Get Big Pharma's Hooks off MedicareSenior citizens and all taxpayers are paying too much for prescription medicines through Medicare. Big Pharmaceutical companies have made record profits off a system they put in place for themselves. It is time for all Americans to pay affordable prices to stay healthy and retire with dignity.99 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rahul
Breast Feeding Support for Military FamiliesBreast-feeding is the best possible start to a baby's life. TRICARE, the health care coverage for American military families, does not cover breast-feeding supplies for their families - except in extreme circumstances - although breast pumps are now required to be covered by the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obama-care"). More than 600,000 families in the United States have members on active duty, and about 40% of all active duty military personnel are parents. Almost all of these families receive their health care coverage from TRICARE (aka: Humana, Inc.). For some reason, TRICARE is exempt from the Affordable Care Act's policies. The World Health Organization, UNICEF, and the American Academy of Pediatrics - among many others - recommend EXCLUSIVE breast milk feedings for babies under six months old. Please join me in asking for support for our military families' most vulnerable additions.165 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gretchen Alaniz, RN, BSN, LCCE
US: Do Not Restrict Access to Life-Saving DrugsDoctors without Borders is greatly concerned that they and other groups working in developing countries will lose access to inexpensive generic medicines that currently save many lives. Here is a link to their site spelling out what is being proposed and its devastating consequences: http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/publications/alert/article.cfm?id=6789&cat=alert-article&ref=news-index84 of 100 SignaturesCreated by loretta franklin
Food stamps are for nutrition, not soda pop induced obesity.Time and again I have seen people buy cartloads of junk food with food stamps, yet we have an obesity crisis in this country. Why should the taxpayers contribute to this, when we could contribute to good nutrition instead, and maybe reduce health care costs as well?18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patricia R Guild
Governor Bryant Immediately Call a Special Session to Fund MedicaidDuring the regular legislative session, lawmakers did not reauthorize Medicaid funding. So, on July 1, Mississippi Medicaid will no longer be funded. This will not only affect individuals covered by Medicaid but all who are employed in jobs that are funded in full or in part by Medicaid dollars. The defunding of Medicaid will result in thousands of layoffs and firings in the health care field.1,808 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Laurie Roberts
Stop playing games with health careOregon Republicans are playing games with the state budget - and it's time to stop. They’re blocking the health provider tax, which brings in crucial federal matching dollars for health care for Oregon’s most vulnerable citizens. They’re playing games to try and get their way on other issues. Let's tell the Senate Republicans to put vulnerable Oregonians first. In May, the Oregon House overwhelmingly passed the health provider tax on a bipartisan vote. This tax gets matched two-for-one by federal dollars and is crucial for balancing the state budget. Let the Republicans know that it’s unacceptable to take the sick and vulnerable hostage to their agenda.1,048 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Kari Chisholm
"Fast Food Restaurants: include first Non GMO Verified menu item"Eating food with Genetically Modified Organisms has been shown in scientific studies to cause organ failure and tumors in rats. After seeing a family member struggle to survive a liver and kidney transplant I do not want other families to go through this experience. This is why I am challenging fast food chains to have a Non GMO Verified item on their menus.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jane Freeman
Don't roll back human protections in medical researchThe National Institutes of Health and some medical researchers currently defend the recent SUPPORT experiment of restricting oxygen breathing help for premature babies that killed 23 "extra" babies in the low-oxygen group. The researchers had said they were concerned about the safety of those babies but went ahead with their knowingly fatal project anyway, without informing the parents about the risks. Now the NIH and many medical researchers want to do away with the "research-hindering" obligation to tell research subjects about the risks and to relapse to the abusing of people as disposable guinea pigs that led to the Nuremberg Code of medical ethics and similar solemn declarations. For details, see http://retinopathyofprematurity.org/RelapseToPreNurembergCodeBioethics.htm9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Aleff
However, gluten is not just in wheat but found in the grains barley and rye in addition to wheat,...This is just one step toward victory but still a long way to go. Did you know that America has one of the worst labeling laws in the world. Where they do not have to disclose all the info on their label. So many celiacs who are full blown celiac end up getting sick all the time because we do not stand up to the labeling laws. Some of it will not be fixed because that is just life but what we can do is fight these labeling laws! List all your ingredients and what you used to make the tea bags if it's tea. So anything that comes with the food is shown on their label. Do not call if Gluten free if it is not 100 percent gluten free say wheat free instead but not Gluten. The problem is the government does not care and neither do the companies that supply the food. We need to make them care. Make them properly label gluten free food.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by breeann
Healthy Rental LivingRental units being cleaned out of all mold and air ducts thru out unit be cleaned with each new tenant move in and hold landlords accountable legally, financially, in city,county, and state codes, statues, thru health depts plus property maintenance guidelines too..1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bonnie Chamberlain
Dental health insuranceMy petition involves experiences of myself in the past as well as knowing people with low incomes who avoid dental work because they can't afford a separate dental insurance payment as well as the cost of the dental work itself6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Christopher Minich
Stop the violence against baby boys.Stop Circumcisions -- this cutting of defenseless baby boys is stealing the Freedom of Choice and Right to Privacy from tiny infant baby boys. It takes over 15 years for the male genitals to finish developing and the medical industry is taking advantage of tiny infants that are defenseless against the sharp knives for money in the medical industry's pockets. Mother nature has it right. Human Dignity has to prevail and baby boys deserve to be able to grow to adulthood normally. They deserve the Right to Privacy and should have the Freedom of Choice. Stop taking their Rights from them.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary H