• Don't Take Our Parking
    The municipal lot on 900 block of Ellsworth street has been taken over by our city council , and being used for a private developer to make more houses . = less parking . They never made an environment impact report about how this would effect the people living around there or the businesses in the immediate area. they named the project the "Saint Maron's" to trick the neighbors into thinking it was for the local church.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by anonnymous
  • Instant Runoff Elections for Oregon!
    Sign this petition to encourage our legislators to hold Instant Runoff Elections in Oregon! This means that if/when your first choice candidate does not win the popular vote, your vote automatcially goes to your next best choice. Instant Runoff Elections, if done correctly, would effectively eliminate the two party system giving new platforms an opportunity to be heard and supported. This will enable voters to vote with their full interests and take a more powerful role in our government. Sign your support, and share with your friends and family!
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ingrid Edstrom
  • Forever Benefits for Senators and the House?
    Their benefits should be the same as any other state or federal employee and theirs terms be limited. Their raises should only reflect the economy and of those that hold the same degree; an average across the country. Maybe a new job description with accountibilty being measurable.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by bonnie
  • Limit political contributions
    limit political contributions
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Teri Standiford
  • Make Congress take a pay cut
    Since members of Congress refuse to reconcile their differences or to end the special privileges for special interests and the uber-rich, we mould require them to reduce their compensation to where it was in 2000, and freeze it there until the deficit is reduced and the budget is balanced. Since they expect the young, the old the poor and the middle class to shoulder the burdens blamed on the past 12 years of bipartisan administrations, they should all join us in the pain.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CE personette
  • They hate Obama more than they love America
    While most of the nation was thrilled to have Obama sworn in, Some members of Congress where already planning to make his presidency a failed one.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by syl
  • Get Money Out of Our Politics
    Our elected officials continue to fail to represent people, catering instead to special interests, lobbyists, corporations, and political machines. It is time to take back our government by taking money out of the equation. The richest billionaires and conglomerates should not run our government; leaders should represent the PEOPLE.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan
  • End the Filibuster in Congress
    In a time when every vote tends to have dramatic consequences on the common American citizen we can no longer allow the Republican party to hold change hostage through the use of the automatic filibuster. When a simple majority of 51 is all that is required to pass a law, then a 60 member vote should not be required to take a vote.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicholas Salamon
  • Don't turn back the clock. Support President Barack Obama
    People need to let their Congressmen and Senators know that they appreciate the progress that our President has made despite the obstacles put in his way by our elected officials.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Nakshian
  • Campaign Reform = Progress
    There is not a single a single issue more important than this. Without campaign reform there will be no progress meaning affordable healthcare, equal taxation for all. Equal rights for everyone. Both Republican and Democrats are driven by campaign funding, perks, and jobs after retirement. Every other civilized country in the world has it. Not the U.S.A.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cindy Funkouser
  • Congressional Term Limits
    If we really want to solve the problems in government, I beleive term limits for both the senate ( two terms) and congress (three terms) would help immmensely.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Gutierrez
  • Tranparancy NOW.
    The people in congress and some who have been in the whitehouse have hidden their past through legal means to prevent us from knowing about their past. Bush military records were hidden, Nixon hid info, Obama hides all of his scholastic records as well as his Ill senate records. We need transparancy.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chaku Farley