Approve the Arana Gulch Master PlanThe Arana Gulch Master Plan is our chance to provide public access to this beautiful place (including for the mobility-impaired), to get outside funding for serious restoration of the endangered tarplant, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and to provide environmental education to school-kids and adults alike. It just needs approval by the Coastal Commission.755 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Paul Schoellhamer
Trim the TreesRequire CL&P to cut down any tree within 100 feet of a power line.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rozanne Gates
BAN HYDROFRACKING IN NEW YORKRadioactive, carcinogenic and toxic gas releases have occurred in all states where hydrofracking is allowed. Purposely undisclosed fracking chemicals have caused massive pollution of drinking water and deposited these poisons into wells, streams and rivers and ill-equipped wastewater treatment plants. Hydrofracking has released virulent vapors into the air and soil endangering people, animals and vegetation alike. The gas-drilling companies, who are now "legally" immune from many current US Clean Water and Air Acts, have done a good job of hiding these dangers and spent a lot of money deceiving vulnerable people to prostitute the use of their land. But now, hydrofracking victims are fighting back after getting sick, losing property value and watching their farms die off due to this insidious attack. It’ s past time to stop hydrofracking and place the well being of all living things in New York over the profits of dinosaur Big Energy. Won't you act and help to ban hydrofracking before it becomes permissible in New York State? By signing this pettition, you are warning Governor Cuomo (and other governors) what we will do to them if they ever permit or continue to allow hydrofracking. Please sign this petition and forward it to any forward-thinking human.94 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bob Connors
Say "NO" to Fracking in the Delaware River BasinThere are five voting members of the Delaware River Basin Commission who will cast a vote this Monday, November 21 to accept weak gas drilling regulations which will, in effect, lift the moratorium on fracking in the Delaware River Basin. We must urge those members--the governors of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York, plus the Army Corps of Engineers--to vote no in order to protect the water supply of over 15 million people.1,263 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Rep. John Kowalko
Bring Clean Water Back to Eureka Springs AROur healing springs are fouled. Our underground infrastructure is crumbling. Contractor liability/City liability needs readdress for sewer lines Carroll County Electrical Co-op is coming again with poisons.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sheila McFadden
We MUST save our drinking waterFour bills introduced to the Michigan House on Nov. 3, 2011 (House Bills 5149-5151 and 4736) must be passed to protect the largest source of above-ground freshwater in the world, the Great Lakes and their feeder water system inside the State of Michigan, from use by hydraulic fracturing companies seeking to drill for natural gas in Michigan shale. A moratorium must delay drilling until impact studies are completed by the EPA and Michigan's Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environmental Quality.13,948 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Cherie Walters
Pennsylvania: Protect the Delaware River: No Fracking in this Special Protected Waters RiverThe Delaware River Basin Commission will decide on regulations for allowing over 20,000 fracking gas wells in the basin. 15 million people in NY, NJ, Pa. and Delaware will lose their safe drinking water. Deadline: Nov. 21, 2011. We're calling on the governors of those 4 states to place a moratorium on all drilling until the EPA completes a cumulative impact study.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dr. Susan delone
Petition Opposing PA HB 1950 & SB 1100These legislative bills were initiated to pre-empt all local zoning ordinances attempting to restrict Marcellus drilling in their municipalities & replace them with weakened "model" State ordinances forced upon them in the attempt to bribe communities into accepting less restrictive ordinances in return for impact fee monies. Drilling would even be allowed in residential areas. These bills are an assault on local governments' sovereignty and the democratic process by allowing corporate gas interests to dictate what legislation will be passed. It is an outrage that must be stopped! Moreover, these bills do not provide adequate setbacks for wells, waterways, etc., do not adequately provide for proper control of air pollution, and do not provide for an adequate tax or impact fee. These bills are a sellout to the gas industry.12,054 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Ron Slabe
Fracking Causes Oklahoma EarthquakesAccording to the U.S. Geological Survey, fracking (the fracturing of shale underground to extract natural gas) is directly linked to recent damaging earthquakes in Oklahoma. During fracking, waste fluid is rapidly pumped back into the ground deep into aquifers, where it fouls drinking water and agitates local faults, causing earthquakes.236 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Cynthia Lee Kerfoot
Ban Single-Use Plastic Bags in Durango!We go through 380 billion plastic bags a year, costing us $1.6 billion gallons of oil a year, oil that would be better served for other more vital things. We then throw them in a landfill--the ones that stay there, that is. Billions of bags end up blowing around as litter and end up in our oceans, killing millions of sea creatures every year. In the U.S., there is a budding but rapidly growing movement to "ban the bag." Like the ban on smoking, which started in local communities and went national, the banning of plastic bags will follow a similar path, though much more quickly. A few examples of cities that have already 'banned the bag' are San Francisco, Telluride, and Brownsville, TX. Let's be a community that helps lead this important local and global issue.512 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Johnson
Increase safety and reduce pollution at Jack London SquareJack London Square is no longer an industrial warehouse district but rather a residential and commercial district. Amtrak and their new station are creating noise and air pollution, environmental and danger hazards.25 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pierre Gulick
Stop ChemtrailingEvery day our government participates in a program that dumps tons of particulant (aluminum and barium) into our atmosphere. No official explanation has been offered. (Perhaps producing artificial clouds which reduce the harmful rays of the sun?) Millions and maybe billions of dollars are being spent on this toxic spraying that pollutes our atmosphere. Levels of aluminum in drinking water have skyrocketed. This needs to stop!20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carl Darchuk