Support The Excellence in Mental Health ActMental illness is a serious medical issue. The Act will allow up to 1.5 million more Americans living with a behavioral disorder to get the care they need. This Act expands access to community mental health centers and improves the quality of mental health care for all Americans.15 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Katelyn Collins
Redefine Full-Time Employment under the Affordable Care Act to 35 Hours or more per week.All across the country, employers are preparing for the Affordable Care Act by cutting the hours of their employees. This can easily be rectified by accurately defining "full-time" employment under the ACA as 35 or more hours per week. Congress must act NOW before the effects of these cuts impact our fragile economy. Please sign today!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by K Condor
Independent Investigation of Dameron Hospital Stockton, CAA non-profit Community Hospital that has a history of Racism and Sexism ruled by a documented bully needs an independent investigation!. We need to stop bullies in the workplace and INVESTIGATE AND STOP racism and sexism in 2013! THEY USE OUR TAX DOLLARS TO BULLY AND DISCRIMINATE!3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reverend George Faison
Independent Investigation of Dameron HospitalA Community Hospital that has a history of Racism and Sexism ruled by a documented bully. We need to stop bullies in the workplace and stop racism and sexism in 2013!1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Reverend George Faison
Protect Access to Family Planning for Low-Income MontanansMontana legislators are trying to block federal family planning money from coming into the state! This is money serves over 25,000 low-income Montanans and saves taxpayer money by preventing unplanned pregnancy and STDs.1,345 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie McDowell
Support Safe Nurse-to-Patient Ratios in NevadaCurrently Nevada does not have mandated nurse-to-patient ratios. SB 362 is a bill that will set a minimum standard for safe staffing in hospitals. Research has proven that setting safe nurse-to-patient ratios prevents patient deaths, decreases medication errors, and decreases hospital length of stay. Research has also shown that Registered Nurses are more effective in providing safe patient care when not overburdened by unmanageable patient assignments (NYSNA's Education, Practice and Research Program, 2013). This bill will improve patient outcomes, patient and nurse satisfaction, and contribute to the provision of superior care for our local community by our healthcare facilities. This bill affects everyone, not just nursing staff. We all know a family member or friend that is or has been in the hospital and they deserve the best care possible. Nevada nurses need your support to pass this bill. For more information regarding this bill, please go to the provided link below. http://legiscan.com/NV/text/SB362/2013 References NYSNA's Education, Practice and Research Program. (viewed 2013, 03 26). Role of the registered professional nurse in staffing effectiveness. Retrieved from http://www.nysna.org/practice/positions/position13_a.htm4,998 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Robyn Zadow
An educated perspective on mental illnessWith such a strong stigma attached to it mental illness has become a scapegoat for all that is wrong with the current debate on gun violence. Although the statistics show that the mentally ill are more than likely the victims of violence, those afflicted with this misunderstood condition are often blamed for those terrible incidents that have become more and more frequent in the American society. My feeling and belief is that the greater public needs to have a in depth discussion about this illness. To meet and hear from those affected by this little understood condition. It is my intention to create a forum where mentally ill patients can find support and am empathetic ear from people like them where they can not only express their perspective personal experiences so that others like them and the general public also will have a better understanding of what people afflicted with mental illness can provide the greater community. It is well known that many bi-polar people are some of the brightest artists, poets, writers, actors, musicians, playwrights and even very successful CEO's. There can be an evolution of understanding and I hope to be the vehicle to manifest this with the forum I propose. Very sincerely Paul LaBonte5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul LaBonte
Improve the ACA to MedicareImprove the ACA to include single payer and make it Medicare for all including Federal employees.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dennis Umphrey
Help save the Welding Program at The Huntingdon County Career and Technology CenterMy Son Shawn was interested in taking this class...it is a good opportunity for many children...this is a high paying job and should not have been removed from the school...my son wanted to get on the pipeline with his Dad...not sure why it was removed,if they might think there is not enough welding jobs in the area or what?Good welding jobs require traveling,but all good jobs usually require traveling...Thank You2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bobbie Hoy
VA Regional Office in Los Angeles, CaliforniaPlease end the VA Regional Office backlog for veterans who are suffering severe financial hardship. Ensuring our nation's Veteran's receive the benefits they were promised and deserve.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jacob
