Voting is a right not a privilege, Rights are America!Shame on anyone discouraging voting or making it difficult. If Id's are required they should be accurately issued well before any election. Gov. Scott and the Florida legislature have brought shame on Florida. Other Governors who have done likewise also shame their states and contradict the essence of America.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert McNally
John Boener, Mitch McConnel, Eric Cantor Washington gridlockIt's tiome we got Congress attention. We are all being penalized for personal agendas adverse to what our country needs. Let's demand better treatment.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David P. Smioth
Term LimitsWhereas there is so much deadlock that exists in the U.S. congress, and, unitl now, in the state legislature, I propose a bill to limit the terms of state and federal legislators (including the U.S. Senate) to 2 terms. People who serve too long develop a sense of entitlement and power that does not always work towards the best interest of the public. In addition too much of their time and many of their decisions are based upon being re-elected instead of taking care of the people's business.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by myrna wapner
28th Amendment Congressional Reform Act of 2013Let's take back control of our government and eliminate the special class of congress.64 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Daniel McEntire
The deficitThe deficit has been caused by the banking system, mortgage companies,llack of regulatioms to accomodate the 2% , the wealthy, the industrialists, the drug companies, the healthcare system. It is unfair, unjust, and non ethical to expect the middle class to pay for the greed of the wealthy .My request is to reform the healthcare system to lower the cost and increase the efficiency,use alternative medecine ( greater results and less costly.).use nutrients as much as possible to increase the efficiency of the immune system;; educate citizens on the fact that the immune system exist to fight disease. ,lInform people that the medical profession are responsible for at least 3,000 deaths a Day.due to the use of drugs and other mistakes. Subsidize organic farmesrs, not Monsato and the like. With good food, natural ways to work with our physical, body, boosting our immune system and rewarding doctors who keeps patients well, we can decresae the cost of Medicare by half.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mireille L. Pingitore
We Need Congressional Term Limits!Congressional decisions affect us all and they are suppose to positively impact the majority of the populous. Yet, these representatives spend up to 70% of their time raising funds (from lobbyists and PACs) for their re-election campaigns. By limiting these reps to no more than two terms in office, we will always have the best chance of getting fresh ideas that will be based on what's best for our Country and not for what will get them re-elected on an unlimited basis. Two two-year terms for House reps and two four-year terms for Senators with only one year of extra pay after their terms end (to get them back into the private sector) would be my recommendation. If you looked at the audience during the recent State Of The Union Address, you saw the same old, tired faces that we have seen for too many years. (Only the youngish, fresh faces of more women stood out to me.) We need Congressional Term Limits to give us a better chance of eliminating the gridlock in Washington DC. Write your congressional reps and let them know that you support this petition48 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mike Marcus
Minimum wage for the GOPDue to the fact they do minimum work please sign petition for minimum wage for GOP.let them see what poverty is all about.They should be ashamed!!!!!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Debbie Williams
SIMPLE MAJORITY LEGISLATURE VOTE (51%) FOR TAX CHANGESTAXES: While democrats and republicans in the California Legislature squared off against each other over balancing the state's budget, the state incurred penalties of millions of dollars per day until the issue was resolved. While we have a democrat super majority, let's get this done immediately. No politician wants to face the wrath of the constituency after taking the pocket books of the voters for granted, but sometimes, we need tax increases. We elect leaders to make these decisions. Democrats should not assume the most recent quick balanced budget is a sign of prosperity forever. I would also ask the legislature to require all future ballot initiatives to come with the plan to pay for their implementation... especially if that initiative is from the public.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bradford E. Randolph
End Legislator EntitlementOur state legislators spent about 3/4 million of our tax dollars in their entitlement program to themselves, called "per diems". They get $88 per day for transportation, food and lodging. When was the last time you received reimbursement for going to work?15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Francine Zamora
Corporate Corruption of GovernmentOur Congress and Senate cannot operate unencumbered by the overpowering needs and wants of corporations and organizations that are governed by profit. As a result, meaningful legislation that is structured for the benefit of individual citizens cannot compete with the needs and wants of wealthy donors to the two major parties. This situation has negatively affected my welfare as it has negatively effected all citizens and compromised the future of our Great Country. We cannot hope to get reliable information about the need for new legislation nor can we hope to get needed legislation to pass that is designed to benefit ordinary citizens if it conflicts in any way with the bottom line of wealthy corporations. This situation is a set-up for the failure of our Democracy.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dianne Richardson
Recall Pat McCroryDoing my part to save the state I live in from the snowballing backslide catalyzed by McCrory's illogical and damaging policies by asking others to take action NOW before its too late.1,619 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Steve Hockenyos
Close tax loopholes nowSupporting Tax loopholes for big business hurts all of us.28 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julianne Seeman