South Carolina schools need all the money they can get so why waste any more money on SC ETV? The Governor and legislators have the power to completely close this wasteful and outdated state agency (and keep PBS which is easy) so why not vote TO CLOSE ETV this time?
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charles Warren
  • Support Legalization of Marijuana and Hemp
    We the People support the legalization and removal of criminal sanctions for the cultivation, use, sale, transport of Cannabis (Marihuana). We support this change in policy to reduce/eliminate the arrest and incarceration of otherwise law abiding citizens, to reduce/eliminate drug related gang violence, and to reduce/eliminate the funding of drug cartels. We also support this change in policy to help bring revenue back to our country through domestic cultivation of the plant for domestic sale and international export.
    160 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Roger Smith
  • Attorney General Schneiderman: Investigate the ethics violations of Senator Libous
    Senator Tom Libous (R-Binghamton) has spent the last 23 years as an Albany politician. Libous has the record to show for it. In a Westchester County corruption trial, a former Senate aide testified about Senator Libous' efforts to force a law firm to hire his son. If that wasn't enough, he forced them to raise his salary to $150,000! In July 2010, Broome County Republican Chair Sharon Exley claimed the Senator's office "pushed her out" of her position as Broome County Republican Chair. Southern Tier voters deserve better. Sign below and call on the Attorney General, Eric Schneiderman to investigate his misconduct and abuse of power.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by JZ
  • Charlottesville City Council: Pass a resolution against the War on Drugs!
    In February, a couple of statements were read to Charlottesville City Council asking them to establish an ordinance that will allow the police to charge citizens found with marijuana to be charged with a minor, local ordinance violation instead of a Virginia criminal charge. The council said they would not be able to establish such an ordinance. Unlike some states, Virginia has a law called the Dillon's Rule, which prevents localities from passing ordinances that intend to work around state law. However, four of the five council members expressed disappointment in Virginia's drug policy and showed some willingness to support a change of that policy. A resolution opposing the War on Drugs will be presented at the April 2nd Charlottesville City Council meeting. It says that the War on Drugs, and specifically marijuana, has not been working. It also declares that marijuana violations should be Charlottesville's "lowest law enforcement priority" and it petitions the Virginia General Assembly and the governor to consider state-wide legislation that supports reforming marijuana laws and penalties. The resolution is constantly evolving, and may be modified by the council. You can read the most recent form of the resolution here. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Charlottesville-Residents-for-the-Decriminalization-of-Marijuana/250207961726090
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jordan McNeish
  • Reduce U.S. Deficit by use of the dollar coin
    According to the Government Accountability Office (GAO), eliminating the dollar bill and transitioning to the dollar coin will save the government at least $5.5 billion over the next 30 years. During this time when all Americans are demanding increased government efficiency, we can’t afford to wait any longer to make this simple, common sense change. Dollar coins last far longer (a lifespan of 7 times that of bills), and are fully recyclable - dollar bills are shredded and go to the landfill. Save money for the country and help the environment - support the dollar coin!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tony Vernon
  • Establish Recall Rights in South Carolina
    Nicki Haley has demonstrated why the right of Recall is so vital to a state and it's citizens. When an elected official fails to represent the people or endangers their interests they must be removed from office.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert M. Smith, MD, PhD
  • Fix Congress
    Those in Congress are supposed to represent their constituents. However, they are only representing themselves. They refuse to work together for the benefit of our country and waste taxpayers' money by spending their time bickering. The only time they are in agreement is when it concerns their own raises and benefits. As a result, WE THE PEOPLE are sufferring.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gena Burrows
  • Federal Takeover of a Failed State
    Since it seems state law isn't able to handle the current financial crisis the Fed should step in and rewrite the state constitution such that their are no taxpayer funded pensions and no elected official gets benefits. Term limits probably would not be necessary but that should also be included in the new constitution. Also judges should not be elected or at least nothing less than the Supreme Court.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Dee
  • eliminate township government
    we need to streamline government and save taxpayers money. Taxpayers deserve something for their hard earned money.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Dee
  • Against Moms Who Keep Kids Away From Dads
    To bring awareness and resolution to Dads being denied to be fathers to their child(ren) they love. Our hopes and prayers are that a legislative body (Federal or State) re-exam policies regarding calculation of child support, insuring custodial parent adheres to the visitation order, and reinforce the importance of Dad's involvement.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alonzo Q. Hill
  • Save the 1st Amendment
    H.R. 347 was nearly unanimously voted in to law by the Senate and House of Representatives. It now heads to Capitol Hill for Obama's approval or veto. H.R. 347 means the end of the 1st Amendment and the end of our right to dissent or protest the policies of our elected government, by making those actions felonies punishable by imprisonment. It must be stopped. Read it here: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-112hr347enr/pdf/BILLS-112hr347enr.pdf
    115 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Wyatt Neumann
  • Prius for Police
    The Police cars that I am most familiar with, Ford Charger hemi edition, is a car that carries an attitude with it's look. It was designed to express the inner power it hold within the steal frame and in doing so strikes fear into the eyes of people when they see it pull up. People should not be scared of the police, and as police they should be aware of the presence that comes with a uniform and gun.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey B. Nicolas