• Parity Pay and Benefits
    All elected officials will be paid a 15x multiple of the minimum wadge for their pay and expenses will be based on the lowest price lodging and meals. Health and other benefits will be single payer stripped down medicare treatments with co-pays the same as the poor receive. Retirement will be social security the same as the lowest paid wadge earners now receive
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by BRUCE MALLON
  • Tax for publicly financed candidates
    To establish a 50% tax on paid political speech to fund publicly financed candidates.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jonathan Polacheck
  • Drop Tax Free Status of Churches
    I think when churches start getting involved in politics the tax free status should be revoked.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Margaret E Davis
  • Unite for democratic elections
    A democratic government is a reflection of the collective public will. In the US, one of the main factors keeping us from this ideal is the untoward influence of corporations and other non-citizen entities. We don't have to wait for our government to pass campaign finance reform- we can wield our collective power in this presidential election in 2012. Sign and share to take back our democracy.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aleyda
  • Limits on donations to campaigns
    only allow people to donate to a candidate in elections that they can vote in. Cap donations.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Kaes
  • Equality, realigning the benefits of congress
    It's time that our elected officials stand with the people of this country. This petition is set in motion to realign the outrageous benefits members of congress receive for life. The term used to define an elected officials job title is PUBLIC SERVICE not public support for life. Lets reset the compensation for the honor of serving in government to the gratitude of the people.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Hull
  • Congressional Overreach/Protect Due Process
    Congress and the US Government have taken a stance of revoking the constitutional rights of individuals, in favor of detaining people without trial or access to legal rights. Essentially, anyone can be labeled a terror suspect. After being sentenced to 2 years imprisonment for challenging illegal oil company domestic land sales, environmental activist Tim DeChristopher, an unidentified Congressman directed the Bureau of Prisons to place DeChristopher in isolation. In the United States, an unjust, unauthorized investigation of a patriot for exposing illegal land bids for corporate profit!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorraine Ortega
  • Put an end to Electoral Votes
    Presidential elections are generally controlled by the electoral votes in a very few states. As in the elections of 2000 when the popular vote elected a president who did not serve.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sherm Arnold
  • Politicians cutbacks
    Petition is in regard to congressman and senators and anyone else in government who keep their salary even after they have left office. We should sign this because every paycheck with 99% of jobs end, when the job ends. why should congress continue to get pay and health benefits when they are no longer in office?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jan
  • Stop the Assault on Michigan- Recall Them All
    Since we’ve had new Leadership in Lansing, Michiganders have been robbed of their jobs and Constitutional Rights in a deliberate effort to gut residents of any power to resist a corporate takeover. This reverse Robin Hood is quite similar behavior exhibited in a middle eastern regime. Just like the middle east corrupt politicians and the wealthy are controlling, destroying Education, keeping citizens impoverished, Destroying local Governments and Police Departments at a rapid pace, replacing them with the governors mayors and his State Police. Disproportionately in predominantly Black communities. Michigan is the 8th most corrupt state in the union and always has been, Democrat or Republican. Let Wisconsin be our inspiration.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steven Gotts
  • Reform Campaign Finance in America
    We need to reform campaign finance in America so our politicians are not controlled by corporations and wealthy interest groups. This is the only way to free our politicians and allow them to govern based on their moral, ethical and intellectual conscious and not by the demands of those who paid to put the politician in office for the advancement of their own greedy needs and wants.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nancy Vetter
  • Future Mayor: Defend Democracy in L.A.
    The current race for Los Angeles mayor is set to be the most expensive in our city's history. And, believe it or not, just last month the City Ethics Commission voted to raise campaign contribution limits even further. This decision - like that of the U.S. Supreme Court in "Citizens United" - is an insult to the 99%, and has put this Great City's very democracy on the chopping block. We're calling on all candidates for Los Angeles Mayor to commit to establishing citywide elections that are clean, fair, and open to all Angelinos regardless of wealth!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Stevens