• Don't put hotel across from the Basilica!
    Sign this petition to help fight the encroachment of capitalism on a small town that is losing the charm that attracts people to it.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Matthew Bates
  • Tell GE and Mitsubishi NO to Fossil Fuels, YES to Solar and Wind Energy
    Behind our backs, the Air Quality Mgt Dist and State and Local Officials in the sun-drenched, wind-swept Palm Springs area have sold the health and well-being of its hundreds of thousands of residents to GE and Mitsubishi for $53 million, for the privilege of building Sentinel, a natural gas-burning power plant that will spew four times the legal amount of known carcinogens into the air, thus exacerbating climate change and global warming, and contaminating our fertile soil, our drinking water, the air we breathe. [CA Energy Commission, 2011, 478-pp report] We refuse to allow this to happen. This area has ideal conditions to place us #1 in the world for solar- and wind-produced energy. To that end, GE and Mitsubishi must spend their $100 millions to replace Sentinel with the most technologically advanced, state of the art solar- and wind-energy producing facilities!
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by C E Krause
    In california lots companies,state / city owned beaches ,parks,hospitals are smoke free or just have designated areas for smokers that help protect non-smokers from breathing in 2nd hand smoke.I work in LAX airport and been suffering from 2nd hand smoke when working in high traffic areas of airport . All sinage is very poorly made nobody respects the sinage even workers. Im pushing this so I can make a difference for us LAWA/airport employees and travelers that dont smoke. Los angeles cliams theres no money.i belive if they push smoking areas and smokers are found smoking in areas that they're not smoking areas , the city should make a paypal account and charge 20$ for every violation . Keeping smokers from getting workers sick and helping keep LAX from being a better safer work enviroment .
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julio C. Gavino
  • "Expand Recycling: Update the Bottle Bill"
    Deposits for all plast'stic drinking bottles......money for us pickers, cleaner communities, healthier environment....it seems pretty silly that bottling companies are spending so much of their money (that we wind up paying for) to oppose a bill which we are going to pay for anyway. I don't drink less Diet Coke because there's a deposit. You wonder where the brains are.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Young
  • Morality versus money
    Our national policy is to lessen the impact of global warming. Decreasing the burning of fossil fuels is part of that policy. By encouraging the export of coal to China we encourage the continued use of what is really a toxic fuel. Not only is the burning of coal bad for the citizens of China, but from that burning, CO2, Sulfuric acid, nitrous oxide and mercury will drift as airborne pollutant to the West coast. I am not sure that the increase in jobs is worth the increase in the hazards to our health and that of the environment.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Walter Corbin
  • Eliminate use of leaf blowers in San Mateo County
    Leaf blowers blow everything it hits into the air and into surrounding areas. Plus, they are loud. This is an example of total inconsideration to neighbors and all those close to scene of said leaf blower.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William Smith
    The Oil Industry uses fracturing techniques (fracking) that uses chemicals and various liquids under extremely high pressure to be injected into the ground to cause 'fractures' in the earth in order to get more oil. It is unregulated and proven unsafe. It must be banned in order to protect our homes and communities.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Naomi Cox
  • Banning plastic bags in San Diego County
    This petition is to address the growing global problem of plastic, nonbiodegradable materials seeping into the oceans, waterways, and our landfills where they sit for decades, polluting our environment and affecting wildlife. By eliminating one use plastic bags from fast food chains, corporate retails stores and the like, we can seriously start addressing the issue of the N. Pacific Garbage Patch.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher T. Price
  • Better signage
    There should be an 800 number which people could call in to describe misleading or incomplete signage on the roads, in garage parking lots, buildings, etc. The environment should be user-friendly, to help people move efficiently.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Redpath
  • Electric Auto and Solar Incentive
    We need to link Cash Electric Auto and Solar.
    108 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Electric Auto and Solar Incentive
  • Price of Gasoline
    Why when the price of gasoline is falling are we paying 4.25 a gallon? Why are they not building any refineries?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Denis Michael Fish
  • Save the Badlands
    President Theodore Roosevelt chose the serene beauty of Elkhorn Ranch to heal his soul after the loss of both his mother and his young wife within hours of each other. It is now one of America's 11 most endangered historic places. Mining and oil interests have all but finalized plans for an access bridge and highway and a gravel pit. Please urge President Obama to use his Executive Authority to declare this piece of paradise off limits.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Cipollari