• Join the Fight to keep Mental Health Services in the Southern Tier
    The NYS Office of Mental Health has proposed the closure of Greater Binghamton Health Center's Child & Adolescent and Adult inpatient units in an effort to create "Regional Center of Excellence". We are seeking NYS Southern Tier residents to join us to voice concerns about the potential closure and help us save this Facility and these invaluable services. This petition is not a petition to "just maintain the status quo", it is a petition to keep vital services in the Southern Tier. It is also meant to act as a catalyst for positive change in order to maintain these vital mental health services for our region, raise community awareness regarding proposed closures and what it means for rural mental healthcare, and preserve jobs for those providing these essential services. Help us spread the word!!
    1,700 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Morgan Willoughby
  • Shame on you Rep. Blake Farenthold! ¡Vergüenza debería darle Rep. Blake Farenthold!
    SB 744 is not the best bill in the world but so many hardworking immigrants who have helped build our homes, construct and maintain our roads and bridges, and have taken care of our children, continue to live in fear. As Texans - more than any other State - we must work for fair and humane immigration reform which begins with a path to citizenship. Anything less is flat out immoral and inhumane after all they and their families have invested in our State. ¡El 50% de su distrito es hispano, sin embargo rehúsa apoyar el camino hacia la ciudanía por medio de la reforma de la ley de inmigración en el Senado, y aún está dispuesto a regalarles $46 mil millones en fondos publicos los contratistas de defensa!
    468 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stephanie Hamm
  • Medical Malpractice
    Medical malpractice can happen to anyone everywhere. Those in the operating room are the first to know when an error has occurred, often times it is not until the patient has suffered even greater medical conditions or death that the family finds out. The law says that as long as the doctors or hospital do something to correct or console the family they are no longer held liable, and even more so if the person has prior medical conditions not related to the current one and if the patient is a little up in age the medical professions use that against them and lawyers are reluctant to take on the case because of the expenses associated with the malpractice. It is still not fair to that individual nor the family to go through dealing with the loss of a loved one. Even more, at what point should the family be told that the injury to the patient could be fatal; do we or the patient not have a right to express their last will or instruction about going forward? Medical Malpractice is murder in another term of definition and there should be something in the law forbidding the medial profession from being exempt from their wrong doings, no individual or family should have to incur expenses to prove their wrong doings, and undergo the threat of going into poverty trying to maintain and hold on to what the patient left behind.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Janice Nickeo
  • SAY YES to Medical Research Cavernous Angioma Bill 2013 and SAVE LIVES!
    Cavernous Angioma Bill 2013 House Version called H.R. 2521 and Senate Version called S.1223 is now before them. I have been waiting 14 years for this to occur! I have Multiple Cavernoma Syndrome, It is a rare disease and I have been thru 19 surgeries fighting for my life. I know at least with all I have been thru, I have had brilliant research scientist working endlessly trying to find a cure with all the tumors they have taken from me. I have recently had brain surgery and spinal cord surgery and worked extremely hard to walk again, even though I was told I would NOT.... Unfortunately, last month I was told I have new tumors right above the old location in my spine and more in pons, my risks are very high of being paralyzed from the neck down or the chest down from either new cavernoma....I will NOT sit and worry about this.. NO! I will get into fight mode, like usual. I will focus on the AMAZING news..... The researchers have a new medication that by the end of THIS YEAR ...YES THIS YEAR!! IF funding continues and once they receive FDA approval .... I will be one of the first Humans to be tested with this medication....scary yes, but I have hope, because this is showing amazing promise and it does not only STOP the growth of the original cavernoma, but PREVENT new ones from forming!!! THIS MEANS A CURE!!!!!!! this means a NEW GIFT OF LIFE for all of us suffering with this disease!!!! Please go to the link posted http://www.angiomaalliance.org/pages.aspx?content=399#.Ud3ChrHWees.facebook
    152 of 200 Signatures
    Created by linda saenz
  • Gov. Malloy: We Need Healthcare, not HealthScare!!
