• Stop Lifetime Appointments to Supreme Court of U.S.A.
    It affects all aspects of our lives. Women's rights concerning their own bodies, and many other key issues.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debra L Field Randall
  • No New Justice until After the Election
    In February of 2016 you said “ The American people should have a voice in the selection of their new Supreme Court Justice.” We believe you should stuck to the same standard now
    90,379 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Gabe Gonzalez
  • Protect California’s Fragile Elderly from New Nursing-Home Survey Model
    This dual consultant/survey model is not new. It is the model that existed throughout the 70s and 80s—a model that resulted in such poor care, it prompted Congress to pass the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act. This law deemed it unlawful for nurse surveyors to provide facility consults, then turn around and write deficiencies and citations for advice that they, themselves, had given, due to conflict of interest. Although the CA Health and Safety Code (1417.3) allows nurse surveyors to provide instruction to facilities on occasion, it makes it illegal to provide instruction if it will diminish survey efforts. However, given the degree of facility involvement required of nurses per the new model, survey efforts will clearly be diminished, as there are simply not enough nurses in the state of CA to implement the new survey model and still have time for surveys and complaint investigations. The new survey model is redundant and represents an inefficient and wasteful use of government spending: nursing homes already have full-time Infection Preventionists on staff, CDPH has infection-control experts that can provide consults without it being a conflict of interest, and the Center for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) has Quality Improvement Organizations and Quality Improvement Networks that are already providing oversight and education on quality improvement . The new survey model is in violation of the Nurse Practice Act: the training has not been standardized, the new survey policy was not written by an RN, and Covid-infection control is out of the scope of practice of many nurse surveyors, not all of whom have the Public Health Nurse license required engage in control of communicable disease in the community setting. The new survey model is in violation of the American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, which obligates nurses not to accept assignments that place patients, or themselves, at risk, or assignments that involve conflicts of interest. Since the majority of nursing home residents in CA are minorities, the new survey model stands to further harm a patient population that is already underserved by the healthcare system, by further ignoring the healthcare and quality of life needs of CA’s many Latino, African American and Asian nursing-home residents. Implementation of this new model will severely limit the ability of nurse surveyors to hold specific nursing-home administrators accountable for their actions, or hold the nursing-home industry at large for the motivations of a business that is for-profit, and thereby lacking in incentive to provide quality care in the first place.
    180 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susan Lawrance, MA, MSN, RN
  • You Don’t Deserve to Live in Our City of Atlanta
    People are dying of COVID-19. Science matters. The truth matters. (I have been a member of Move On since 2003.)
    81 of 100 Signatures
    Created by L Glen Lewis
  • Vote No Confidence on Gov DeSantis' Handling of Coronavirus Response
    This is important to limit the unnecessary deaths of the citizens of the state of Florida due to Covid19. A Florida Governor cannot be recalled. This petition will put pressure on the Governor to follow SCIENCE. SIGNATURES=PRESSURE=CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR
    23,568 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Shelley Vana
  • Amend New York State's Inhumane Wrongful Death Statute
    New York State's current Wrongful Death Statute is contrary to public policy. We do not have equal protection under the current law. This bill has been in Albany since 1994. The New York State government has been Derelict in it's Duty to deter negligent, reckless, sometimes criminal behavior that leads to needless deaths. This bill would acknowledge that the families of wrongful death victims experience emotional anguish.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meryl Fischer
  • Texas Mask Up at the Polls
    As of July 4th over 132,000 people in the US have lost their lives to COVID-19. Despite being six months into the pandemic, there are still many unanswered questions. However, what we do know for sure is that masking up is an effective way to prevent the spread of this virus. Wearing a mask prevents people with COVID-19 from spreading it to others. This is a crucial line of defense when combatting a virus that can be spread even if a person doesn't have symptoms. Governor Abbott knows these facts and agrees that we must all wear masks in public to keep Texas open. Governor Abbott states that he does not want to suppress Texas voters who may not have a mask. By not extending the mask order to polling locations he will, unintentionally, suppress voters who are, appropriately, fearful of contracting COVID-19. As an emergency room pediatrician I am gravely concerned that we will see increased cases related to this election. As a state we have all sacrificed so much, we cannot allow our elections to further fan the flames of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please, tell Governor Abbott to include election polling locations in the statewide mask mandate.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shubhada Hooli
  • $600 A week for essential works for the last 12 week!
    We are all front line workers through this pandemic and a lot of us are struggling also. Most of but as we know not all, the people that are out of work are the ones that don't need to work because they make thousands of dollars. The ones that are standing there on that front line are lower paid people that deserve that money also. I agree the extra money shall be there for unemployment but where is our bonus pay?
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Cole-Dawson
  • Defund the police
    If we can afford 5 trillion dollars for the wealthiest thousand citizens and endless wars, we can afford college for lower to lower middle income families as an investment in our collective future. All of the things are and more are possible........Let’s do them!!!
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carlos Burgos
  • Cna saftey
    Because i work there and i want to protect my resident co worker and my family
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tamicka Ashley
  • Withdraw all Cannabis Tax Dollars from Oregon Police
    The police departments in the state are already more than well-funded. The 15% of cannabis tax revenue (that’s about $109 million of the $725 Million total in 2019) goes to them is simply not needed. This money could go to fund much-needed infrastructure and create jobs for people in need of work (Economists estimate the unemployment rate is truly around 20% since the pandemic undid 10 years of economic growth in two months).
    102 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Appel
  • Increase Child Care Group Size
    Child care centers will close operating at such a small capacity.
    721 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Kristen Raines