• A real story of a victim of Dubai
    My petition is in the favor of a common man who is going to visit or work in Dubai and gets cheated by Dubai health authority claiming that he is sick without any written certificate. When he returns to his home country and do all necessary checkups he was found perfect certified by Asia’s biggest hospital in New Delhi, India. This man was deported by Dubai because of their personal and outdated laws.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charanjeet
  • Testing for Mirena IUD/Skyla IUD: Clotting & Autoimmunity
    After using Mirena IUD, I developed Avascular Necrosis (bone deterioration from a lack of blood supply) in both hips and one shoulder. I also developed Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disease. In 2012, I had four surgeries, including a hip replacement, and had to learn to walk again at 32 years old. My youngest son wasn't even a year old at the time. My shoulder deteriorated so quickly after the insertion of Mirena that I couldn't use my arm, meaning I could lift my children or hug them with both arms. Once I had the Mirena IUD removed, the clotting and AVN stopped spreading. Doctors call my case "idiopathic," meaning no known cause. I am certain that the Mirena IUD triggered my decline in health. I am a mother of three who works full-time and is left handicapped, with a lifelong disease. I am not alone. Potential effects of the Mirena IUD (and Skyla IUD, which is the same device but releases smaller daily doses of LNG) relating to clotting and autoimmunity need more thorough investigations. Women and their doctors need to be warned of the potential effects and those adversely affected need answers.
    757 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Denise Lineberry
  • Stop the Closure of Broome Developmental Center
    Governor Cuomo has now said that Broome Developmental Center will close by March 2016
    3,453 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Rick Roe
  • Vote Against The Affordable Health Care Act...?
    Curious to know Rep. Elizabeth Esty's reason(s) for voting with the Republican majority in the House for a delay in the individual mandate provision of the Affordable Health Care Act.
    707 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Greg Melville
  • I Deserve Quality Health Care
    Yes my chart at the doctor and the films in my room prove all this is truth Praying for you understanding and kindness of heart I am 54 in November. I raised 2 great kids and paid off a mortgage. Disabled I now live on $700. a month. Florida is dropping the ball on my care. I am trying to tell about myself. Hoping it will help others. I was born with a genetic disorder called Marfan Syndrome. I have intestine issues from weak connective tissue associated with Marfan Syndrome. I am in the final break down of all my connective tissue. I only have half of my bone density left. My calcium is normal. Marfan Syndrome effect all connective tissue. It even affects organs. My aorta is enlarged and I have far outlived my life expectancy with my degree of the illness, some die before adulthood. I have advanced osteoarthritis in the 4th stage. I have had intestine pain from childhood. Try not to eat unless it is good for me. Then again I am not the average person. I taught myself to slow the Marfan Syndrome . I also have Lupus, Fibro, Epstein Barr and Auto-immune neuropathy. Crazy Huh, I was sick since birth, Many times with tonsillitis, I had rheumatic fever, German Measles, and something called Erythema nodosum. My Doctor said he never uses the word normal with me, lol I had over 70 unidentified masses and cysts in my breasts 2 surgeons wanted the removed.Over 15 procedures in 5 years. Medicaid through me out of the hospital and would not cover it. A friend gave me medical cannabis for 3 years but he has been gone for over 2 years now(5 years total, but 7 years ago total). With just Cannabis, I at 7 years in & Still free of all growths! Nature rules. The man left Florida and I can no longer get Medical Cannabis, as of a year ago. I Am praying Florida will soon be medical legal. I am still alive, no thanks to Medicaid-Medi pass. Please do not let this happen to you or those you love. Florida does not take care of SSI people only SSD. I have not even been able to get my prescribed pain medication in Florida, even with my Doctor and Medicaid calling the Pharmacy for me, 7 out of the last 8 months. Florida does not enforce The American's Disabilities Act. This is only some of many issue's I am dealing with. If they won't help, they should let us help ourselves. Florida Can , PLEASE Science does not Lie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHnQ-YAqAsA&list=PLmDGUKT5-3b5GWBRMvw2Fip6WTR_IgZ5Z
    62 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lorie Renker Floener
  • US Representative Bill Owens, why did you vote to delay Obamacare?
    As someone who has been involved in the healthcare field for over 25 years, in several different capacities, I understand the vital need for change. The waste, inefficiency, and overpricing in the current system cannot be sustained, just so that corporations and their stockholders can continue to thrive.
    444 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Peter Mullen
  • Sean Patrick Maloney: Explain This
    I, along with many Americans, need to be able to access affordable healthcare. I have been personally affected by cancer, and without the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, I, and others like me would be bankrupted by medical costs.
    462 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Michelle
  • Why not vote for Obamacare Representative Peters?
    I was wrong, I trusted you to do what was right. With Obamacare I will finally be able to afford health insurance after 15 years without. I am the primary support for three adults with disabilities. They depend on me to be healthy for them. I'm not.
    649 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Susan Fitzmaurice
  • Rep. Peterson: Why Delay the Individual Mandate?
    The Affordable Care Act has already saved me money by forcing my Medicare Part D Plan to cover a portion of my prescription expense while I'm stuck in the donut hole. On July 17th Rep. Collin Peterson voted to delay the Individual Mandate of the Affordable Care Act, a/k/a Obamacare. Why?
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Deborah J. Dowell
  • Julia - what is your real position on Obamacare?
    Our representative to Congress is siding with those who want to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. We deserve an explanation from her on why she voted this way.
    562 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Betsy Patterson
  • Bill Enyart explain your vote against Obamacare!
    I campaigned for Representative Enyart with the understanding that we had certain Democratic ideals in common, universal health care at the top of the list. I know several people who have already gotten refunds, yes refunds, from their health insurance providers thanks to the Affordable Care Act. I also have children in my own family born with what insurers call pre existing conditions who needed health care they are now getting. I want this progress to continue for the benefit all Americans.
    397 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mary Parker Biby
  • Declare Licensed Professional Counselors/Licensed Mental Health Counselors as Independent Provide...
    I am concerned with the lack of recognition of Licensed Professional Counselor as Licensed Independent Practitioner. The Federal government only acknowledges Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Psychologist as being able to provide mental health services, especially to military.
    161 of 200 Signatures
    Created by D Sanders