• Demand honest, positive, campaigning in America
    I don't feel a candidate or party should be able to campaign on the negative. Tell us what you, the candidate, intends to do to HELP this country and grow the economy. Make yours, the candidate's, promise, an issue you CAN fulfill rather than what people simply desire to hear. Speak only about the issues a candidate is able to perform without having opposition and if you, the candidate, expect oppostion, how you intend to work with the Congress.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marsha Macdonald Lackey
    There is no reason why the largest institutions in our country have a free ride.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judy Stadt
    Congress should be held to term limits as is our commander and chief. Why can senators and members of the house be allowed more than 2 terms? This would insure they represent the people and not be in it for a lifetime. Example: Peter King of NY who has been in the house for over 30 years. How can they represent us if they are not one of us?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by CHARLES CUTLER
  • Restricting the age of military enlistment to 21 or older
    Over the past 20 years, researchers have found strong evidence that the brain's prefrontal cortex — where rational processes such as impulse control and understanding of long-range consequences takes place — was far from fully developed in teenagers. Research also showed that communication between the prefrontal cortex and other parts of the brain continues to improve as teens move into adulthood, affecting functions such as long-term planning, problem-solving and controlling emotions. Research also shows that adding anger, trauma, repeated exposure to violence, or chronic drug or alcohol use to the brain's developmental years will physically affect the brain. The latest research using MRI scans at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology indicates that the prefrontal cortex as well as other brain functions are not fully developed until the early to mid-20s, and perhaps later in young males. "Consensus is emerging that an 18-year-old is not the same person she or he will be at 25.... They don't look the same, feel the same, think the same, or act the same," writes MIT researcher Rae Simpson. Simpson says "The brain isn't fully mature at 16, when we are allowed to drive, or at 18, when we are allowed to vote, or at 21, when we are allowed to drink, ...."
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by KF Piatt
  • End entitlements to Congress
    Make all congressional healthcare and pension be part of the Social Security and Medicare system.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shauna Bradford
  • Change Benefits of Congress
    This is about Warren Buffets proposal to bring congressional benefits in line with the private sector, make service not personal enrichment the key, and live equally by the same laws that they impose upon us.
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Victoria Cummings
  • Fix Congress: Neuter the Tea Party
    Taking back Congress in 2012, 2014 & beyond!
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fran Baird
  • Removal of District Attorney William Fitzpatrick
    The current public disagreement with the Chief of Police for the City of Syracuse is behavior most commonly found in a two year old. The 'tit for tat' related to charges against their respective adult children's behavior would be acceptable in a sandbox- but not played out in the Post Standard. These actions from an elected official are just another reason why term limits should be in place. The DA's recent re-election was unapposed. Was his effectiveness in the past the basis that people voted for his re-election or was it apathy and lack of opposition? Limiting re-election to three terms will remove the attitude of entitlement and return the focus of the elected official(s) to their elected responsibilities- not personal pettiness.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carol Braund
  • National Motto
    Oficially declaring 'E Pluribus Unum' the national motto
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael NJ Wright
  • City of Thomasville GA: Keep the Service Contract & Get the Prisoners Out of Our Parks & Recreati...
    City of Thomasville, GA has dropped a service contract with private employer in favor of using prisoners and City workers to maintain local park and recreation area used by children, families, the elderly, and located in a nice middle-class community - threatening jobs, people's safety, all in the name of saving a few dollars.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin B. Giannetti
  • Remove The Tax Exemption from Churches and Religious Organizations Involved in Politics!
    I'm tired of Churches and Religious Organizations making political statements and working their agendas in the political realm. There is supposed to be "Separation of Church and State" in the USA and yet the Mormon Church was very instrumental in defeating the Marriage Equality movement in California. There are many more examples of this violation by other religious bodies and it's time they lost their Tax Exemption!!
    1,047 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Larry Wills
  • HUD: Stop raising rents on active Leases.
    Seniors and folks with Disabilities have had their rents increased even though some of us have active leases for one year. Some of us living in a Senior HUD covered facility have had their rents raised even though some of us have an active lease for one year. Most active leases in the Public markets do not allow rent increases while the lease is in effect. HUD does not follow this option. Some of our Senior and disabled residents have a difficult time with this raise. I'm asking for HUD to review this raise and stop rent increases while active leases are in effect.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Melvin