Abandon Obama care or modify it.Abandon Obama care or modify it. Change Obama Care: Everyone working full time will be caused to work 28 hrs examples This is how Raley's and Bell Air treats their employees if your hours were cut to 28 from 40 hrs. They will lose their benefits next year because of Obama Care. Anyone with 28 hours is part time and all employees by Jan 1 2014 will have no benefits. almost all employers will opt out of providing insurance under Obama care the fine is cheaper than the cost of insurance $2k verses $5k cost the company for medical so everyone will be on Obama care. Gov. Subsidy insurance. Increase the fine to $10,000.00 for not providing insurance to employees. The unemployment rate went down because part time employment is up because they are trying to replace all full time employees with part time. How could you survive with 28 hrs. Wk. most people are holding down 2 part time jobs at minimum wage. Do the math $7.75 hr. x28 = $217.00 week x4.3 = $993.00 by the time you pay rent you have nothing left. It would be far better to require the employer to pay ½ toward their medical insurance. Than have all unemployed and supporting their medical because they won’t be able to pay the penalty for not having insurance. The 40 hour work week employment has dropped while part time has increased. True unemployment is close to 20%. This is not a friendly atmosphere to work in when you never know when your medical will be dropped. You will have all employees on Obama care because they will not be able to afford even the penalties. Current Obama care has lowered the middle class to poverty levels. Companies have already started to cut full time employees with 40 hrs to 28 hrs. Raley’s has paid an attorney $10 Million dollars for his services to break the union. With Obama care this will help the lawyer to do his job.. Solution: Abandon Obama care or modify it. Requiring companies with 29 employees or more to provide affordable insurance. To all employees full time or part time and to pay half of the premiums. Requiring employers to give employees with more than 1 yrs of employment 40 hrs work week. Restricting their part time employment to about 10% Increase fine to $10k for each employee not provided with affordable insurance. Raley's/Bell Air grocery chain vows to impose wage cuts Submitted by News10 Web Staff Monday, October 29th, 2012, 5:27pm Topics: News SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - As employees at one of Northern California's largest supermarket chains prepare to strike, the company says it will unilaterally impose a proposed labor contract that would reduce its workers' wages. The Sacramento Bee reports that Raley's supermarkets said it would implement its final contract offer on Thursday to the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. Raley's said the union failed to offer an up-and-down vote to its members on the contract offer, which included a two-year wage freeze. Raley's worker Ronda Zanelli, a 32-year veteran, told the paper that no one wants to strike but that they are prepared to do so. It would be the first labor strike in the West Sacramento-based company's 77-year history. The company has announced that all non-management positions will have their hours reduced to 28 a week. Gary Burdette, Vice President of Operations for the local franchise, says the cuts are coming because the new Affordable Health Care Act requires employers to offer health insurance to employees working 32-38 hours a week. Under the current law they are not considered full time and that as a small business owner, he can't afford to stay in operation and pay for everyone's health insurance. There are 11 Wendy's restaurants in the metro. “It has a huge effect on me and pretty much everybody that I work with,” says Growbeck, who understands the reasoning and says other part-timers at other fast-food restaurants are facing the same problem. “I'm hoping that I can get some sort of promotion because then I would get my hours, but everybody is shooting for that because of the hours being cut.” Burdette says the decision affects around 100 employees. It was a tough one and he understands why people are upset, but the hour reduction is effective in two weeks for all non-management. Management employees will continue to have benefits as they are officially full time. Thank you Obama care for cutting my son's hours @ work. He is working @ McDonald's w/ 38 hours a week now 28. He will be job hunting now. CLOSE BANKS LOOP HOLE THAT LIKE B OF A PAYS NO TAX THAT WE GAVE BAIL OUT MONEY TOO. MUST PAY TAXES HAVE THESE TAX RIGHT OFF AND PAY NO TAXES MAKE CORPORATE TAX A FLAT FEE OF 10-12 %.A cancer diagnosis can be shocking; but learning that you have cancer when it is too late to reverse the damage is devastating. Often patients are too overwhelmed by the disease itself to consider pursuing legal action. However, the burden on an entire family's time, emotions and financial resources is immense, and if the disease could have been prevented by more thorough care from health care professionals, financial compensation should be required. This is another balloon ready to pop; false economy when most investors are buying homes from banks and not private citizens. Require all realtors one week before they can submit their offers to bank and submit all offers not the one they think will qualify.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by JIMMIE J. MC ADAMS
Stop health insurance profiteering!US health insurance companies operate as for-profit publicly traded companies, recently reporting record profits at the same time they deny coverage, rescind coverage, and deny claims. No other nation on the planet permits health insurance companies to profit from patient care (or lack thereof). It is the wrong model for our nation and needs to change!65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Linda Goodwin