• Oregon Legislature Nullify NDAA
    The people want to nullify section 1021 of the NDAA that allows indefinite detention of law abiding citizens. The legislature can prevent any of Oregon's resources from being used toward these ends. The state of Virginia just passed such legislation.
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Showker
  • Balance the Budget
    I propose that Congress members and all of their staffs not only give up raises in wages; but also take a 10% pay cut every year that the Government has to borrow money to operate, and 5% pay cut every year the unemployment rate exceeds 5%.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Reagan
  • Changes to assure performance from out Government
    Right now our politicians are elected to office based on their campaign promises. Unless the do something that creates a scandal, they stay in office for their term no matter what their performance is office is accomplishing. Changing the structure of how are political representatives are elected into a hiring process just like the rest of us, where if they don't perform they are fired and someone else is hired to take their place. No more big pensions after office, no more fat benefits after term is over. They would be at will employees where we could hire or fire them for lack of performance. The President and Vice President would still be elected, but there would be a panel to hire Congressman, Representative and any other office based on their past experience and performance.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rhonda Nole
  • End Political Privilege
    end special treatment for politicians
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gary Esmond
  • U.S. Trademarks and Patents
    U.S. Trademarks and Patents are impossible to obtain without thousands of dollars. President Obama has spoken about the importance of U.S. inventions being made in the U.S. The President and the U.S. Congress members are capable of making the application process easier and prices lowered for average Americans.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lolita Smith
  • Stop Selling Our Country
    Big money is buying our elections and the running of our country. It should be against the law to spend ANY money on running for public office. We, the government should allot a finite amount of equal time, donated by the media, to be spent on explaining stances on issues and could not be used to talk about opponents, for each candidate that had a determined number of potential supporters signing a petiton to run.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeraldine Mordaunt
    Members of Congress will get more lucrative pensions than new federal employees under a little-known provision in the bill that extends payroll tax relief and unemployment insurance. Congressmen will retain a luxurious benefit that lets them retire years earlier than federal workers, without any reduction in their pension. They will be able to retire at age 50 with 20 years of service without the significant penalty most federal employees receive for retiring early. Federal employees’ pension will be reduced by 50 percent for retiring early while the congressman will be able to retire years earlier and start receiving their full pension immediately.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Franklin Marshall
  • Steven Louis Hirata has done 13 years for small possession charge
    We can save the taxpayers $27K by releasing this 1 man this year. Steven was a Recovered alcoholic/addict and helped others to find Recovery - saved the taxpayers money by assisting at least 1 chronic prisoner to never return to jail/prison. 1 beer in Cabo sent him into a relapse - addiction took him back and he was arrested for possession of methamphetamine. (Residue on a spoon) Even the supervising Parole Agent spoke in court on Mr. HIrata's behalf (she would not have done so if this man had no mitigating history) to Santa Barbara Superior Court Judge James Brown) Margo Krystan state parole (retired) requesting that the 3rd Strike Sentence NOT be imposed. But after numerous positive character references and sworn statements/testimonies, the judge slammed Steven with 41 years to Life in Prison. Now is the time to speak up 1 by one to help our state to reduce expenses. Steven Louis Hirata P-26934 Pleasant Valley State Prison FAC B1-122 Low PO Box 8502 Coalinga, CA 93210
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Bauman
  • social security
    The cap on earnings for people who draw social security before normal retirement age, when congress is crying that the program is going broke.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Benetsky
  • Saturday Voting Day- Nationwide
    In 2012, we have seen record lows of voter registration and engagement across most states. A Saturday Voting Day--Nationwide--would help to ensure that more people can have access to carpooling, GOTV campaigns, and more. This would also help awareness and almost eliminate the lack of appeal to leave work to vote.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Riana Lynn
  • Get Goldman Sachs out of the White House
    I'm tired of the influence Wall Street and the Banks have on the White House and Public Policy. There is a conflict of interest, and many of the executives should be tried and imprisoned for theft and wrong doing.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Donohue
  • Save $, US Postal Service, and Increase Voter Participation
    The state of Oregon has been voting by mail for over a decade. Participation is about 80% compared with turnouts as low as 10 - 15% in regular elections in other states. The cost savings to communities is around 35% when voting by mail. The huge volume of mail from all elections in all states by adopting Vote By Mail would offset the loss of business to the Post Office by electronic mail.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lois Fournier