Support Single-payer HealthcareOur healthcare costs are increasing at an alarming rate, threatening the solvency of our country, because we don't regulate them like most countries. Healthcare doesn't need to be a profit-center for private corporations. We also need to provide healthcare coverage to the millions of Americans who lack it. Not only is it the humane thing to do, it's economical.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by William Carey
Water birth at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls, IDWomen who give birth at Mountain View Hospital in Idaho Falls, ID should have the option of Water Birth. The hospital's policy is that women are welcome to labor in the tubs provided, but are to leave before or when pushing begins. This cannot be forced upon you, but if you want to give birth in the water, which has many benefits and a great safety record, this should be welcomed with trained staff alongside you. It is a very safe option for pain management and comfort during labor as well as a gentle beginning for baby. Many women would labor longer without medication if this was an option which could shorten the time of side effects and risks of those medications. It will allow the opportunity for amazing birth experiences for those who choose to birth this way. I have not seen evidence of a written policy and would like one to be implemented.101 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Shannon Steffler
Bring Kaiser to Bayview11 Reasons to Bring Kaiser to Bayview 1. Access to quality healthcare at a family friendly location close to home 2. Access to health & wellness education about diabetes, childhood obesity, asthma, and heart disease and other health disparities in the community 3. Opportunities for local contractors and residents to work on construction of facility 4. Improves infrastructure of nearby streets 5. Contributes to safety on streets near facility 6. More jobs areas like nursing, radiology, pharmacology AND in fields that support operations like office administration, security, food service, cleaning 7. Opportunities for local businesses to provide goods and services to the facility 8. Increased partnerships with neighborhood non-profits working in health care 9. Creates need for increased services like restaurants along commercial corridors 10. Creates a destination that brings others into the neighborhood 11. Act as generator for businesses that support patient, health and employee services Bring the new Kaiser facility to Bayview Hunters Point.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Angleo King
Class Action Law SuitWe the citizens have a right to the health care that the Federal government has made available to us. It is unconstituntional for the Governor of this state of Tennessee to deny health care to the thousands of citizens that need this care. We are one of the poorest states with many working citizens who have no health care.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rosalynn Gatewood
END THE 30-HOUR WORK WEEKObama Care has caused a devastating pay-cut to millions of part-time workers in the U.S. "According to the new health-care legislation, all businesses must pay FULL TIME HEALTH CARE to all employees who work 30 hours or more in a seven-day week."1 Normally, we were permitted to work up to 30 hours plus Sunday (Sunday was not counted as part of our work week). Personally, I work six days a week (including Sundays) and receive a weekly pay-check of or about 200 dollars and, as such, already live in poverty.This current legislation will force me and my co-workers to seek previously unsought public assistance, which should be distributed to those who are truly unable to work. This legislation is preventing millions of willing, able-bodied employees from working more than 30 hours per week. Most companies have cut each part-time employee to 28 hours or less per seven-day week, to avoid any fines. Sundays must not be included in our 30-hour work week limit. 1(http://www.local338.org/)3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jayne Bard
Increase Research and Development for Cancer in ChildrenMy daughter was diagnosed with Willms' tumor in August 2011. Besides spending money on munitions, armament, and homeland security, Congress and the president should help our children and spend more on research to cure this illness that is killing our future and making money for hospitals and pharmaceuticals.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ivan Ortiz
Tell Governor Rick Scott to VETO HB 655VETO HB 655. Right now, Florida's hardworking families cannot afford to get sick because more than a million have been denied access to health care coverage and none of them will have Earned Sick Time protections. This could have serious impacts on Florida's service-driven economy, not to mention the health and well-being of our families. But you can change this and protect Florida's families by vetoing HB 655.10,652 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Maria McCluskey
Implement Laura's Law: Orange CountyLaura's Law provides court-ordered intensive treatment in the community for individuals with mental illness providing consistent supervision for those whose treatment is not provided by other community services. It is modeled after Kendra's Law in New York state and is preventative.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Women for Orange County
Make MinnesotaCare More AffordableMinnesotaCare is a program that provides health coverage for low-income workers. Currently, the premiums these workers must pay are too high and are unaffordable. Affordable health coverage for all Minnesotans must be a priority.172 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Bridget Walde
My petition is to allow cancer clinics to stay openYes, this year I just lost my 33 year old daughter to cervical cancer. She went into a year remission, but the cancer return2012. Help, those in need of medical aid. Know family should suffer not having help for a love one.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carolyn Browning
Florida Medicaid ExpansionFlorida's Legislature rejected Medicaid expansion and the accompanying 51 billion federal dollars that would have provided healthcare to nearly 1 million Floridians. Several studies provide estimates that the Medicaid expansion would add more than $2 billion to the Florida economy annually and add over 55,000 new private sector jobs. Leaving 100% of the federal funding on the table to be sent to other states is a mis-representation of the citizens of Florida whose tax dollars will be sent to other states.25,760 of 30,000 SignaturesCreated by Linda