My son works part-time. He has narcolepsy and Aspergers Syndrome. His income is under 14,000.00 annually. He will not have access to health insurance because Gov. Perry of TX doesn't want to participate in the Medicaid expansion under the ACA which will provide health insurance for the poorest Texans. I don't want him "disabled" and alcoholic because there isn't anything better to do. EVERY person in the state of Texas should have health insurance available to them. EXPAND MEDICAID IN TEXAS!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Doris Smith
  • Raphaelle Richardson And Norman Redwing Just Care Family Network
    My mentor Raphaelle Richardson and Norman Redwing works for Just Care Family Network.They were dismised from there positions. The decision is unfair and untrue. You should be concerned because they are wonderful people that is being treated unfairly and deserves respect. I and 14 other youths are being affected because of the situation we lost our mentor what are we suppose to do. We are diagnosed with mental illnesses and have no one to work with us to get through this mental illness but Mrs. Raphaelle And Mr. Redwing. The Feds are coming to memphis to evaluate just care family network. We need to let our voice be heard.
    104 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jasmine Lott
  • Pass the Cathy Jordan Bill to Decriminalize Medical Marijuana in Florida
    I am a chronic pain sufferer, an disabled RN and a Clinical Social Worker. I know first hand and have worked with many people struggling with the agony and life destroying misery of chronic pain or unrelenting nausea and the life threatening effects of loss of appetite leading to starvation. In many instance cannabis has been a life saving medicine. The crime is in depriving suffering and even dying citizens of this nature made, God given, medicine. Cannabis, used responsibly, permits chronic pain suffers release from the torment of a mind consumed by pain and allows us to attend to enjoyable, creative and productive activities without mind numbing intoxication and with awareness and reasonable judgement intact. Protect our most vulnerable citizens and our children by regulation. Provide purity of product with licensing of growers and dispensaries. Boost our states economy with taxation. Take marijuana out of the hands of criminals and incentive away from Mexican drug cartels, who rely on US consumer demand to keep them in business. Reduce the dangerous and addictive use of Oxycodone and Hydrocodone byproviding an effective and safer alterative to alleviate the impact of severe pain.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jesse Whitewolf
  • Allow A Vote On The Reproductive Parity Act!
    A majority of Washington Senators have expressed their support for the Reproductive Parity Act (HB 1044). This important legislation would require health insurance companies that cover maternity care to also cover abortion. It would ensure fairness and equity in health coverage for all Washington women. Despite widespread support, the leader of the Senate Health Care Committee, Sen. Randi Becker, is an anti-choice Republicans who refuses to even allow a vote on the bill. Even worse, Senate Majority Leader Rodney Tom says he supports the legislation but refuses to allow a full Senate vote. Senators Rodney Tom and Randi Becker are playing politics with women's health. Sign our petition to Tom and Becker demanding a vote on the Reproductive Parity Act!
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fuse Washington
  • VOTE FOR Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR13-002 To Place The "Colorado Heath Care Cooperative" On...
    VOTE FOR Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR13-002 To Place the "Colorado Heath Care Cooperative" On Our Novemeber 5, 2013 Ballot!!! EVERY Colorado Senator and Representative Needs to VOTE FOR SCR13-002 (with a minimum 2/3rds vote required in each body) to place the Colorado Health Care Cooperative on the November 5, 2013 Ballot (as a Referred Measure)!!! As my Senator or my Representative, I'm asking you to tell me that I can count on your VOTE FOR SCR13-002 both at the Committee level (as appropriate) and on the floor (as appropriate). Please do your best to secure recorded votes on all occasions. TO PETITION SIGNERS: SAVE THIS DATE*AND TIME* AND TAKE ACTION WITH US! . . . IF YOU AGREE: Every Coloradan needs affordable, quality health care sometime! That's why all Coloradans need the assurance of access without facing financial ruin when their time(s) comes! . . . SO, WHY WOULD ANY Colorado Senator or Representative VOTE AGAINST saving us voters Billions of $$$s in Colorado medical costs and bills when we can clearly show Colorado voters how to save anywhere from $4 billion in 2016 to $16 billion by 2024? AND, why would ANY Colorado legislator VOTE AGAINST saving more Colorado lives from preventable deaths while saving us taxpayer dollars too? ASK YOUR Senator and Representative to serve your interests and those of your family, neighbors and friends! ESPECIALLY IF THEY WILL NOT (pledge to) "VOTE FOR the Colorado Health Care Cooperative in 2013!!!" by voting for SCR13-002. Tell your State legislators that they are not representing your best interests UNLESS they "VOTE FOR the Colorado Health Care Cooperative in 2013!!!" DON'T be square; please find a way to get our message there! WHAT? This is our first, best, and very likely our only chance to speak publicly to our State legislators to "VOTE FOR the Colorado Health Care Cooperative in 2013!!!" by passing SCR13-002. *WHEN? and WHERE? This coming Thursday, April 4 at 1:00 pm (for seating) and officially starting at 1:30 pm (for giving/listening to public testimony) at our State Capitol Building (200 E Colfax Ave) in the Old Supreme Court Chamber (on 2nd floor) before the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. WHY? A 2/3rd vote on Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR13-002 is needed in both the Senate and House in Colorado to refer the "Colorado Health Care Cooperative" to all Colorado voters this November, 2013. DO please find a way to get our message there! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
    390 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Colorado Health Champions
  • NCAA: Kevin Ware and student athletes deserve health care!
    In the NCAA basketball tournament, Louisville sophomore Kevin Ware suffered a gruesome injury: His leg bone literally tore through his skin. While the NCAA makes over $780 million per year off student athletes, they do not guarantee that medical bills for injuries will be covered. Can you sign our petition to the NCAA?
