Healthcare coverage is one of the most important pieces of legislation accomplished by Democrats. Why would Representative Kyrsten Sinema vote with Republicans to delay Obamacare? I voted for Rep. Sinema with the trust that she would fight for Obamacare at every stage of its implementation.
    552 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Pam Hickey
  • John Barrow: The ACA is the law of the land and we ask you to stop wasting taxpayers' money tryin...
    On March 21, 2010, your congressional body, the US House of Representatives, passed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and two days later, President Obama signed it into law. It is a fact that the ACA is the law of the land. However, the House of Representatives has attempted to repeal the law almost 40 times since its passage, but has yet to create legislation to put Americans back to work.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jim Chatman
  • Obamacare
    We want an explanation for Rep. Sinema's vote to delay the individual mandate in Obamacare.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julia Martori
  • Why vote against Obamacare?
    Representative Dan Maffei why did you vote with House Republicans to delay the critical individual mandate for one year under Obamacare?
    476 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Thomas DiBenedetto
  • Cheri Bustos: Explain your vote with republicans on Obamacare.
    Rep. Cheri Bustos, explain why you voted with Republicans to dismantle Obamacare—this time by delaying the critical individual mandate for one year component of Obamacare.
    297 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Louis Brems
  • Brad Schneider voting against affordable care? WHY?
    It's hard to imagine what would possess someone to align with the obstructionists trying to upset one of the most significant legislative achievements of the past four years. Every delay just adds more uncertainty to the of future health care shopping. Voters of the Illinois 10th district deserve an explanation.
    657 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Ron Low
  • Scott Peters, explain why you voted against Obamacare
    I worked hard to help Scott Peters defeat incumbent Representative Brian Bilbray, because I thought Scott, as a Democrat, would have a better voting record. I want to know why he doesn't vote better than Brian on so many important issues. Documentation: http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2013/07/house-votes-to-delay-obamacare-individual-mandate.php Voting Record: http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll363.xml
    1,145 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Carl Manaster
  • Saving Obamacare
    My husband and I both have no health insurance at this time. We are in our late 50's. We are both counting on being insured under the Affordable Care Act. This is for the good of the country. This is why we campaigned and voted for you, Rep Raul Ruiz.
    1,033 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Judith Dias
  • Medicare is Being Ripped Off Medicare está siendo estafado
    For Juanita and Frank James the bills were piling up. Steel Company closures sent them in a panic as Juanita's health deteriorated. Without Medicare, they could have lost everything. But the high cost of prescriptions forced by Pharmaceutical lobbyists are threatening that relief. Medicare Parte D está siendo cautivo por grupos de cabildeo representando a intereses farmacéuticos, amenazando aún más la crisis financiera de Juanita, Frank, y millones de personas mayores. Nuestros ancianos no deberían estar haciendo la difícil elección entre comprar sus medicamentos o mantener un techo sobre sus cabezas. Ellos merecen su dignidad cuando se jubilen. ¡Es hora de que Medicare sea liberado para negociar precios de los medicamentos con receta!
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Rahul Gupta
  • Governor Martinez, show us the audit
    Governor Martinez spent $3,000,000 on a secret audit of behavioral health providers then cut off funding for services to 30,000 patients because she claims the audit showed problems. Now she's spending another $17,000,000 to turn those services over to for-profit companies in Arizona. But the New Mexico companies say they did nothing wrong and the out-of-state company doing the audit has been accused of faulty audits before. A judge ordered Martinez, by subpoena, to turn over the secret audit to the State Auditor but she refused.
    3,126 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
  • Hospital not Following Rules and guidelines
    Yes i Have Been Personally Effected by This Issue My Son And I
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tashauri brown
  • Join the Fight to keep Mental Health Services in the Southern Tier
    The NYS Office of Mental Health has proposed the closure of Greater Binghamton Health Center's Child & Adolescent and Adult inpatient units in an effort to create "Regional Center of Excellence". We are seeking NYS Southern Tier residents to join us to voice concerns about the potential closure and help us save this Facility and these invaluable services. This petition is not a petition to "just maintain the status quo", it is a petition to keep vital services in the Southern Tier. It is also meant to act as a catalyst for positive change in order to maintain these vital mental health services for our region, raise community awareness regarding proposed closures and what it means for rural mental healthcare, and preserve jobs for those providing these essential services. Help us spread the word!!
    1,700 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Willoughby