1/ Constituional Carry: Purcell is asleep at the wheel on this or she has her own agenda which is not the same agenda of the majority of Georgia citizens. Whoever gets the credit for this one could run for governor of Georgia and win by a landslide. Those who oppose it couldnt get elected to dog catcher! 2/ Stop the theiving Clerks of Court from making an additional $100,000.00 per year by stealing the citizens' money from the passports. There are less than a half dozen who think that using our employees to do all the work, having us pay them, and then the Clerks pocket all the money IS CRIMINAL. FIX THIS LOOPHOLE!!!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Hay
  • Lobbyists Get Out Please
    I would like to see a law passed to prevent lobbyists in Washington, DC. It has destroyed our political democracy. Our elected officials can be bribed.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Payne
  • One law for America Act
    Congress shall make no laws for the American people from which they are exempt! Congress should be held to the same standards as their constituents. They should not be exempt from any laws, acts or rules that govern the American people.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gilbert Leslie
  • Getting Over the Pledge
    We tax the poor and middle class more heavily than the rich. We don't have enough money to sustain schools, courts, public safety, or the environment. It is past time to address this issue.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Weber
    We as citizens of California NEED TO STOP JERRY BROWN from further destroying our State with his ill conceived and malicious ways of handling financial problems. The way to FIX our issues is not by cutting education or funding for animal shelters. The way to approach these issues is by looking at the HUGE WASTE of MONEY in Goverment Administration!
    321 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Dunne
  • Please Support Delaware's HB 126
    It's time that the University of Delaware and the Delaware State University provide more transparency on how they operate. The days of avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests by making decisions that affect the public in standing committees should end.
    277 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Carl Shields
  • Stop Overpaying Congress!
    Every member of Congress makes more money than they are worth. To be truly representative of their constituents, their pay should be lowered and they should not have the ability to give themselves raises at taxpayer expense.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bob Gilbert
  • Repeal State Representative Tim Moffit
    Please help support a recall of State Rep. Tim Moffitt. Moffitt has continued to attack the success of the greater Asheville community, while not only helping to take the airport from the city, he is trying to strip Asheville of the control of its water system. Not only this, he has helped to redistrict our voting precinct to favor a Republican win. His partisan politics are a clear attempt to silence the majority of voices in this area.Through continued attacks on Asheville's independence and ownership, Moffitt has repeatedly dislplayed a personal agenda, while not representing the interests of those affected.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mateo Livinlight
  • Audit The Fed
    The Fed is the left hand of Wall Street. It has no oversight, no term limits, and most of all: it's never been audited. Last year they performed their own "Audit", which had as many redactions and retractions as a pentagon report. Let do our own and see their workings in our economy and those abroad.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grant Short
  • Nationalize the "Federal" bank
    All federal 'debt' is a direct result of having to buy money from a privately owned bank deliberately misnamed the "Federal bank." A truly federally owned bank is what we had prior to the 'great depression". The privatization of the federal bank on December 23, 1913 was one of the main causes of the depression.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Laxon
  • Joe Biden - Stop Filibusters Now
    When the filibuster is used to block or delay indefinitely legislative or appointment action by the President or a Senate majority, it violates the Constitution. Vice President Biden presides over the Senate, and so could refuse to enforce its use for that purpose. Much of the political dysfunction in recent years has been enabled by use or threats to use the filibuster, the effect being to block or delay Senate action and Presidential programs and appointments.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carroll D.(Dave) French
  • Abolish the Electoral College
    It's time to abolish the antiquated and non-representational Electoral College system. Make voting truly One Person, One Vote. The popular vote makes every person's vote count. Relying on the proportioned Electoral College instead of the popular vote brings disrepute to the system and apathy to voters. Make every vote count!
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Reffell