Artificial Colors in food and drinksMy son has been diagnosed with ASD with ADHD features and he has been adversely affected by artificial colors in food and drinks.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bryan Best
American Victims of International AdoptionsCouples heartbroken over infertility and other issues that frequently result in adoption as an option are often disappointed by failed adoptions, particularly international adoptions. What happens when one adopts a child that has a mental illness and other issues that present a clear and present danger to those living in the immediate environment? Who do these parents call for help? Currently no one is truly designated as an assistant, as involvement isn't usually called unless the child is in danger.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by M. vanDam
Do away with Congressional Health care coverage.Health Care9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Susan Nial
cant make a livingI have no health insurance1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by ely greenhut
Medicare for allInstitute the government option for everyone3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by charlie nordlinger
medicare for allinstitute the government option for everyone2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by charlie nordlinger
Guidance for Traumatic Brain Injury patientsI had surgery for my a birth defect in my brain, and I did not have anyone to help guide me through this confusing time. As a teenager, I just felt like I had to go along with everything the doctors told me and just accept my new life. I believe that if people who have traumatic Brain Injuries, had better advocacy, there would be less crime and suicides.1 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Grandits
Congress Be Required to Use Market Healthcare Available to CitizensThis is only one example of how people in Congress have voted themselves special advantage over the citizens they serve. They receive low to no cost health insurance that is far superior to the average citizen. How can they have any idea how to craft health care policy when they do not have to experience it first hand?32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Harry Vernon
Help Progress Chiropractic to allow Drugs and Surgery in New MexicoChiropractic Medicine has come a long way over the century. The best way to get chiropractic to progress in the medical field and receive considerable notoriety and respect in healthcare is to try and make the profession more legitimate by practicing and incorporating evidence/science-based medicine into the chiropractic community. Straight and philosophical chiropractic must be eliminated for this to happen. Help voice your concern by letting our congress men and women know that you are "FOR" SB 471. Please sign this peteition to vote "YES" for this Bill.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chase Rupprecht
Leave Michigan's No Fault Insurance aloneMy family and I were involved in an auto accident on 6/1/08 and are still dealing with the ramifications of this life altering event now in 2013. The legislators along with the Governor in Michigan are wanting to put a cap on the catastrophic claim at 1 million dollars for a lifetime claiming that the cost saving would benefit consumers when the estimated saving would be approximately $125.00 per year. This effort by them are not about us residents but saving Insurance companies millions of dollars.9,847 of 10,000 SignaturesCreated by Sue Hart
Healthcare & Social SecurityThe President and Legislatures have a different healthcare and retirement systems than the citizens. They need to be on the same system that the citizens are on. How can they "attempt" to manage two different systems and get voter support. This is CRIMINAL!5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Roy Gunther
The whole House of Washington and GovernmentHealth issues!! How "WE THE PEOPLE " pay for ALL THEIR Health Insurance! For the MONEY that they all get payed "BY US,WE THE PEOPLE"! Shouldn't they all be paying for their own health insurance!?2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ron