    In July, 2011, as a NYer, I filed a formal complaint with Ct. Gov. Dannel Malloy against Ct. Workers Compensation Chairman John Mastropietro and Fairfield, Ct attorney, Scott Wilson Williams, for their numerous criminal actions concerning my 9-1/2 year medical nightmare there. Why did the Gov.then forward all my evidence that implicated Chairman Mastropietro, right into Mr. Mastropietro's hands? Since 2008, he has totally ignored the formal complaints, placed on my behalf, by former Gov. Jodi Rell, and my former US Senator Hillary Clinton, and the fact that he seems to have no "checks-and-balances" over him in Ct., since they removed their Ct. Dept of Insurance as his oversight in the early 1990's, is deeply disturbing and unethical. Since his predecessor, Jesse M. Frankl, resigned because of his treatment of helpless, injured American workers, and the man who appointed him, former Gov. John Rowland , recently served a ten month federal prison sentence for corruption, we can't think of anyone in America that needs to be watched more than the Ct. WCC Chairman. They have stolen from Medicare and Social Security, and as the Top-Gun of Ct., it is Gov Malloy's duty to protect ALL citizens from predation! Please click to sign my petition to convince Gov. Malloy to end the predation of helpless, injured citizens, especially out-of-staters, and reinstate the oversight jurisdiction of his state Dept. of Insurance over Ct. WCC. My lawyer was pulled from my case, and no one will take it over, because I have charges pending against their big boss, Mr. Mastropietro. Not only unethical, but unconstitutional as well. And they call themselves "The Constitution State?" With the info I gave to Gov. Malloy, he needs to order an immediate investigation of Ct WCC, because it seems nobody else in Ct seems to have jurisdiction over Mr. Mastropietro, but him. Please click to sign the petition, so we can get him to start immediately!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Murphy
  • Governor Pence: Expand Medicaid in Indiana
    Under the Affordable Care Act, states can choose to cover more people. So far, about half the states have said they will do this. Indiana has not yet decided. Governor Pence should expand Medicaid so that thousands of uninsured Hoosier will be covered. Also it will create thousands of jobs in the state as well as bring in billions of dollars in economic development.
    4,232 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Sheila Rosenthal
  • NFL Support for Healthcare
    As the government focuses on signing up those previously uninsured for healthcare insurance beginning 2014, it is important that national groups that receive government entitlements provide support for getting out the word. Unfortunately, the NFL has refused to do this, buckling under to right wing Republican pressure. People across the country need to push back on this short sighted decision and support the law of the land.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Pradl
  • NC save the quality of care for all our elderly.
    The state plans to cut Medicaid provider pay to those taking care of the people that have help build this great state. Quality care can not be achieved if we allow them to cut 20-25% from a number that's already to low. Tell our leaders that we want allow them to cut cost in the care of so many that mean so much to us and this state!
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Ford
  • IT CAN WAIT-Texting While Driving
    In 2011, 1.3 million vehicle accidents were caused by texting and driving. Teens, young adults, and adults all over America have admitted to texting while driving. Sending a text makes an accident 23xs more likely to occur. Put it down. It Can Wait.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vivian Whitmer
  • Florida: Pass Medicaid Expansion! Florida: ¡Apruebe la expansión de Medicaid!
    Last year, the Florida House rejected Medicaid expansion, leaving over one million Floridians uncertain about the future of their access to health care. As 2014 starts and Obamacare rolls into full swing, it's more important than ever for Florida to pass Medicaid expansion. El año pasado, la Cámara Legislativa de Florida votó en contra de la expansión de Medicaid, dejando a más de un millón de Floridanos sin saber si tendrían acceso a futuros servicios cuidado de salud. Cuando a principios de 2014 Obamacare entre en pleno funcionamiento, es más importante que nunca que el estado de Florida apruebe la expansión de Medicaid.
    153 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Kofi Hunt
  • Congress Should Have the Same Health Care We All Do
    If Congress is mandated to have the same health care coverage we all do, I predict everyone's health would improve tremendously! Forget having your benefits cut every year and prices going up! We would all be headed to a more healthy, prosperous nation!
    272 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Jacqueline Propps
  • Cut Costs! Save Benefits! Save Medicare
    Our parents and grandparents shouldn't have to choose between paying an electric bill or buying the medicines they need to stay healthy. We need to push the Senate Finance Committee to put a crucial bill on the floor: one that could save taxpayers and Medicare recipients $billions.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rahul