Similac remove GMOs from Infant FormulaMy name is Leah Segedie and I’m a mother of three young boys. My youngest – just 11 months – is severely allergic to the top 8 food allergens: tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soy, dairy, eggs, seafood & shellfish. He is also allergic to all pet dander. When exposed to these things, Steven develops severe eczema that burns, oozes, and sometimes bleeds. He itches like crazy and cries for me to scratch it. This lasts for days at a time. At 9 months, I could no longer breastfeed Steven because my own milk was causing these severe skin reactions. The food I was eating was passing through to my breast milk and he was allergic. My motherly instinct to nourish my son the best way I knew how was actually hurting him. Steven is an example of an extreme case, but allergies among children are becoming an epidemic. In fact, since the mid 1990s allergies among children are up over 400%. When I was a kid, I don’t even remember anyone being allergic to food, but today, it’s about one in eight children. What is going on? One thing that is dramatically different is our food. The US government has allowed genetically modified organisms (GMOs) into our food supply WITHOUT a label since the mid 1990s. Today GMOs can be found in more than its 85% of grocery store items. Including infant formula. This is a major problem. Steven could not drink my milk, nor could I give him the nation’s leading infant formula – Similac – because it contained GM ingredients, and with it, the agrochemicals that GM crops are increasingly exposed to. Trace amounts of these chemicals are showing up in breast milk and infant formula. I’ve learned from experience that it’s extremely difficult to protect our children from GMOs – whether breastfeeding or using formula – and that major corporations like Abbott Laboratories (maker of Similac) are making this so by using GM ingredients. While the long-term health impacts of GMOs are still being debated, the negative impacts of our increasing exposure to the agrochemicals used in GMO farming are not. And when it comes to babies, the most vulnerable, we must exercise precaution. From a mom who had no choice but to turn to formula – and who was horrified by her options – I am calling on Abbott Laboratories to be a leader and remove all genetically modified ingredients from their formulas. This is not debatable if we want to protect babies. Join with me in calling on Abbott to remove the GMOs from Similac. And please share this with your friends. Together we can all make a difference. Let’s protect our children because they ARE the future.9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Leah Segedie
Rejected by Humana for Health care coverageEvery year my Dr. test me for Diabetes and High Cholesterol. Humana denied me coverage because I was tested. I have neither of these diseases. I cannot get medical insurance because I have been denied. I want to know how many others that Humana had refused to cover because of a test. Medical Insurance companies are to powerful. They determine our fate. This needs to change.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Terry Mendicino
Stop The Repeated Repeal Attempts Of "Obamacare"The republicans in congress, despite all the challenges the country faces, have tried to repeal the law that is The Affordable Care Act 37 times. This dog and pony show takes up the time that Congress has to address the nations problems and taxpayer dollars. One estimate is 80 hours of time on the Congress floor, and over 55 million dollars. These figures probably represent the tip of the iceberg. Having been upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional, not to mention clearly in the interests of the voters, and demonstrably reducing health care costs, these congressmen should be made to seek another venue for their failed minority opinions. They should use their own time and money to persue their hobbies and be prevented from the obstruction that 37 failed attempts to repeal The Affordable Care Act represents.57 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Brendan Watson
Say NO to North Carolina SB 174North Carolina SB 174 seeks to take away "fast track" rights of injured workers when a disagreement arises about reinstatement of disability benefits and access to medical care. Without having a means for a quick decision to reinstate benefits, workers will go for months without the ability to purchase basic needs (food, shelter). Without having access to a quick decision when a dispute arises about medical care, an injured worker will go months, potentially years, without the care necessary to return to health and return to work.686 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Jesse Shapiro
Give Prompt Benefits to Brain Injured PersonsTraumatic Brain Injured persons are denied Social Security benefits. My wife has fought for years, denied benefits rightfully due her. She was hit by a car head on by a reckless driver. Suffering in a Coma she emerged a week later, several experimental knee surgeries and after years of rehabilitation, she's unable to get insurance. Athletic with Two Ivy League degrees and no access to health care. Our priority should be to take care of those injured and provide prompt benefits and national health care for all, which will also save corporations huge amounts of money and make them more competitive.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frank C Ewing
Stop Insurance Companies From Practicing MedecineWe all know someone who has been hurt by the decisions being made by insurance companies. When they deny or delay proceedures that physicians are telling their patients this is the only treatment that will help you, and they refuse to pay and make the insured person go through treatments that will not and do not work. It not only hurts the patient it hurts us all. As it turns out the insurance company then has to pay for the treatment prescribed by the doctor after the treatment the insurance company reccomends does not work. So we the people now have to pay higher premiums to cover their mistakes. So the people of the United States need to file a class action suit against the insurance industry for practicing medicine with out a license.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marty McAdams
Veterans Dental BenefitsAs it stands now, only veterans with a 100% rating, those who are the Chapter 31 training program, and those who have had service connected dental problems receive dental benefits. All veterans should have this benefit.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Ingersoll
Dental Care for Persons on MedicarePeople on Medicare do not have dental care unless they can afford to purchase a supplemental insurance plan. A lot of us cannot. I personally do not see a dentist until I am in pain with a tooth and am at a point to have it pulled. I am getting to a point where I will have no teeth in my mouth. We need help.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Deborah Turnage
Fibromyalgia Relief. Decriminalization Medical marijuana in WIHelp Wisconsin tax payers by taxing Medical Marijuana. Also help me with my pain relief.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cyndi Price
Congress - accept healthcare rest of nation gets.All Americans are affected by the HealthCare bill - I personally think it has some very good things in it...Congress can tweak it - but not cancel it...if it's good enough for the common taxpayer, it's good enough for Congress...they are scheduled to get on this healthcare in 2014....now you know why they are trying to cancel the bill! Tweak it and make it better for everyone!2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Marna George
Mental Health FocusI'm writing this petition in regards to ALL POLITICAL PARTIES as well as the PEOPLE to get involved in knowledge as well as making MENTAL HEALH ISSUES a priority!!! The world we live in now is at risk every single moment of everyday with 100's of people affected by mental illness issues...my concern is the lack of interest/knowledge from our leaders and the people in this matter. I have suffered from severe depression for a long time...and have lived.through the traumatic death of my wonderful husband who took his life by suicide. Suicide is on the rise in many age groups due to the lack of awareness to the mental illness issue. We need to put this matter on top of the list in politics as well as everyday living!! We need to eliminate the stigma of mental illness issues and make the help more affordable as well available!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mary Young
Women/Mother's were affected by Water Contamination at Camp Lejeune TOO!!I'm a breast cancer survivor and I also suffered with a difficult pregnancy while stationed at Camp Lejeune Marine Corp Base in Jacksonville,NC. Unbeknown to many Active duty Marines and Navy personnel stationed there along with families were affected by the water that had been contaminated since the 50's with chemicals used for cleaning. Many who served have either been diagnosed with Cancer or Leukemia and their family members ie children. My husband now deceased suffered from severe headaches and self medicated to deal with those headaches and subsequently died at age 38 in the VA hospital in D.C. 2/14/2006 leaving behind 3 daughters. Our eldest child was born after a difficult pregnancy with problems and had to be in neo-natal icu for weeks after her birth, then afterwards frequently at the doctor due to problems breathing, she has had pneumonia too many times to count and diagnosed with graves disease. My other daughters have had surgeries due to issues with their reproductive systems as young as 11 years of age ending in surgeries. I attribute it to the environmental contamination of living, bathing and eating/drinking foods and drinks prepared with that contaminated water. My doctor stated that mybreast cancer was environmental and genetic testing confirms that for me as this disease did not run in my family.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kimberly Parker