• The True Congressional Oath
    A large number of Congressional Republicans have signed an oath not to ever raise taxes for any reason. This oath has hamstrung our Congress from effectively dealing with the financial crisis that our nation faces -- there are a number of very reasonable revenue raising ideas that go nowhere because of this pledge. No matter what proposals come from Democrats, they are immediately rejected because Republicans can only support budget cuts, which is the primary reason that our Congress remains deadlocked on just about every issue.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by james e gracie
  • end political advertising
    special interest groups are running the country. They are paying off our politicians so they can afford their costly ad campaganes. Should the canadate with the best add company win the election? Or should they win based on their views and beliefs. Lets replace the obnoxious and offensive adds with a series of debates and allow each canadate equal air time.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marshall Bryer
  • Orphan Counties want In State Television
    Garrett County Maryland is only one of hundreds of Counties across our Nation that is considered an Orphan County by the Federal Communication Commission. As an Orphan County, we do not have the opportunity to view Television Stations from our own State. Thousands of Garrett County residents would like to see local news and sports from the Washington DC and Baltimore MD area but because of the FCC rules, we cannot. Please help us by signing this petition and If you also are in an orphan county, you too should sign this petition.
    1,177 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Charles N. Hoffeditz, Ph. D.
  • Postal Reform
    The Postmaster General has spent the last few years telling congress and America that the postal service is losing billions of dollars. He has asked for sacrifices from his employees, he has requested the raising of prices, and he has stated that he needs to close thousands of Post Offices across the country. Yet, recently he approved an agency rule that allows Postal executives to use postal funds to purchase hard liquor and wine for business meetings, etc.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dale Connors
  • Make every elected official pay into the social security system.
    This petition is about stopping one of the many excesses of our elected officials that they would rather keep out of the public discourse. They give themselves pay raises without any oversight. Never paying into the social security system and all of it at our taxpayers expense.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phillip A. Verano
  • Pay Scale for Senators and Congressman
    At present your Senators and Congressmen have a salary of $174,000.00 a year, plus.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert M Gisonno
  • Recall NJ Gov. Christie
    I would like to recall NJ Gov. Christy. He has regraded all public employees...police, state tropper, firemen and teachers. He only cares about his millionaire friends not the middle and lower classes in our state.
    1,238 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Nicolich
  • Call an Article V Convention
    The following is quoted from material sent to A.G. Eric Holder of the Dept. of Justice as a criminal complaint against the Congressmen/women for not abiding by Article 5 of the US Constitution and summoning a convention to amend the Constitution as 49 of States have applied for hundreds of times throughout our history.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Timothy Holmes
  • Discontinue the practice of unlimited, anonymous campaign donations
    Moneys being donated from unknown sources which opens the way to buy elections.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claudette V Parker
  • for the people .... by the people
    I propose a new grassroots referendum or initiative or constitutional amendment to legally, physically seperate financial interests from the American legislative system. In short ..... the house and senate are to be populated with 'citizen legislators' who are primarily concerned with the business of the people, not the short term, non-patriotic concerns of profit-takers. Lobbyists would be banned from the halls of government and relegated to standing in line with the rest of us. Big Business/Big Money entities are extremely important to the American Economy and to our way of life, but their dominance of the legislature is contrary to the spirit of Democracy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arthur Crabtree
  • Stand Against Property Taxes
    Property taxes in York City, York, PA have become unreasonable. The Mayor, Council and School Board are bleeding us dry and causing people to loose their homes. The State Legislature used to fund 60% of the public school costs but they have abrogated their duties to the schools and refuse to tax entities that destroy our environment. It is the State Legislature's very mandates such as special education funding and charter schools that are at the very center of the current budget shortfall. At the same time the State refuses to uphold the State Constitutional requirement that they preserve and protect our natural resources and instead allow unfettered free-for-all access to any and all frackers. We the undersigned are standing as one to stop the continual increase in property taxes and the refusal by the State Legislature to fully fund our schools and eliminate school property taxes while protecting our environment and natural resources per the State Constitution. We are also standing against an out of control Mayor and City Council that continue to spend and fund projects even when they don't have the money or proper funding and instead rely on continual property tax increases and/or public debt. The principal limitations on whether and to what extent the state may interfere with property rights is set by the Constitution. The "Takings" clause requires that the government may take private property only for a public purpose, "after exercising due process of law, and upon making "just compensation." It does not allow for regulations that destroy value through taxation which has become so persistent and severe that they are akin to "regulatory takings."
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Todd Clay
  • A Constitutional Amendment to Clean Up Elections
    This is a petition to propose a constitutional amendment to end bribery by political donation. It takes a heap of money to run for political office these days, and with few exceptions, our elected officials have placed their public trust in the hands of those groups which can underwrite their election campaigns. Thanks to the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court, our elected representatives now represent us in name, while they represent the bundlers, the lobbyists and the moneyed interests in deed. Dare it be repeated—this is bribery.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Hoffmann