of the subterranean soil. Under these conditions accidents, spills, explosions and contamination of our water resources is inevitable. The Feb 15, deadline was going to put an end to the uncertainty, constant stress and anxiety of not knowing if our water is safe. DOGGR still has problems as does the EPA. Under this new administration the EPA is facing the threat of being dismantled. This situation is unbearable and only compounds our fear and anxiety over conditions that threaten water resources critical to our well being. It does not seem at all fair nor does it instill any confidence in our regulatory process or law enforcement that we must bear the burden of a flawed system that risks irreversible and irreparable damage to a limited natural resource and a public good fundamental for life and health. Water. For over 15 years we have been living with the unauthorized and unlicensed dumping of toxic waste into the unincorporated areas of San Luis Obispo County. This odious omnipresence plagues many communities throughout California as the undersigned will attest to citing their areas of dire concern. This uncertainty must end. The unvetted sites MUST be shut down. The Attorney General has independent authority, acting directly in the name of the People, "to take action to protect the natural resources of the State of California from pollution, impairment, or destruction." Therefore, WE, the undersigned, do hereby implore and beseech State Attorney General Xavier Becerra to provide the leadership we have come to rely on to protect and safeguard Californians human and natural resources for this and future generations and enforce as stipulated the Feb. 15, 2017 shut down of all unpermitted, non compliant Underground Injection Control sites per the Safe Drinking Water Act. Thank you.191 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jeanne Blackwell
Attorney General Shapiro: Investigate the DEP!New information from investigators at Public Herald shows Department of Environmental Protection has systematically handled fracking-related complaints with misconduct. Investigators fought with DEP for three years to obtain information on fracking-related complaints. What they uncovered is jarring. DEP has received over 9,400 complaints related to gas and oil impact. Within this data, the Public Herald alleges to have identified at least 177 water contamination investigations wherein DEP committed one or more of three types of official misconduct: malfeasance, misfeasance, and negligence. Pursuing this potential criminal activity is the responsibility of the Office of the Attorney General.728 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Pennsylvanians Against Fracking
Funding to change State law and RESCUE the Salton Sea.Please support changing California State energy law to save the Salton Sea ! Please see our Facebook page: Importing Seawater from Baja California to the Salton Sea or email GaryKJennings for the presentation to the State of California.82 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gary Jennings
President Trump: You Wanted to Protect the PlanetFederal government websites no longer have data or information on climate change. The president has proposed slashing the EPA, and has already overturned regulations to protect the planet. But TRUMP AGREED just over 7 years ago that the U.S. needed to control climate change - yes, TRUMP signed a letter ACKNOWLEDGING that CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL AND IS HAPPENING NOW. Hold him accountable!21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bette Rubin
Do NOT Cut EPA Funding!The Environmental Protection Agency was created to enforce critical laws that protect people and the safety of our water and air. Hindering the EPA’s ability to do this work would only line the pockets of big corporations while destroying our environment and making American families sick. That's outrageous – and it's completely unacceptable. We need Congress to stand up for us and fiercely reject any and all attempts to cut funding for the Environmental Protection Agency. We need a strong EPA to keep polluters in check and protect our health.1,378 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Miranda Carter, Food & Water Watch
Wells Fargo, Citibank, and Bank of America: If you don't pull out of DAPL, We're moving on!!!I am outraged that once again Native Americans are being abused--their lands desecrated, their water contaminated, all for the short-term profits of Big Banks and Big Oil. I cherish our earth as they do, and mourn its destruction.83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by cynthia rahav
Do not rescind the wilderness refuge ruleA wildlife refuge should be exactly that.....a refuge. No barbaric, cruel extermination methods such as aerial gunning, poison, and gassing should be allowed in these protected areas to appease game hunters.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marianna Breton
Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags From VermontPlastic bags constitute the majority of waste that is crowding our landfills and polluting our oceans. These bags literally can take centuries to decompose, and represent a very real threat to human and animal life. It's time that Vermont follow in the footsteps of other progressive cities and countries and ban the use of single-use plastic bags.2,068 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Bobby Arnell
Stop the HB2506West Virginia standing up for their health and rivers. Over the past few years since the 2014 Water Crisis, we have lived knowing that our water is contaminated. We cannot let these delegates vote to choose industry over our health and our rivers, when we have already seen devastation with what regulations/protections we have had in place.531 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Hannah