Bring Back Georgia Gold at KFCBecause it was the best sauce that KFC has ever had, and it brought so much joy and happiness to the people.169 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kim O
Reopen House Impeachment ProceedingsThe American public are entitled to know the facts.32 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Sanford
Ask Ambassador John Bolton to speak now and not wait for a subpoena that may never be draftedHe most likely will never receive a subpoena and he can change the course of the impeachment proceedings. Either way we will have his truth.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julie Boughton
Charges to be droppedOn January 1st my daughter's was almost a victim of a sexual assault in our home. I defended my girls with physical assualt with no weapons when the police came saw the defendant bloody they just took his word that I assaulted him with a weapon and took me to jail. It was a article put on Lehigh Valley Live for people who have not heard about the case492 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Shantika Briley
Ask Democratic candidates to tell their supporters: "No matter who wins, I expect you to be all in."Our democracy faces an existential threat if Donald Trump is re-elected. The damage he has done during his first term, enabled by feckless Congressional Republicans who put party over country, will take years, if not decades, to undo. Trump has already packed federal courts with right-wing ideologues; fully one in four U.S. circuit court judges have been appointed to lifetime seats by Trump. His Supreme Court picks have moved the high court to the right of ultra-conservative Justice Scalia. It's terrifying to imagine what the federal judiciary would look like after another four years of Trump nominees. It’s expected that during the Democratic primaries candidates will attack their opponents’ platforms; at times the critiques have been mean-spirited and personal and no doubt will continue that way as the competition intensifies. Worse, though, is what’s playing out among the candidates’ core supporters. Examples abound on social media of insults being hurled at one candidate or another by the others’ supporters. That doesn’t bode well for the general election. To defeat Trump in conservative-leaning swing states (the only ones that matter, thanks to winner-take-all and the Electoral College), to hold the Democratic House majority and to flip the Senate, Democrats will need a get-out-the-vote effort the likes of which we’ve never seen. To achieve that will require efforts well beyond what the eventual nominee will be able to muster on their own. But to listen to some activists, if their candidate doesn’t prevail, yes, they’ll vote for whomever is the Democratic nominee, but beyond that the effort they make will be much less than what it would have been. Given what’s at stake, that’s not acceptable. If the losing candidates’ supporters just show up to vote, but do no more, we could lose it all. The only ones who can change this narrative are the candidates themselves. And they can’t wait until after the convention. Democrats can’t afford to let the acrimony between the camps build to the point that the ill will causes any Democratic activist to sit on the sidelines (the way it did in 2016 between Hillary and Bernie supporters.) The way to build party unity is for candidates to keep sending the message to their supporters, “I expect you to work as hard to elect the Democratic nominee, whoever it is, as you will if I win the nomination. Nothing less is acceptable. Do I have your promise that you’re all in, whoever is nominated?” Imagine the power of a huge display of unity at the end of every Democratic nominee's campaign rally. We need nothing less.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jonathan Perloe
Suspend @realDonaldTrump from Twitter.Declaring war on a social media platform is an outrage. The actions this President is taking circumvents all forms of checks and balances and directly affect the mental health of millions of users worldwide.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by The People
Akron, Summit County African American Leadership CovenantThe report is clear. Our babies are dying, employment opportunities do not exist for us, evictions are at an all-time high, shortages exist in adequate housing, HIV is on the rise and the list goes on for us. Please read below and join us in establishing a new day and a new way. Akron, Summit County African American Leadership Covenant. Vision Statement “We envision a community that values diversity and maintains high standards, in a safe and nurturing environment that builds independence and economic self-sufficiency, while educating our community in the knowledge of self and promoting a healthy quality of life for all throughout the life cycle.” Commitment Statement As a leader in the African American community in Akron, Ohio and the County of Summit, I am committed to secure and promote the financial, legal, spiritual and cultural well-being of the community and to ensure that it fulfills its mission. As a leader, I understand that I share the responsibility to always work collectively in the best interests of the community, a duty to put the good of the community first and avoid any conflicts with other leaders that would hinder the progress of members within the community. In the event a conflict arises, I am committed to reconciliation for the greater good of the community. In furtherance of these commitments and responsibilities I will put forth my best individual effort to: • Participate in and support the African American community with my talents, resources, skills, and abilities. • Lead with integrity, honesty, compassion, and commitment. • Dedicate my efforts towards uniting and uplifting black people • Educate myself, be self-determined to benefit my brothers and sisters • Advocate, sacrifice, and lead by example for our children’s children • Take talk to action in collective work and responsibility • Never give up, never give in and stand on truth90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by charmaine thurman
Furlough For Grieving FatherSerenity was entrusted to the care of Alquans sister, Brittany McKinney, who did a most horrific act in shooting 3 people including Serenity, her own daughter and an elder man. Alquan is currently incarcerated in Ohio at Licking County Jail. They are denying him furlough. He is not perfect, but he was a loving father who had sole custody of his daughter and made a mistake but he deserves to say goodbye. https://www.wfmynews2.com/article/news/local/greensboro-triple-murder-suspect-involved-in-hit-and-run-after-alleged-murders/83-ad36a23e-d3db-4f63-b7a4-b932252014ea1,238 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lis Harris
Rename South Van Ness as Dolores Huerta BoulevardDolores Clara Fernández Huerta is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta helped organize the Delano grape strike in 1965 in California and was the lead negotiator in the workers' contract that was created after the strike. Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers', immigrants', and women's rights, including the Eugene V. Debs Foundation Outstanding American Award, the United States Presidential Eleanor Roosevelt Award for Human Rights and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She was the first Latina inducted into the National Women's Hall of Fame, in 1993. Huerta is the originator of the phrase, "Sí, se puede" (Yes, we can). As a role model to many in the Latino community, Huerta is the subject of many corridos (Mexican or Mexican-American ballads) and murals. In California, April 10 is Dolores Huerta day. It is also her birthday. For more information, see doloreshuertaboulevard.org1,393 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by sean s
Fighting for fathers equal rightsThis cause is important because Father’s are portrayed to be deadbeat because the state takes all their money and doesn’t help enforce their visitation rights. These systems were put in place to help the people and to work for the people but instead, creates a cycle that only benefits the interest of the state. It is important and time we get our voices heard and that changes be made. Shared parenting is the best interest of the children’s. Children need both parents in their life. If you’re going to enforce Child Support Laws, then Visitation laws should also be enforced. Families need to be kept together because it can lead to many mental health issues. We need to break the cycle of fatherless homes. The system needs to put kids first. Shared parenting needs to be the default parenting plan. The OAG should not take child support to the point where it leaves noncustodial parents unable to be able to live. Im asking for help from the Texas Government to let our voices be heard. Don’t tear families apart. Parents want to be a part of their children’s lives.198 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Marceaux Davis
Andria's lawMy sister Andria Berger, like many others was killed and left on the side of the road to die. While the person who is usually drunk leaves the scene and benefits with receiving a 7 year maximum sentence. Taking someone's life should carry a higher sentence than gun and or drugs!772 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Tammy Leger
Beau Pollock x Joe Rogan interviewThis book is necessary tool for Men and young Men to deal with modern American life and society and personal growth.108 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Beau Pollock