• Stop gun shows at the Reno Convention Center
    We must save lives from gun violence in Reno.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Clewley
  • No Guns: Ventura County Fairgrounds
    In the wake of the tragic shooting at Umpqua Community College last week, communities around the country are coming together to demand a ban on gun shows at their local fairgrounds and convention centers. Will you join with these members and call on the Ventura City Council to ban gun shows at the Ventura County Fairgrounds?
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Miller
  • Allow CDC to investigate gun violence
    Children and adults should be able to go to school without fear. Schools are beginning to respond to the gun crisis by putting guns on campus. Stores, sports events and theaters are adding armed guards. More guns are definitely not the answer. We need a prompt and thorough examination of the reasons for, and possible solutions to, the gun violence that is escalating across our nation. The CDC is the perfect entity to investigate and suggest solutions to this problem. They are, after all, the agency charged with dealing with epidemics that kill. We need your help to get Congress and the Senate to withdraw the ban and order the CDC to start investigating this crisis immediately.
    368 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joeline R. Webber
  • Barcoding Ammunition For Guns
    My daughter, Carla Juanita Carrington, was killed by a gun on August 17th, 1988. After 27 years of my grief, in 2015 we need the gun legislation to change. I have cried for every family and city in the country as I did when my Carla was killed. We all need to stand together and change the gun laws now!!!! Guns are without power without the ammunition. This is why barcoding is so important.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yvonne Payne
  • Mothers coming together for a cause
    My son Jamar was murdered August 21,2010. Jamar left his family very greived.Jamar will never get to see his children become adults. As a Mother who has lost a child to gun violence here in South Carolina, where there are other Mothers who have also lost their children to violent crimes that would love to see things change in our communities.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Gathers
  • Gun control in Wyoming
    I'm a teacher in Wyoming and am about to have my second active shooter drill at the elementary school where I teach. It's time to stop having drills and start changing the law. If I didn't live in a such a gun-loving state, I would even go as far as to say all guns, or at least automatic weapons, should be banned from WY.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Spellman
  • Ban Daly City gun shows!
    National and state legislators as a whole seem unable to stand up to the NRA and gun manufacturing lobbies. I would hope that our local community leaders can stand up to likely political or financial pressure to continue these gun shows at the large Cow Palace venue; if they take a strong position against the gun shows, a powerful point would be made. How many deaths and injuries will it take to turn this situation around?
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anne Urrutia
  • Ban Gun Shows at the Cow Palace
    I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of gun violence. I worked with Brady and local anti-gun groups after Newtown.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L Swanson
  • Gun Control Now
    Gun violence and arguments in favor of "the right to bear arms" are contributing mightily to a culture of self indulgence in this country. If we can tolerate/justify mass shootings, increased suicides, the message is anything goes in the realm of individual rights. My brother was one of the suicide by gun victims so its personal but it is also political. I prefer to live in a country that acts to preserve community, serves the populace as a whole as best it can. Get it safe. Enact strict gun control now.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kate Wessling M.D.
  • Wyoming Congressional Members: Rethink Guns in 2015
    I was born and raised in a gun-owning, hunting family in Sheridan, WY. There are too many in this country who have easy access to weapons that have nothing to do with responsible gun ownership or hunting. Would you please represent Americans, not gun manufacturers?
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Martin
  • Repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act of 2005
    My husband and a lot of my friends work at the local state college. I don't want to be receiving meaningless "thoughts & prayers" should anyone choose to shoot up their workplace also. I'd like the greatest possible protections in place for such innocent victims, and I don't think a national security state such as we've become since 9/11 should have qualms about doing that for its own citizens.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lisa K. Pike
  • Gun Control, Now!
    As a public school teacher, I have seen the effect of gun violence on children; their fear and worry during lockdown drills, their frantic questions about what they should do if a shooter should come to our school. My 4th graders begged me to keep a baseball bat next to the door so I could hit him, should he enter our room. Is this what we want for our children?
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terri Urbansky