• Save our Senior Citizen Health Benefits!
    Our country's older adult population is being affected- Medicare cuts are affecting their physical therapy benefits and must not be allowed to continue. The impact to society and healthcare is too great for us to not act.
    686 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Arroyo
  • Mental Health Medicaid Waiver - Reform
    This is a petition to allow formally direct enrolled mental health providers such as Psychologists, Clinical Social Workers, Professional Counselors, and Psychiatrists, the ability to return to being direct enrolled providers for North Carolina Medicaid. As of now, due to the level of regulation, a growing number of these providers have stopped or are considering rescinding their contract to provide much needed services to Medicaid recipients. The Waiver program was not designed to inhibit service provision of these providers, but to manage case management and community care in order to prevent fraud. Ultimately, Medicaid patients unfairly suffer.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Justin Feasel
  • Don't Change Michigan's Auto No-Fault System: SAY NO TO HB 4612
    On April 23rd 2013, HB 4612 was introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives. HB 4612 is another attempt to change our Auto No-Fault System that has continuously been voted down due to overwhelming opposition in past bills such as HB 4936 and Senate Bills 293 and 294. This bill will dismantle injury rehabilitation and care while shifting costs to a broken Medicaid system with no long term guarantee of lowering costs of auto insurance for Michigan residents. It will lead to significant loss of jobs in the healthcare sector, a decrease in tax revenue for the state, and leave individuals involved in catastrophic accidents without the resources necessary for their care recovery and rehabilitation. To Read the proposed bill go to www.legislature.mi.gov and enter 4612 into the bill search box. We at Centria urge you to sign this petition and ask you to support groups fighting for patients' rights. CPAN – Coalition Protecting Auto No-Fault CAPP – The Concerned Association of Patients and Providers BIA – Brain Injury Association of Michigan MBIPC – Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council
    1,566 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jeffrey Steigerwald - Centria Healthcare
  • Lower cost of medicines for seniors
    My parents pay about 25 percent of their monthly income on meds. This doesn't sound reasonable to me. I thought with the passage of the Affordable Health care act by the Obama administration the cost of meds would go down.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jeff Simpson
  • Funding for Medicaid in Texas
    Medicaid Funding in Texas
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mary Compean
  • Congress Should Increase Funding for Mental Health Services
    In response to the recent shootings some legislators have pointed to increased mental health services as an alternative solution to gun control. Even though the “link” between mental illness and gun violence is not very strong (1), mental illness affects over 1 in 4 Americans (2). Regardless of whether those politicians are correct to link mental illness to gun violence, as a problem affecting over 1 in 4 Americans it deserves Congress’ attention. (1) http://www.nimh.nih.gov/about/director/2011/understanding-severe-mental-illness.shtml (2) http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-numbers-count-mental-disorders-in-america/index.shtml
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zach Gordon
  • Hearing aids
    I am on a fixed income I am paying into two health insurances, Medicare and UnitedHealthCare, and I am unable to get a much needed hearing aid. Why is a hearing aid not consider to be a health need? It is a necessity to be able to hear, it is very dangerous to be unable to hear. I know first hand, I been to three different companies for an hearing aid and the price is extremely high especially for those on fixed incomes?
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Donson
  • Legalize Medical Marijuana in Illinois
    The prohibition of medical marijuana by our government makes patients into criminals and costs millions of dollars of tax-payer money to enforce. Medical marijuana is a cost efficient, safe, and effective treatment for the symptoms of cancer, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, pain, glaucoma, epilepsy, and other conditions.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Hegarty
  • Let Food Dyes Die
    Too much of our food supply contains harmful colorings and it will continue until we stop buying it! KNOWN effects of food coloring: allergies, asthma, cancer, chromosomal damage, heart issues, hives, hyperactivity, low blood pressure, migraines and upset stomach.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sue Gervase
  • A change.
    To the Mother of Courtney Alexis,please agree on undergoing surgery for your daughter.Without. Courtney here it would largley affect the student body of her school and most importantly us,her friends and family.Everyone who sighns this petition cares about Courtney and would suffer if she were to leave life as we know it.Please atleast consider the surgery for your daughter.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by trent
  • Just Care Family Network Needs A Mediator To Solve Conflict: Raphaelle Richardson And Norman Redwing
    My Mentor Raphaelle Richardson And Norman Redwing use to work for Just Family Network. They are being treated with disrespect. Parents and Staff are lying and causing confusion with them. They have been nothing but good people and deserves respect.Our youth should be our top priority, but its not. This conflict needs to be settle the right way.I believe that "Lies are told to closed minded people to avoid conflict and retribution. A closed minded person can't handle the truth, doesn't want the truth and will punish the truth." Thats why we the YOUTH THAT CARE OF MEMPHIS want the truth. We want to be treated fairly and want our voices to be heard thats why we want them back.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Lott
  • Save medicare
    Obama Care is not good for Florida
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kenneth Chesterfield