• Equality wrt Vet dioxin exposure presumption
    Our government needs to do its job and take care of the veterans as prescribed by the constitution, President Abraham Lincoln and DOD regulations. In many locations and time frames, the DVA (Dept. of Veteran's Affairs)assumes that units were not exposed or vet served there, when the DOD only fails to find the data that confirms exposure or service connection occurred, a low priority for the DOD (Dept. of Defense), and oftern due to poor, lost, classified and missing old records. The DVA has the proof in their claims and decision records and are legally obligated to research these; this is a must! Dioxins are from Agent Orange / Rainbow - Tactical Herbicides, some PCBs and insecticides. They were used to defoliate / defend perimeter fence lines around bases and TAC sites, to prevent fires, in hydraulic fluids, in electrical equipment, in cleaning fluids and to control insects / pests. Currently, many vets are not getting these benefits, as many exposed units are not listed for many locations, many countries; due to poor, destroyed, classified and lost records (per DOD). Also found in soil and well water at many U.S. bases, dioxin is one cause of many medical conditions. The DVA acts like the DOD said all other units were not exposed. In many locations and time frames, the DVA assumes that units were not exposed or that the vet did not serve there, when the DOD only fails to find the data that confirms exposure or that service occurred, a low priority for the DOD and due to poor, lost, classified and missing decades old records. Many spouses and offspring are also effected by this, and this becomes very hard for them to prove! I am told that less than 5% of claims have been approved; some of those have taken decades, this is statistically lop-sided! Too many vets and others that should have been included in past and present legislation have and are being left behind. Trying to get wider legislation and to uncover unfair DVA practices to "Deny, deny until they die"! I was in an AO / dioxin exposed unit, one of many and in many countries, not recognized by the DVA / DOD due to poor, missing, classified records such as some in RVN, ROK ( the 38th Brgd. ADA and all other missile sites in Korea and support units ), ghost walkers, AF bases, Okinawa, Panama, and many CONUS bases, to name just a few of MANY. Many air bases had exposure to herbicides that were sprayed around aircraft taxiways and aircraft parking areas. Veterans worked and inhaled 24/7 these herbicides that were sprayed within a few feet of their work areas. SIGN, Pass along to others too, email, post link to group pages like FB every few days, and SHARE! I am hoping that someone in DC realizes that if this is done, they would not have to admit to any specific US or other location being contaminated, and also not release any classified data, while still enabling vets their decades overdue and just benefits. They should only then need to prove they are a vet, spouse or offspring and have a recognized medical condition(s) during the decades that contamination occurred worldwide. Make sure to state your unit, location and time frame when adding a comment. https://www.usa.gov/Contact/Elected.shtml contact your elected officials too WITH HEADS UP! House Committee on Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations at 202-225-3569 or Mr. Eric Hannel, Subcommittee Staff Director, at [email protected] To Report Suspected Wrongdoing in VA Programs and Operations: Telephone: 1-800-488-8244 [email protected] (Hotline Information: http://www.va.gov/oig/hotline/default.asp) https://www.change.org/p/va-secretary-robert-a-mcdonald-have-thomas-murphy-veteran-s-antagonist-dismissed-from-the-va?tk=FTaxWjRwfrqX5Ifuqgs-D9K6jfg_S71cKnBkbeS3uX0&utm_medium=email&utm_source=signature_receipt&utm_campaign=new_signature To navigate signers comments: There are paging buttons at the bottom of the signers list for navigation, on the 1st page: [ NEXT >> ] and takes you back to the signers just before. After that 2 buttons: [ << PREVIOUS ] [ NEXT >> ] where [ << PREVIOUS ] takes you back to the next / later signers.
    6,341 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Lee McHenney
  • Veterans' Affairs' Office, Washington, DC
    I would like for you to have the dental department of your health system of the State of New York, too fix the mess that they have preformed in my mouth. When they should have just done an simple implant. Now my mouth looks like it was kicked by a southern mule and they're countenance denial from Dr. Gene Burgen, and the entire staff at his two hospitals', too Northport, Bronx, Veterans' Affairs Medical Centers, too fix all the of what they have done..
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mr. James Franklin Moore, Sr.
