• End support for GMO crops, and label all GMO foods
    Monsanto has launched lawsuits for years against Canadian and US farmers, and winning, when their GMO pollen drifts onto an organic/nonGMO farm--saying the organic/nonGMO farmer stole their patent--calling it patent infringement. These legal actions are insane, and dangerous, and destroying and scaring small farmers. Monsanto is infecting organic farms, which could end all organics, and change organic standards to include virus and bacteria DNA which are in GMOs. Monsanto is supported by the US presidency, regulatory agencies, and courts, and is aggressively courting the same power structures in Europe. They are threatening to turn all of the world's food supply into GMOs.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoffrey C Saign
  • Petition for Major Media Outlets to Report Global CO2 Levels
    I would like to help start a petition campaign for AP News, NPR, FOX, and all major networks, to begin carrying the Global CO2 level on a daily or weekly basis. This report should include variations and changes that occur over a daily, weekly, monthly, and / or, yearly basis.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shawn Porter
  • Demand ExxonMobil Protect Yellowstone River Wildlife Now
    The Yellowstone River covers an area abundant with fish, birds and many more species of wildlife. Last Friday an ExxonMobil pipeline rupture spewed an estimated 42,000 gallons of oil into this cherished ecosystem. As we've learned from the Exxon Valdez and BP oil disasters, the full-scale impacts of oil spills to local wildlife may not be known for weeks, months, or even years. That's why ExxonMobil needs to know of the public's immediate demands that they do everything in their power now to minimize the devastating impacts this oil disaster could have for local wildlife. Please show your support for Yellowstone River wildlife by signing this petition today!
    986 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Dominique Burgunder-Johnson
  • Save Jeju Island--No Naval Base
    Residents on Gangjeong Village on Jeju Island in South Korea have been organizing nonviolent protest to stop the construction of a massive naval base which will destroy their community, way of life and rich marine ecosystem women sea divers, fisherman and farmers depend on for their livelihoods. Due to its natural beauty and pristine environment, Jeju is a finalist to become one of the "New 7 Wonders" in the world.
    8,160 of 9,000 Signatures
    Created by Christine Ahn
  • Ban Hydrofracking in New York State
    Yesterday government bureaucrats gave the go-ahead for Gov. Cuomo to lift the statewide ban on hydrofracking*. They want him to keep it banned in some places, like New York City's watershed, but not in others. We need to keep the ban in place everywhere. If fracking isn't safe enough for NYC, then it shouldn't be safe enough anywhere else in New York either. *Hyfrofracking is a dangerous technique used to extract natural gas from rock formations and is associated with chemical and carcinogenic contamination of drinking water.
    16,120 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Working Families Party of New York
  • Close Old and Poisonous Nuclear Reactors
    There are 23 old Mark 1 GE Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors in the US, all around 40 years old. A recent Associated Press investigation shows the Nuclear Regulatory Commission relaxes safety standards to allow companies to push these old reactors beyond their life spans even though they are uncontrollably leaking radioactive material into the soil and have proven design flaws like their sister reactors in Fukishima.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lissa Weinmann
  • Ban California Fracking
    This petition is designed to give Californians a voice so that they may stop destructive Hydraulic Fracturing in California. Los Alamos, California is under threat right now from energy companies who are looking to frack natural gas from the area. This could easily pollute vital water used by farmers and citizens of Los Alamos, making their water undrinkable and land uninhabitable. A bill has been sent to Congress calling for the most stringent fracking regulations of any US state. Fracking has been happening for many years unregulated, destroying land, water and peoples right to a quality of life. It is time we take a stand, please help me by signing this petition so that I may send it to our State Senators in order to get the current bill on regulating fracking in California passed. Thank You!
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela White
  • Don't Tax Drilling, Ban It!
    Our state politicians have been debating imposing a severance, or extraction, tax on the natural gas companies operating in PA. Some proposals recommend putting some of the revenue collected into the general fund. Others recommend that it all go into paying to repair the damage drilling has done to our infrastructure and environment. The fact is that no amount of severance tax will come close to paying for the damage. We're calling on our politicians to stop talking about taxing drilling and start acting on ending it.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Karen Feridun
  • Stop Fracking In New York!
    Please contact your NY State representatives as soon as possible to support fracking ban bill #S4220! In just a few days the state Legislature will shut down for the rest of the year, so act now! By fighting dirty energy on this front, we hope to pave the way for legislation that will support green energy and lower carbon emissions in the future. The only certain way to ensure New York's public health and safety, and to protect our precious water, air, land and forests from the ravages of massive industrialization and contamination through hydrofracking, is to ban this practice. We only have a few days left in this legislative session to communicate our unity behind a fracking ban.
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Benjamin Vescovi
  • Protect Your Zoning Rights
    SB 1100 of Session 2011 introduced by Joe Scarnatti, in order to expedite gas extraction gives foreign and domestic gas interests authority over American municipalities' zoning rights. This is treasonous legislation.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marj Lofland
  • Terminal & Coal Trains Threat to W. Washington
    Peabody Coal, Goldman Sachs, and BNSF are seeking a permit to build a coal terminal at Cherry Point north of Bellingham Washington. Coal would be shipped there by rail from Montana up the Coast of Western Washington. We are asking Washington residents to oppose both building the terminal and the right to "train" coal up our coastline and through our cities. Both actions endanger our immediate environment (air and water), threaten personal health (coal dust, diesel particulate matter, mercury), and endanger the planet. We need to warn communities along the train path as well as other concerned citizens in order to stop this project from happening. We have no vote except to speak out and the time is now.
    9,217 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Oulman
  • Avoid an environmental Pearl Harbor
    James Hansen and other climate scientists have suggested we have less than a seven year window to take direct action to mitigate the growing effects of global warming. The Obama administration, while doing more than previous administrations, is not leading in educating and framing the importance of the issue; while the Republican stance on global warming, in terms of accepting the role that humans have played in creating the problem, is cynical, opportunistic and plays to the paranoia of their base.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dr. Bob Childs