Our kids deserve a safe, toxin free school environment. Families of MPS students recently received a General Pesticide Use Notice informing of ongoing pesticide use at their children's schools. Join your neighbors by signing today! Show your support of Superintendent, Ed Graff and Environmental Health and Safety Manager, Lee Setter in adopting healthier policies and implementing safer practices, by replacing toxic pesticides with non-toxic and mechanical pest control methods.
    254 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Russ Henry
    From gun violence to universal healthcare, no field of endeavor or conflict in this country is untouched by the legacy of racism manifest by our American destiny. Despite scholarly and established work to the contrary, CDC cries "No evidence-based best practices to address it" as an excuse not to do their job, so the people must demand it. I have seen the stress of loss of privilege, the minute daily drips of intangible "microaggressions" and the gaping wounds of bullets; I took an oath and DO NO HARM is not enough. We're also on Twitter and would ask folks to tweet Trevor Noah and other prominent folks who "have the mic"! @Right2healthNow
    16,870 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by Leslie Gregory, PA-C
  • Minneapolis Citizens for Eliminating Pesticides in Our Public Parks
    Whereas scientific studies associate exposure to pesticides with health risks to infants, children, pregnant women, and the elderly; Whereas pesticides are harmful to pets, wildlife, beneficial insects (including bees, currently at great risk from colony collapse disorder), and natural ecosystems; and Whereas, toxic runoff from pesticides and chemical fertilizers pollutes lakes, rivers and drinking water sources: We, the undersigned, call upon the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board to enact a policy to entirely eliminate the use of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers on all park-owned and park-leased properties, including all land and all bodies of water under MPRB control, in order to protect the public and promote a healthy, sustainable environment; and we call upon the Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board to implement a pesticide-free management policy on all park-owned and park-leased properties.
    864 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Karlie Cole
  • Governor Stitt: Don't execute Richard Glossip
    I firmly believe Oklahoma is about to execute an innocent man unless Richard Glossip is granted a 60 day reprieve. Richard Glossip was convicted on the testimony of his coworker, Justin Sneed. Sneed confessed to the murder and avoided the death penalty himself by implicating Richard. The prosecution committed grave errors by withholding and destroying evidence during Richard's trial and key witnesses lied under oath. After years of inadequate legal defense, Richard now has some of the best death penalty lawyers working pro bono on his case, and his lawyers just uncovered damning new information, including that Sneed bragged about setting Richard up. Two independent investigations have found that Richard Glossip’s conviction for the tragic killing of Barry Van Treese is unreliable. Oklahoma’s Attorney General, a pro-death penalty Republican, has appealed to have the conviction vacated and is taking that appeal to the Supreme Court while many Oklahoma legislators who are pro-death penalty have urged that Richard's conviction be thrown out. Richard’s new lawyers need a 60 day reprieve to prove their client's innocence, and Gov. Kevin Stitt has the authority to stop the execution.
    256,150 of 300,000 Signatures
    Created by Sister Helen Prejean and Susan Sarandon
  • End Prohibition of Cannabis across the United States
    Cannabis is no more dangerous than alcohol and has hundreds of medical uses which have been clearly shown to save and improve lives. Cancer, Aids, Autistic, Epilepsy, Fibro Myalgia, Depression and Anorexia patients can all benefit from Cannabis, and doctors have the right to prescribe it.
    9,016 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Keenan Dunham
  • Help Stop the Release of a Convicted Killer, Child Rapist, Kidnapper, and Abuser of a Corpse.