  • Bring Kaiser to Bayview
    11 Reasons to Bring Kaiser to Bayview 1. Access to quality healthcare at a family friendly location close to home 2. Access to health & wellness education about diabetes, childhood obesity, asthma, and heart disease and other health disparities in the community 3. Opportunities for local contractors and residents to work on construction of facility 4. Improves infrastructure of nearby streets 5. Contributes to safety on streets near facility 6. More jobs areas like nursing, radiology, pharmacology AND in fields that support operations like office administration, security, food service, cleaning 7. Opportunities for local businesses to provide goods and services to the facility 8. Increased partnerships with neighborhood non-profits working in health care 9. Creates need for increased services like restaurants along commercial corridors 10. Creates a destination that brings others into the neighborhood 11. Act as generator for businesses that support patient, health and employee services
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Q. Johnson
  • NC GOP: Don't put teenagers health at risk!
    A bill has been introduced in the state legislature that would require minors to get parental consent, and notarized consent in some cases, before they could receive testing for STDs or birth control. Not only would this bill needlessly shame teenagers when they are most vulnerable, it would also put the health and well-being of all North Carolinians at risk.
    80 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eric Lundy
  • Seniors Mental Health Access Improvement Act S.562
    State licensed clinical counselors with Masters and Doctorate degrees in Counseling and related fields have been blocked from providing quality and affordable counseling to seniors. Some counselors have been seeing Medicare clients under the supervision of a psychiatrist. Social workers and psychologists do not have such restrictions.
    205 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Courtenay Jones Culp
  • UPMC(University of Pittburgh Medical Center) Health Plan
    Continues to raise the cost of our plan, co-pays, x-rays, MRI's and medicine. At the same time they have a hospital in Italy and just built a $10 million hospital in Ireland. They deny us, including family members of their Physicians, certain treatments or equipment, which can improve our health.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Arlene Adelman
  • Protect Michigan No-Fault
    Please oppose the Insurance Industry's effort to gut Michigan's no-fault system through House Bill 4612, which will cost us thousands of jobs, heap millions of dollars in increased Medicaid costs onto taxpayers, and take away needed care for our state's most seriously injured while not providing consumers any real or lasting savings.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy
  • California: Donate Life Paid Leave of Absence
    I'm Kidney Failure Patient 100% dependent on Dialysis. I'm looking for a Living Donor to Donate a Kidney to me. I haven't found one person willing to be tested. There's not enough awareness about being a Living Organ Donor. The Donor will need at lease 6 weeks off work after the surgery. In these days most people can't afford to be without pay for 6 weeks. So we have people like myself waiting on a List, or die waiting on a List for our number to come up.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy C
  • Restore our right to use cannabis for medicine
    Hemp was used for thousands of years to cure many things till a few people made up a bunch of lies. My cancer is back I have no health insurance. I would like to grow a few plants and make my own hemp oil but I am in the wrong zip code...
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Johnson
  • Lack of Care - US Military Retirees
    US Military Retired and Veterans, living in the Philippines, are not receiving the care required by law. Under the TRICARE system, administered by ISOS and Global24, contractors of the Tricare Management Activity, military retirees are being overcharged double and more the local rate for all other persons with the encouragement of ISOS and Global24. Disabled US Veterans are NOT being provided required care, as stated by law, even though the Veterans Administration maintains a clinic there.
    47 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clinton S Craddock
  • waiting on Social Security Insurance
    Having to wait on benefits for Medical Insurance 25 months before insurance is granted for people who are on disability . we should be concerned because many can not afford insurance and can not go to all treatments needed. I am personally affected by this issue . and several other people I know. Pre exising condition insurance very high . some I am sure die . and if we can get treatment sooner some people may be able to go back to work and save a lot of Government money in the long run. waiting to long for the treatments can be very risky to many ! Thank You and God Bless America .
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patricia Vaughn
  • Support Single-payer Healthcare
    Our healthcare costs are increasing at an alarming rate, threatening the solvency of our country, because we don't regulate them like most countries. Healthcare doesn't need to be a profit-center for private corporations. We also need to provide healthcare coverage to the millions of Americans who lack it. Not only is it the humane thing to do, it's economical.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by William Carey