• Stop mountaintop removal -- Be a Mountain Hero!
    Earthjustice, the non-profit law firm for the environment, has lauched an online photo petition to stop mountaintop removal, an extreme form of coal mining that is burying thousands of miles of streams in Appalachia and making people sick. Please join in our capaign to protect families, communities, and the environment. Send a message to President Obama and add your picture to the Mountain Heroes petition at http://earthjustice.org/mountain-heroes
    95 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joan Mulhern
  • Stop H819: Plan for Climate Change, Don't Deny It
    I’m lucky enough to be able to spend my retirement enjoying the beautiful beaches of Wilmington, North Carolina. But by the time my youngest grandkids have grown up, sea level rise caused by global warming pollution could put parts of Wilmington underwater. Instead of working to save North Carolina’s coast for future generations, legislators in my state are trying to pass laws officially ignoring the threat. The State Senate recently approved a bill that requires our state’s coastal commission to use only historical data to plan for sea level rise. So instead of assuming that the sea will rise 39 inches this century, as climate scientists predict, these legislators want to insist it will only rise 8 inches. The North Carolina House has suggested an alternative that’s only slightly less ridiculous: they want to pass a five-year moratorium on considering climate science in coastal planning. So the Senate wants to outlaw science, while the House wants to suspend it. These proposals are the brainchild of group called NC-20, which wants to ignore sea level rise predictions because it will slow down real estate development. Amazingly, the group’s chairman denies that climate change is even occurring, saying, “Why not wait a few years until global cooling resurfaces?” Places like Wilmington are already facing more frequent flooding and the destruction of homes, wetlands, and ecosystems. Our legislators are elected to protect us from these threats. Instead, they're siding with climate change deniers, and simply hoping things will cool down. We can’t afford to ignore science, and we shouldn’t wait five years to start preparing. Tell your State Representative: oppose any bill that refuses to acknowledge established climate science and sea level rise predictions.
    2,586 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Branca
  • Repeal Act 13 - the Gas Fracking Law
    Tell Rep. Marguerite Quinn, of the 143rd Assembly District, one of the architects of Act 13, passed in the PA state legislature that this cannot stand. Act 13 strips away our local zoning laws, enforces a "gag order" on our doctors, and allows drilling and open impoundment pits of fracking waste that threaten to pollute our ground, water and air for ourselves, our children and generations to come.
    1,425 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Taflin
  • Two headed fish found in Idaho streams. The whole state owned by a mining company call Simplot!
    Do we want to fish for two headed fish, like they have to in Idaho?? I don't and I know my children don't!!! Do the pros out way to cons of this type of mining?? NO!! Do your reaserch people. If you have children or care at all about our future generations please speak up and out about this matter. Think of all the reasons you love and live in Minnesota! Also think if it at al you life will Benifit from this kind of mining, now think if you pocket book will Benifit from this mining?? An entire company by the name of Siplot owns all of Idaho State!! They have 6 mining sites in that state that are pumping out poisons by the hour around the clock. This company also has relatives that are head of the EPA (environmental PROTECTION agency!!) Is this what we want for beautiful Minnesota??? I don't, my friends don't my family doesn't and most of all my children don't!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessi Anderson
  • Urban Sustainable Organic Food & Farming Project
    Food production space is so valuable these days since so many of our public spaces are losing funding and being shut down. And as organic healthy food becomes more expensive and health issues continue to rise, we work to rebuild health access to good food. Our farms will be places built to grow affordable delicious, healthy organic food and to provide educational workshops for the communities with which we work. Our Urban Farms will also be a source of education, training, innovation and community pride. We will utilize environmentally friendly equipment, systems and techniques.
    703 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Urban Rebuilding Initiative
  • The US needs to Help the Japanese with Fukushima -- Before it's too Late!
    The Japanese Reactors are out of control. There could be a huge melt down and spread even more radiation around the world--the United States Needs to HELP! We can't let the world become radiation poisoned! Time to work together as one World for the Good of the World!
    222 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Paul Haider
  • Save Mass. beverage container redemption centers
    The state’s redemption centers are at the very heart of the Bottle Bill, handling one-third of the program’s total volume. Their operating costs are covered by the bottlers–not by taxpayers, but they haven’t had a raise in 14 years. With half of them now out of business, tell Mass Environmental Secretary Richard Sullivan to give the redemption centers a raise without further delay!
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mass Sierra Club
  • Democrats: Take a Stand on Climate Change
    According to the Democratic National Committee's 2012 Presidential Election Year Survey, no position on climate change will be taken in this year's campaign. We must demand that this year's Democratic election campaign openly take a strong position on this issue, and follow through on it.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ted Reynolds
  • Protect Maine's Clean Water
    Until last week, we were on the cusp of a major victory to restore Clean Water Act protections to nearly 25,000 miles of streams and many wetlands in Maine. President Obama and the Army Corps of Engineers were about to issue the new protections. These streams and wetlands feed our rivers and the drinking water for nearly half a million Mainers. But the House of Representatives, led by members doing the bidding of Big Oil and other polluters, voted last week to block these clean water protections, and the Senate is expected to vote on the issue next week. The vote is expected to be VERY close, and Senators Snowe and Collins appear to be on the fence so please sign the petition today.
    2,800 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Emily Figdor
  • "Sugar in the Raw"(tm) Please Harvest Cane w/o Burning
    "Sugar in the Raw"(tm) a popular "natural" product from Maui is created using controversial agricultural practices. Most egregiously, HC&S (the company that makes it) harvests their sugarcane by burning it. With 35,000 acres on a small island, this results in a massive release of CO2 and choking smoke which is damaging residents' health. Sugarcane can be harvested without burning (as is done in most of the world) and we would like HC&S to stop cane burning now.
    3,526 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Karen Chun
  • Protect our forests
    Annapolis city government is about to approve a new policy that allows developers to bulldoze thru the laws that protect forests. The city plans to waterdown their enforcement standards of the Forest Conservation Act.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anastasia Hopkinson
  • Clean FISHABLE Water. Act Now.
    This year is the 40th anniversary of the Clean Water Act and Waterkeepers around the nation are working to achieve the central tenets of this important law: swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters for all. Unfortunately, our streams and rivers remain threatened by a variety of pollutants, many of our fisheries are near extinction and some members of the U.S Congress, pressured by polluting industries, are working hard to erode the protections of this important law. Wild salmon are a cultural and economic pillar in the Pacific Northwest and they are threatened with extinction. Industrial logging roads are a leading cause of sediment pollution, threatening water quality and native fish populations. Rogue Riverkeeper believes it is time for the logging industry to do its fair share to protect water quality. We oppose efforts underway to exempt the timber industry and logging roads from the Clean Water Act and we are asking for your help. For clean water and wild salmon, act now. www.rogueriverkeeper.org
    1,321 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Lesley Adams