• Nurse Practitioner Autonomy
    Senate Bill 491 will go in front of the Senate Committee on Monday April 22, 2013. If the committee decides to pass it on, then it would go to a vote by the whole senate. I am currently required to have a collaborative agreement with a MD or DO. Obamacare, which is managed care for Medi-Cal recipients run by a private organization, will currently not allow me to contract with them. Therefore, my medi-cal patients will either have to pay out of pocket to see me or go elsewhere for their care. Please contact your state senator and ask them to vote YES on SB 491. The committee members are: Senator Curren Price, JR. (Chair), Senator Bill Emmerson (Vice-Chair), Senator Marty Block, Senator Ellen Corbett, Senator Cathleen Galgiani, Senator Ed Hernandez, Senator Jerry Hill, Senator Alex Padilla, Senator Mark Wyland and Senator Leland Y. Yee. Please contact any or all of these fine senators as well. Thank you.
    154 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Linda Jo Deegan, FNP-C
  • ObamaCare Medicaid Funding for Wisconsin
    ObamaCare Medicaid Funding for Wisconsin
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dianne Wagner
  • Humanitarianism vs. Ignoring Basic Needs of Many
    Personal Background: I have been personally and professionaly involved since childhood. I am now age 68. My daughter has a genetic terminal illness. My former wife died of the disease. My granddaughter is at 50% risk now, etc. I have worked nearly all of my life regarding the basic needs of those with severe disability, both physical and mental. I have been involved at the direct Presedential Input level, and have provided significant "hands on" testimony to the House Ways and Means Committee, Senate Finance Committee, and The U.S. Supreme Court level (through a "Slip Decision" from the Senate to the Court) regarding treatment for those with severe disability. I was also one of the initial writers of the American's with Disability Act (ADA) and I designed a natioally implimented system (through GSA) to make government buildings accessible to those with severe physical disability.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George Watters
  • Tell Insurance Companies to Pay for Holistic Treatments
    I run my own holistic wellness center, many people NEED the services we provide, but can not get them because we can not charge insurance. For instance, I have a client who is low-income, and has sciatic nerve pain. This can be debilitating. She has tried everything the doctors have told her to do short of surgery. NOTHING worked!! She came to me, knowing she could not afford our services, and asked what could be done. I am forced to work with her and many people like her for free because it helps her when nothing else does!!! Insurance companies won't pay for services like massage therapy unless they are done with a physical therapist or chiropractor, and even then only a couple of companies will pay. The other issue is that the therapist is still doing the massage whether they work in a chiropractors office or not, but they can not get paid on their own! That's ridiculous! Other treatments we offer, including Reiki, Yoga, Meditation, Counseling, Acupuncture, etc... are not paid for even though research has proved them to be more effective than medication in the treatments of many illnesses. These services need to be paid for, people should have the right to choose how they treat their symptoms, and money should NOT be a barrier!! Many of these treatments work better and cost less than medications and surgery. If more people were able to get these treatments, we would have less of a healthcare crisis!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cortney McLellan
  • Support Nursing Home Caregivers with Care One Woodcrest!
    In March 2012, caregivers at Care One’s Woodcrest Health Care Center voted to join with 1199SEIU, the healthcare workers union. We voted to form our union so that we could achieve dignity, respect, affordable healthcare and a voice in resident care. Now it is one year later, and we still have not sat down with management to negotiate a fair contract that will make Woodcrest a better place. This is because management has unlawfully refused to recognize our union. This January, the NLRB officially certified 1199SEIU as our bargaining representative. Yet, Woodcrest is still refusing to negotiate with us. Brothers Daniel and Moshael Straus run the Care One and HealthBridge nursing home chains. NLRB administrative law judges have found that Care One and HealthBridge have violated federal labor law more than 17 times. Some nursing homes run by these companies have threatened to slash healthcare benefits, staffing and wages for caregivers, have refused to recognize workers’ legally protected right to form a union, or have unlawfully fired workers for trying to form a union. Visit CareOneWatch.org to find out more.
    66 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amanda
  • To Prevent Suicides
    Consult suicidology.org and afps.org. I have had thoughts of killing myself which, fortunately, I got out of by myself. But what if someone doesn't?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Grant Stevenson
  • Increase Patient Access to Nurse Practitioner Partnered Care in New York State
    New York has approximately 16,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) across the state. However, all of them are required to have a written collaborative agreement with a physician. As the implementation of Obamacare looms in January 2014, NPs are one solution to provide primary care to the influx on new patients into the system. Nurse practitioners are registered nurses with additional schooling, education, and training. Nurse practitioners have nearly a 50 year history of providing high-quality, patient-centered and cost-effective care. Nurse practitioners can be found across all healthcare settings and write prescriptions, make diagnoses, manage chronic conditions, provide well-care and health promotional efforts. NPs will continue to collaborate with all members of the healthcare team as needed. However, the requirement of the written collaborative agreement is a an unnecessary barrier to practice.
    2,187 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Ferrara
  • Bring back Gender reassignment in the state of Minnesota.
    In 1970, a medical team at the “U of M” successfully performed surgery on a pair of brothers who both wanted to be women, and the successful surgery garnered substantial newspaper attention in places as far from Minnesota as St. Petersburg, Florida. This information trickled through the media, and even wound up in (misinformed) advice column of Ann Landers.(4) The columnist warned readers of the St. Petersburg Times that University “authorities were not enthusiastic about the results” eight days before the sisters proudly sat for a photo with the same publication.( For some reason the U of Minnesota has stopped doing Gender reassignment surgery
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by jo hager
  • lyme disease kills and we have not treatment and no coverage
    yes i have lyme disease aam on ssi. i am also an msw health and mental health. i cannot get any treatment in the city of Stockton, CA and there is no insurance anywhere near that accepts insurance or Medi-cal. it is a crime against humanity as many of us are dying from it in the chronic stage right before our GP's eyes. it is pandamic in most states and in California. It is growing faster than aides. And we are left to suffer in excruciating pain, back, heart and brain and to die.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by marilyn chadnick msw
  • Fair medical billing practices
    I have thousands of dollars of medical bills from dozens of doctors for the same visit, charity care was approved by the hospital, but these doctors aren't obliged to take that. Now I face possible financial ruin because I had a medical problem...
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by William Boykin
  • Obamacare
    Making sure everyone receives affordable healthcare insurance while reducing spending and the comfort of knowing that your loved ones are protected.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kwaku Nnuako
  • Request to provide medicaid to New jersey's needy
    Luckily, I am not personally affected and neither is my family.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mysore L Nagaraja