"Change health insurance laws in Arizona"Presently the Arizona Insurance Commission does not get involved if a health insurance company pays any money toward a claim. Consequently, in emergency situations a health insurance company can get away with paying out-of-network 60% vs the 80% that should be paid for emergency situations. example: a car accident where the patient is taken to the closest hospital. This causes personal hardship and an increase in filing for personal bankruptcy in Arizona.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by mark rosin
Standing United Against Death by TobaccoThe United States federal and state governments are not fullfilling their mission to protect the lives of Americans from illness and death by tobacco. Despite the loss of more than 430,000 Americans and more than a million innocent mourners annually the public health funds to reduce the harm from this epidemic are denied while tobacco taxes are increased. The President, congress, state governors and their legislators are asked to redress this unacceptable annual death toll from tobacco by directing that sufficient public health funds from the rising tobacco tax revenue be allocated to the programs and agencies responsible for tobacco harm reduction programs.36 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Macmaster
Don't Let Governor Christie Destroy Medicaid In New JerseyIn September 2011, Governor Christie submitted a request for a federal waiver to the Center of Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) in Washington. He is requesting permission to give New Jersey's precious Medicaid program (the part that covers nursing home care) to private, managed care, for-profit companies. Most Americans are not super-rich, and therefore, depend on Medicaid insurance being there for them in their time of great need when either they or their friends and family need long-term nursing home care. President Obama's phone number is 202-456-1111, and Secretary Sebelius's phone number is 202-205-5445. Call now, as the waiver request is near the end of a 90-day review process, and time is running out. Please tell your friends & family to call too.11,408 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Donna Parisi
Outragous $350 Part D InsuranceIf you have Medicare and Medicade, you have to have an approved carrier. Well, this year the majority of the carriers have a premium ranging from $0 - $170 and deductibles ranging from $0 - $350. Most of them are $350. The click in all of this great plan is that they can change what you pay month to month for your medicines. In one sixmonth period you pay one amount lower then it changes to 4x the amount in the next six months or it can be staggered in various months over the 12 month period. So basically you really only have two choices to pick from and if you take opiates or any kind of medicines like xanax you can look at spending at least $200 a month just on meds, because some companies tier their meds now, according to President Obama’s plan. So if you have any kind of insurance plan. You really should log on to the website or log on to the Medicare website and double check your options avoid register shock when check out at the pharmacy.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kathy Foust
Basic preventative health care for everyone.The best healthcare coverage must include preventative care. But not all private policies cover basic care uniformly or appropriate to age, ethnicity and gender. A taxpayer based single payor coverage (SPC) would provide everyone all tests, inoculations and medications through their doctor or clinic making us a healther nation. In turn we should expect and mandate lower private healthcare insurance premiums for individuals and businesses.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Patrick Vingo
Medicare For Everyone1) Health care is a right. 2) Medicare is efficient. 3) A person with Medicare coverage can still buy a private supplemental policy. 4) Medicare For Everyone could be implemented in 6 months.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rudy Perpich
Nurse patient ratioThere needs to be a standard in nursing care and one way to achieve that is be reducing the number of patients a nurse can take, if we make it a law then hospital and places of care will have to obey or be fined, thus in return allows better care to be provided, doesn't cause burn out and less errors or even death bc a nurse is unable to safely care for her patients in a timely mannor! It also will put the liability back on the hospital instead of the nurse if something should happen to the pt when the guidelines aren't being followed!45 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tarra
Stop Drug Price-GougingPrivate and employer health insurance plans classify prescriptions using tiers to differentiate among generic, brand name and "non-preferred" brand name drugs. Any medication costing more than $600 is automatically placed on a specialty tier that requires patients to pay from 25 to 33 percent or more - rather than a flat rate. For many seniors on a fixed income, these life-saving drugs for everything from cancer to rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis can cost upwards of $1,700 per month. Seniors who can't afford the medication often go without treatment.31 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Becky Beaman
Shands Jacksonville Medical Center Granted Protection for Medical MistakesGov. Rick Scott's approval to sheild Shands Jacksonville from malpractice has opponents of the bill who have expressed concern that hospital staff may not perform as carefully as they should if immunity is extended. Victims of medical negligence at hospitals with sovereign immunity will have little or no recourse for covering their damages.This is because medical negligence claims are extremely complex and expensive to litigate. If a claimant must spend $50,000 on expert witnesses to bring the claim, by the time he or she has paid such expenses and lawyers, there is nothing left. As a result, there is no incentive for such victims to bring a claim. I know of no attorneys in Jacksonville who are currently willing to take cases against the doctors at Shands.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stacie Bennett
Amending IC Clinic hours to be more patient-centredWe would like IC Clinic hours at St. Paul's Hospital to be amended to include early morning hours, to allow medical treatment for the majority of patients (who work daytime hours). While we greatly appreciate the health service provided by the IC Clinic, the current clinic schedule is planned for the convenience of nursing staff, and hospital administration. We would like the needs of patients to be taken into account in the planning. The majority of people who work full-time, work 9-5 (or 8-5). The current IC Clinic schedule means that patients with full-time 9-5 jobs cannot receive medical treatment. The schedule presumes that most people have employers willing to allow flexibility for staff to regularly attend appointments on staff time. The reality is unfortunately that many of us have employers who do not permit flexibility for regular appointments during work hours. Also, a number of us want to apply for full-time jobs, but cease to be candidates once it is explained that weekly or twice-weekly there are hours we cannot be available. We would like the hours to change, and feel that a patient-centred IC Clinic schedule would work better for the majority, and by enabling more of us to work and contribute to the economy, will ultimately be a better deal for taxpayers.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Mighton
stop govenor lepage from taking away suboxone maintenance therapyGovenor lepage wants to put a cap on Buprenorphine (suboxone) therapy of two years and anyone currently receiving therapy that has been on it for two years will not be weened off but will have it taken away immedietly...this is a very important medication to help those with substance abuse problems get clean please don't let him take this away14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by heather carlow
Florida Disability Grassroots: We need Adult Day Training ProgramsFlorida Governor Rick Scott decided to cut the budget for people with disabilities which will lead per APD (Area offices) website information to 40%+ cuts for 2/3 of the costplans of Florida's most vulnerable disabled population. Rick Scott and APD Director Hansen decided in addition to those cuts to eliminate Adult Day Training Programs as a core (:needed) service. With this decision, they removed the previous guaranteed funding and parents as well as advocates fear the worst especially since the changes will happen in Spring 2012. Without Adult Day Training, parents are either forced to quit their job and care for their child, or give their adult child in an institution which breaks their heart (and cost Scott much more) or they leave their child alone at home from Monday-Friday during work hours. Current Medicaid Waiver disabled recipients have challenging disabilities and medical conditions, ranging from severe seizures, low IQ's, wheelchair bound and often unable to even move a arm, the need of receiving full assistance often through a 2-person-lift with changing attends/adult diapers or using a restroom, and most needing full assistance to eat. Many need positioning throughout the day to avoid bed sores and skin drafts. Much more could be listed her Florida's republican Governor shows no to ensure the safety of people with often severe and multiple disabilities. Tell Governor Rick Scott to stop cutting the funding for the developmental disabled population and to make Adult Day Training Programs (and transportation to ADT) again a core service.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by B