• Stop the Tar Sands Pipe Line
    Tell President Obama and Congress it is time to take a stand for the environment, Jobs are important, especially if you are out of work, but this is the only planet we have. You can try to get another job if you lose one, but you can't get another planet. Come on people look to the future or we will not have one.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by dick hogle
  • Senator Feinstein: Protect Drakes Estero at Point Reyes National Seashore against Commercial Uses
    “Stop oyster farming in Drakes Estero and protect Point Reyes National Seashore.” Commercial oyster farming in Point Reyes National Seashore is permitted until 2012 when the permit expires. Drakes Estero is an area slated for Wilderness protection once this non-conforming use is eliminated. The Estero provides important harbor seal breeding grounds. Senator Feinstein has the chance to protect marine habitat by opposing the permit renewal. We are calling on her to support protection of our National Seashore against commercial uses.
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colleen Sullivan
  • Stop Radiation Emitting AMR "smart" Electric, Water and Gas Meters!
    AMR (automatic reading) "smart" electric, water and gas utility meters are a dangerous boondoggle. These meters are being forced on homes and buildings across the U.S. by utility companies. There is a flaw in the design of AMR meters which causes dangerous levels of pulsed microwave radiation to run through wiring and electrical equipment. This radiation is spewing throughout homes and neighborhoods. Although the utility companies would like us to believe that AMR meters are "green", this is not true. They were invented 20-30 years ago only to get rid of meter reader jobs and to save the utilities money. People across the U.S. are being injured by this unprecedented, untested and unregulated radiation. This must stop.
    1,137 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Michele Hertz
  • EPA- Regulate Smog Standards
    On Friday Sept. 2, President Obama scrapped his plans to tighten smog rules, bowing to the demands of congressional Republicans and business leaders. Obama overruled the Environmental Protection Agency – and the unanimous opinion of its independent panel of scientific advisers – and directed administrator Lisa Jackson to withdraw the proposed regulation to reduce concentrations of ground-level ozone, smog's main ingredient. We need to let Obama and the EPA know that this is not about business- this is about the growing health issues Americans face if we don't reduce the effects of smog immediately.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen B
  • End the fossil fuel age; ban fracking nationwide.
    The gas industry wants to hydrofrack for gas in 37 states. Not only is fracking dangerous to air, water and soil; burning gas creates more global warming. In 2005, Cheney got fracking exempted from clean air and water standards. Treatment plants cannot decontaminate the millions of gallons of carcinogenic and radioactive frack fluid that each fracked well produces. It's time to end our addiction to fossil fuels!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Quarles
  • Governor Tom Corbett please ban Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing on Green Easements!
    It's about the abuse of power within our government and the fact that laws enacted to protect our state forests and agricultural lands are being leased and auctioned off to the highest bidder!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Grieco/founder of PECWS.org
  • Make the EPA test Ethanol E-10 MPG
    Ethanol, at low percentages such as E-5 (5% Ethanol) up to E-15 (15% Ethanol) causes MPG in most cars to drop about 12% to 20%. Thata costs the USA up to $200 B each year! Why? Because E-10 has about .5% water, its Ethanol clumps and burns first, destroying the car's use of real gas. We DEMAND that the EPA test our real "at-the-pump" gas that we are forced to use.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Zeigler
  • Stop the BLM Mustang Massacre
    The Bureau of Land Management is "managing" mustangs and burros in the west into extinction through hideously brutal roundups (chasing baby horses until their hooves come off), illenss and death in unhealthy holding facilites, and ultimate transfer to slaughterhouses in Mexico and Canada. There are public laws in place to protect and preserve our wild heritage horses; but there is so much corruption that the laws are not being enforced. BLM is wiping out the horses to make way for more cows (which the taxpayer subsidises through cheap grazing rights) and oil and gas pipelines. Wild horses are not starving or overpopulated; that is BLM propaganda. Willd horses don't destroy the range, it's the thousands of cows that the Bureau (of cow management?) has dumped on our public land who are pulling up plant roots when they graze - horses don't. And of course it costs millions to torture and kill these horses and pennies to manage them humanely in the wild using birth control darting. Tell Congress to enforce the laws protecting wild horses, stop all roundups and slaughter, and manage wild horses humanely and cost effectively in the wild.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marta Williams
  • Save the Wild & Scenic Rivers Act
    Rep. Michele Bachmann and Sen. Amy Klobuchar have authored legislation to exempt from the National Wild & Scenic Rivers Act a proposed four-lane freeway bridge over the St. Croix River between Minnesota and Wisconsin. The legislation would create the first such exemption for an intrusion of this magnitude on a river protected under the Act, and create a dangerous precedent for future degradation of other rivers. The proposed $680 million bridge connects a town of 18,000 in Minnesota and an unincorporated township in Wisconsin. It's only six miles from an existing eight-lane interstate freeway bridge crossing the St. Croix River.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karl Bremer
  • Move Chicago Beyond Coal
    For over 100 years Chicago residents have been breathing life-threatening pollution from Midwest Generation's Fisk and Crawford coal plants on the Southwest Side. Enough is enough. It's time for the City of Chicago and Midwest Generation to address this public health and environmental crisis. Midwest Generation, a subsidiary of California-based Edison International, burns Wyoming coal, employs non-Chicago residents, and sells Fisk and Crawford's power on the open market out of state. What do we get? We get life-threatening pollution and $120 million dollars in medical costs every year.1 Chicago is the only major metropolitan area with a coal plant operating within its city limits. Even more conservative states in the South have set retirement dates for their coal plants. If Chicago is truly going to be a "green" and healthy city it cannot wait any longer to protect its citizens from these ancient polluters. Sign this petition and tell Mayor Emanuel to protect our families and move Chicago to a clean energy future.
    1,287 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Christine Nannicelli
  • Stop the Keystone XL Pipeline
    Stopping the construction of the dangerous Keystone XL Pipeline slated to bring oil sludge from Canada across the United States to the Gulf States for refining.
    337 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Jay Schumann
  • Religious Community Says 'No' to Keystone XL Pipeline, 'Yes' to Climate Justice
    President Obama will decide soon whether to sign a permit for the Keystone XL, a controversial 1,700 mile pipeline that would carry dirty oil from the Canadian tar sands to refineries in Texas, trespassing on 6 American states. U.S. religious communities argue that "climate change kills the poor first" and leading climate scientists contend that tar sands oil development will substantially increase U.S. carbon emissions. Tell President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline.
    1,384 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Rose Marie Berger