• Save Tennessee From ALEC
    A private corporation, along with its Tennessee Government, Legislators', County Commisions' and local Court Houses' members have coordinated a State-wide assault on our citizens, our rights, our safety, and our lives. The American Legislative Executive Council (ALEC) must be removed from, and prohibited from either direct or indirect influence on our elected leaders at all levels of our State's governance. Begin by looking at this site: http://alecexposed.com/wiki/ALEC_Exposed and then sign this petition, and pass it on to every citizen of our State you know.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bud Fields
  • Oklahoma Deserves Better
    Oklahoma is at or near the bottom ranking in obesity, lack of health care, premature deaths, smoking and many other categories.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Brennaman
  • Impeach Chief Federal Judge Richard Cebull
    Montana's chief federal judge Richard Cebull admitted on Wednesday (2/29/12) that he forwarded the following email comparing African-Americans to dogs and implying that President Barack Obama's mother had sex with animals. : "Normally I don't send or forward a lot of these, but even by my standards, it was a bit touching. I want all of my friends to feel what I felt when I read this. Hope it touches your heart like it did mine." A joke then follows: "A little boy said to his mother; 'Mommy, how come I'm black and you're white?' His mother replied, 'Don't even go there Barack! From what I can remember about that party, you're lucky you don't bark!'" Cebull forwarded the offensive email from his official court account to six "old buddies," who then forwarded to others, according to the the Great Falls Tribune.
    865 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Sam Baker
  • Revamp the government
    Our State Constitution needs to be revisited and revised. We need to establish term limits. We need to FORBID paid lobbyists from contacting our representatives or senators - more than likely they are from out of state and really don't have our state's well being in mind -- just their pocketbooks.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecelia Cook
  • Save the USPS! Fire Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe!
    Tell Obama to fire Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe who is sticking with a Republican approved plan to devastate the USPS. Instead of looking for new funding, paying USPS executives less (Donahoe makes $800,000 a year) or any other thoughtful solution, the plan is to destroy the USPS and turn all services over to private carriers that won't serve rural areas and will decrease service quality. The USPS is a legacy written into our Constitution and not something we will want to lose.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alexander Smith
  • transparency in DE government
    During the Minner administration, sweetheart land deals between the DE Dept. of Transportation and select businessman occurred behind closed doors. Recently,Smyrna decided to stop the web broadcast of city government meetings. The University of Delaware does not allow the public at its upper level decision making meetings. More transparency is needed in state and local government and public organizations which receive state funds.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Parker
  • Stop the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Kentucky Legislature
    The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a recently exposed hidden instrument of the largest corporations in America, used to craft state legislation that serves the interests of corporations and not people. ALEC boasts that it has over 1,000 of these bills introduced by legislative members every year, with one in every five of them enacted into law. The people want our laws to be written by those we have elected to serve the needs of the people, not the corporations. www.alecexposed.org
    169 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lark Phillips
  • Create a Representative Body for citizens
    Because legislators do not need income from their job, they do not realistically represent the 99% of US who require an income. This bill can make the legislative branch more responsive and helpful in dealing with the real issues of working persons and families.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harrison T. Sands
  • Fair elections for California's future.
    California like many states have an out of control system for the financing of elections. We need to create a system to take the influence away from the big money lobbies who dont have the best interests of our beautiful state in mind.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Fisher
  • Limit Corporate Contributions to Political Candidates
    Unlimited contributions from corporations, unions, and other organizations to political candidates harm the ability of average citizens to have a voice in their own government. Prior to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, unlimited independent expenditures from corporations and unions were prohibited. Now, corporations and unions can make unlimited independent expenditures supporting or opposing a candidate for office, and unless the U.S. Supreme Court changes this ruling, the only way to reverse the harmful effects of the decision is to amend the Constitution of the United States.
    1,374 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Representative Les Gara
  • Single Issue Campaign: Get Money Outta Politics!
    The political and economic culture of the United States is in crises. Our political candidates and public discourse--ultimately, our public policy, laws, and legal enforcement--are being sold to the highest bidder. While Arabs shed blood for citizen involvement in government, the United States government is being sold to the highest private bidder. A tsunami of decisions to legalize social welfare for the rich--cumulatively, trillions of dollars in subsidies, bailouts, and tax breaks to the wealthiest human and corporate citizens--has "trickled down" as national debt. Repayment of the debt is literally coming from the life force of millions of W2 workers who don't have opportunity to claim deductions like those available to the wealthiest Americans and to corporate America. As stewards of United States citizens, the government must not become a tax-collecting, law making, law enforcing agent for the super rich. (We do not include local businesses and the local Chamber of Commerce here, as they are accountable to their local community.) Our concern is for the government's increasing collusion with the wealthiest Americans and the largest corporations, benefiting private interests with tax dollars. Our tax dollars are offered (or extorted) from the government in sums unimaginable to most Americans, with few conditions and little accountability attached. This trend is shifting resource to fuel a global Aristocracy: a modern wave of powerful, profit-motivated, self-interest organizations that use state and national governments to advance private interests. As elected representatives at the state and federal level, we ask that you become conscious and intentional with every decision you make. Consider many generations to come before taking a position or committing to a faction with your vote. Vote on behalf of every beloved citizen of this Country, whether rich or poor, and help us regenerate and secure our United States.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Manor
  • Force Food Stamp recipients to buy FOOD...not sugar and fat and caffiene!
    Tell our government and elected officials that we are FED UP with seeing grocery carts full of JUNK FOOD! We would like to see a rule in place that will FORBID the sale of foods that derive more than 50 of their overall calories from FAT or SUGAR. This simple and effective rule would do TWO proactive things: Recipients would buy acctual FOOD with their FOOD STAMPS and producers of high fat/high sugar products would either lose sales or they would change to meet the requirement. No one wants to tell any company in this country how to run their business...we want to tell the people that get food for FREE to spend it on FOOD...not chips, candy, ice cream, Red Bull and Cakes!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Anne Majure