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adam Green
  • Expand Medicaid in Texas
    All Texans should be healthy.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by George
  • US VETERANS HOSPITAL PATIENT ABUSE June 15, 2011 Remains un-Investigated
    U.S. Navy Veteran Abused at United States Veterans Hospital, Veterans Health Care System of the Ozarks 1100 North College Avenue Fayetteville, AR 72703 On June 15, 2011. TELEPHONE 479-443-4301 http://www.fayettevillear.va.gov/Mark A. Elderle M.D. and John R. Henley M.D. Congressman Steve Womack http://womack.house.gov/ PHONE 202-225-4301, Senator Mark Pryor http://www.pryor.senate.gov/public/ PHONE 202-224-2353, Senator John Boozman http://www.boozman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me http://www.boozman.senate.gov/public/ each of Arkansas, We spent five hours in which my husband lay in pain and his own URINE, FECES, and STENCH. My husband was incapacitated DUE TO THE STROKE he was having and not at all mad or upset. He was barely conscious ... We then drove to Fort Smith AR (because of MY decision, not his) to Sparks Regional Medical Center http://www.sparkshealth.com/locations/sparks-regional-medical-center where my husband was hospitalized, and treated with human dignity, Critical time lost (wasted) at the VA hospital How many U.S. Veterans are abused and the abuse is never reported. Not one U.S. Veteran deserves humiliation and malpractice at any United States Government facility. Websites of which we have contacted and received NO answers towards the investigation we ask for: http://womack.house.gov/ http://www.pryor.senate.gov/public/ http://www.boozman.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/e-mail-me http://www.boozman.senate.gov/public/ http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ http://www.speaker.gov/ http://www.democraticleader.gov/ http://www.fayettevillear.va.gov/ http://www.va.gov/org/
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynn E. Carter
  • Autism is treatable and deserves insurance coverage.
    Therapies based on behavioral and developmental approaches effectively reduce and in some cases eliminate the symptoms of autism. Current funding for this type of therapy in MN is limited to public insurance. This coverage will come to an end if the DHS budget changes pass as currently written, leaving virtually no options for citizens of Minnesota who are living with autism. We must pass a bill currently being debated in the MN legislature requiring private insurance companies to cover treatment for autism. We must also protect coverage provided by public insurance. All Minnesota children deserve a bright future.
    1,816 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alicia Moore
  • Govenor Ambercrombie
    As a former DOE special education teacher, and a parent of a child with Autim, I can say with confidence that the public standard for sevices is neglectfully low. It is heartbreaking and frustrating, to be knowledgable of the evidence practices that will help my child, yet the very professionals employed to apply them do not have the training, staffing resources, administrative support or accountability. Stop the madness! Push for Health Care Reform that will help families access adequate therapies.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Egan
  • Support Colorado's SB13-215 Health Freedom
    This legislation is a Health Freedom Bill gives practitioners and clients the freedom to seek and receive alternative therapies. • Currently, there are no laws giving a right to practice to Natural Health Practitioners. • There are over 1,500,000 Colorado citizens who receive health care services from complementary and alternative health care practitioners. Protect your freedom to choose.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodie MacTavish
  • NO to Terri Herring on the MS Board of Public Health
    Governor Phil Bryant has just appointed Terri Herring, a major Personhood proponent to the MS Board of Public Health, she now must be confirmed by the MS State Senate. Terri Herring, an extremist, who is out of touch with mainstream Mississippi and utterly unqualified in the field of public health should not be appointed to the MS Board of Public Health. This position is too important and her appoint to this board jeopardizes the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Mississippi who will be effected by the policies of this board. From the Jackson Free Press: "Gov. Phil Bryant has nominated staunch pro-life activist Terri Herring, national director for the Pro-Life America Network, to sit on the Mississippi Board of Public Health. The 11-member board, according to its website, provides policy direction for the Mississippi Department of Health, appoints a state health officer to operate the agency; approves the state health plan; and approves all rules and regulations of the agency. Most of the board members are doctors and nurses. All of them are gubernatorial appointees that serve for six years. Herring, who apparently has no medical background, would replace Dr. Ellen P. Williams. Last year, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves blocked Gov. Haley Barbour's nomination to the board, OB/GYN Dr. Carl Reddix, because of Reddix' tenuous ties to the Jackson Women's Health Organization. The Senate will hold nominating hearings, which are open to the public, next week." http://www.jacksonfreepress.com/weblogs/jackblog/2013/mar/27/bryant-nominates-terri-herring/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From the Clarion Ledger: "Said Sen. Debbie Dawkins, D-Pass Christian: “I’m not sure if she knows what happens when a sperm and egg unite. I’m not unbiased. When I worked in the ER – I was a surgical technician – back before Roe vs. Wade, we would see people come in, with coat hanger situations or worse.” Dawkins said agency boards need people willing to compromise, not divisive figures. Her nomination comes one year after the ouster of State Board of Health member Dr. Carl Reddix, an OB-GYN, because of his loose affiliation with the Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Reddix was appointed by then-Gov. Haley Barbour and had been serving on the board since mid 2011. But when Barbour submitted his name for nomination in the 2012 session before leaving office, Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves blocked it. Reeves had cited concerns about Reddix’s association with the abortion clinic, saying he wanted a qualified physician instead. A Mississippi native, Reddix earned his medical degree from Tufts University, his master’s degree from Harvard, and did his residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital. He didn’t work for the clinic but provided emergency care for its patients in case of post-procedure difficulties. Herring’s qualfications weren’t immediately available, but she has been an ardent opponent of the abortion clinic and a staunch supporter of the Personhood amendment." http://www.clarionledger.com/article/20130327/NEWS/303270065/Bryant-nominates-abortion-foe-State-Board-Health
    383 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mississippi United Against Personhod