• Medical Marijuana Law for New York
    The legislature has attempted to enact a medical MJ law in New York. There are many thousands of New Yorkers, myself amongst them. who have total & permanent disabilities which will end only with out deaths. We pay our taxes, obey the laws. We've needed relief from the pain and suffering our disabilities have caused us since the 1960s that this wonder drug will bring. In the absence of equal protection & equal Justice before the laws of New York which a medical MJ law would bring us, we are routinely Discriminated against by employers prejudiced against us. We need the dignity that regular employment will afford us now more than ever due to the creeping hyperinflation which the Federal Government has allowed by permitting the Federal Reserve to over print currency thus devaluing the buying power of our dollars. For those of us especialy who are retired, that bad monentary policy seeks to make Social Security into a poverty program. We disabled citizens all have a right to work, and a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. New York is a right to work State. We ask only for what is owed us: the freedom from hunger, freedom from fear which were amongst FDR's 4 Freedoms. It is even more unjust to war against injured people as it is against nations. We and the natural medicine we need to relieve our suffering are not the issue. It's the injury of the injustice of keeping us from our legitimate medicine which is the issue. Ignorance, prejudice, indifference are not a just basis to perpetuate the privation we experience. We petition to have the medical profession determine our right to prescriptions, not cops.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bruce Jonathan Fick
  • We need Medicaid expansion in SC
    As a social worker and native of South Carolina, I have seen first hand the consequences of our under-funded health and mental health systems. The entire state will be harmed by failing to accept funds available under the Affordable Care Act to extend services to more poor citizens, especially in light of cuts in the state budget over the past few years.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Judith Hines
  • Carve out DD from Kancare
    The long-term supports that we seek to keep out of KanCare consist of a variety of services ranging from personal care for those with serious intellectual disabilities to help finding and keeping jobs. These supports do not fit the medical model that MCO's provide. Currently we have seen devastating results including MCO's interfering with medications, PCP's assigned miles away, providers who are not getting paid, a deep lack of understanding by the MCO's and the government on what it takes to care for individuals with intellectual disabilities long term.
    1,264 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Meredith Funkhouser
  • Single Payer Universal Health Care
    The United States spends (wastes) more money and has poorer outcomes than most Western and some Third World countries. Even poor Cuba devotes 70% of its budget to health care, social service and education and every citizen (and tourists) receives free health care. We have no excuse for having such a bad record of health care in the U.S. Support a Single Payer Universal Health Care bill in California to be the model for the nation. We need a new bill. Contact your State Senator and Assembly person and request that they author a bill such as the previous AB810.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gabie Berliner
  • Please Support Health Freedom in Texas
    Texas Rep. David Simpson (R-Longview) has just authored and filed House Joint Resolution (HJR) 125, an amendment to the Texas Constitution that, if enacted into law, would guarantee each Texan the individual right to access whatever health care treatment they choose, and would protect the rights of practitioners to offer those treatments and modalities. To read the purpose & specifics of this amendment, please visit: http://texashealthfreedom.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/WHITE-PAPER-ON-HJR-125.pdf
    301 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Kelley Brooksher
  • Michigan Medical Marijuana Patients Need Safe Access
    Although Michigan’s Medical Marijuana Act was supported by 63% of Michigan’s voters; it fails to provide safe regulated access for patients. Michigan medical marijuana patients need safe regulated access. Please Support House Bill 4271 (The Medical Marihuana Provisioning Center Regulation Act).
    489 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Ann Arbor Medical Cannabis Guild
  • Legalize Medical Marijuana
    Legalizing Medical Marijuana
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by AJ Prebensen
  • Pass the Health Care for All Oregon Plan Act - HB2922
    We are all constantly effected by lack of access to basic health care due to costs imposed by the current insurance based financing method. Preventable deaths, preventable hospitalizations and complications, preventable medical incident related bankruptcies and living in fear are the price we pay for a lack of universal coverage, publicly financed, privately delivered health care system. HB 2922 is the Health Care for All Oregon Plan Act with at least 21 co-sponsors, similar to the HB3510 that stayed in committee in 2011. This time there is much more public support for this monumental and necessary change in how health care is financed, with similar systems proven to have better outcomes than ours in many of the other developed countries in the world. This problem will persist as long as for-profit insurance companies control the prices and payments. HB2922 puts an end to that. Public hearings scheduled for May 13th in Salem. Visit pnhp.org and hcao.org for further information.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Frank Erickson, MD
  • Governor Haley: Expand Medicaid to needy citizens
    Through the Affordable Care Act, federal dollars have been set aside to expand healthcare for South Carolinians. Accepting these funds would improve the lives of many South Carolinians. In 2012 South Carolina ranked 46th in overall health. As a teacher, I have seen students devastated by lack of access to healthcare. By accepting federal healthcare dollars we can make a significant impact on the health of the citizens of our state.
    2,495 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Jean Grosser
  • Legalize Medical Marijuanna In Florida.
    For those Peaple who NEED it to help with eleviating pain, help cancer patients to eat and Migranie patients to stop hurting. The target is all who need it in a way they can use it.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Victoria
  • More Benefits for the Senior Citizens, Disable and their Caregivers
    The Governor and Legislature needs to help the Senior Citizens and Disable where they can receive the medical supplies they need. The Caregivers that take of family members need to receive health insurance and be compensate for taking of their family members to keep them from going into a Nursing Home which they will not receive the proper care. I resign from my employment to take care of my mom. I do not have an income or health insurance and it is hard for me to get help if I get sick or my health examination. Something needs to be done.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Keigans
  • Tell Gov. Heineman and the Unicam to Expand Medicaid!
    LB 577 will require Nebraska Medicaid to add the newly eligible adult population under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to the Nebraska Medicaid state plan amendment; and outlines the health coverage provided under the program. The bill provides for expanded eligibility to low-income adults who are age 19 to 65. The inclusion of this population will provide health coverage for uninsured childless adults from 0-133% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) For 2013 the FPL at 133% for an individual is $15,282 per year. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the ACA, allows for a 5% income disregard so the threshold will effectively be at 138% FPL, for 2013 an individual income limit would be $15,856. Additionally, some low income uninsured parents will also obtain coverage under this bill.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mika Covington