    My younger sister was shot in the head while she slept, and DISMEMBERED by her husband. He pled guilty and spent less than 25 years in prison. Within 5 months of his release, he kidnapped and raped 2 minors, sodomizing at least 1, and committed almost 20 other "new" crimes. I want to hold Oregon legislatures accountable for the laws they made during a 4 year period that let this killer out, and the parole and probation departments that allowed him the freedom to commit more crimes. This monster MUST remain behind bars! Here is a link to his inmate information, you will need to type in his name. Donald Glen Richardson http://docpub.state.or.us/OOS/searchCriteria.jsf Here is a link to Justice For Cindy on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/JusticeforCindy
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda M. Jones Picture
  • Overturn the Wrongful Conviction of Jon-Adrian Velazquez
    This is an application for the immediate release of Jon-Adrian Velazquez, a man who is innocent and has been unlawfully imprisoned since February 2, 1998. Jon-Adrian Velazquez IS AN INNOCENT MAN. Here are seven reasons why Mr. Velazquez’s conviction must be vacated: 1. Mr. Velazquez and his alibi witness have both taken lie detector tests and have passed them with flying colors. 2. Eyewitnesses have recanted their identifications and changed their trial testimony. 3. There is no physical or DNA evidence against Mr. Velazquez. 4. There is absolutely no connection between Mr. Velazquez and the admitted co-perpetrator of the crime. 5. A seated juror was identified as the shooter during Velazquez’s trial, yet still voted to find him guilty, but has since admitted that he made a grave mistake. 6. There is an outstanding disparity between the initial descriptions of the shooter’s appearance and race-as provided by every single witness-and Mr. Velazquez’s actual appearance and race. 7. The police failed to pursue and investigate an individual by the name of “Mustafa” who was identified to law enforcement by multiple independent sources as the shooter and the person responsible for the death of the deceased. His continued incarceration violates his right to due process under Article 1, 5, and 6 of the New York State Constitution and the 8th and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution. As citizens of "OUR" global community, WE respectfully declare that the case of the People v. Jon-Adrian Velazquez(Indictment #693/98) be vacated immediately. We demand immediate intervention and correction, and also pray for favorable consideration in this matter in accordance with our Bill of Rights.
    5,345 of 6,000 Signatures
    Created by Dylan Wood
  • Free Kevin Trudeau
    Because Kevin Trudeau did nothing wrong yet he is in jail so we need to set him free!
    845 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Robert Custer Picture
  • Make New York Healthy Workplace Bill a Law in 2024
    The toxic circumstances of WORKPLACE/ACADEMIC BULLY has been well known for years. But progress for change has been excruciatingly slow primarily because of elected, civic and business powers that be. Elected officials in Albany should know that the time for change WAS YESTERDAY. Please support the petition and encourages others to sign.
    1,178 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Gregg Morris Picture
  • Parental Alienation Is The Same As Child Abuse
    This petition is intended to influence all 50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia. I am a U.S. Air Force Desert Storm Veteran who currently serves in the U.S Air Force Reserves. This is my TRUTH. Jaelen and Faith Edge are my children. They were alienated from me for almost eight years. During that time I got incarcerated in a U.S. jail FOR PAYING child support, mislead into supervised visitation, judicially ROBBED of my savings and courtroom ALIENATED from my children. I had only petitioned the Cobb County Georgia Superior Court for a divorce and regular visitation of my autistic son and toddler daughter. Jaelen and Faith Edge were later murdered by their mother AFTER a Superior Court Judge called Marilyn Kay Woody-Edge a Parental Alienator and then REFUSED to give me full custody of my children or incarcerate her. I received FULL CUSTODY of my children from a California funeral home. Despite my best efforts to be a part of my children’s lives, I ended up being portrayed as a deadbeat dad who had deserted his children. A deadbeat dad who did not pay child support and should be locked away; A deadbeat dad who could not properly care for his autistic son without special training; A deadbeat dad who needed to be supervised by a Parental Supervision Service; A deadbeat dad who was good enough to serve his country but not good enough to be a part of his children’s lives. In years before filing for a divorce I had spent regular quality time with both of my children. I did my best to give them a good active childhood. I maintained a military security clearance, attended college part time and worked a decent job. I had never been accused of domestic violence, I had never been incarcerated and I had not needed supervision to be able to spend time with my children. Within the first year of my notifying Marilyn of my intent to divorce her all of that changed. Marilyn Woody had deserted our marriage almost three years prior to me filing for a divorce. The reason I decided to divorce was because there was no opportunity to repair our relationship and due to her families influence she and I could not agree on how best to rear my autistic son. She thought there was a magic cure for Autism and her family supported her in that. I did not believe that there was any cure for Autism and I only wanted to mitigate my son’s autism with speech, logic and physical type therapies. Marilyn had expressed her interest to take my son for alternative therapies and I disagreed. I later asked for a divorce after I discovered that she had charged up my equity line of credit and a credit card at an alternative medicine clinic. After asking for the divorce Marilyn almost immediately started making excuses to keep me from spending time with my son or daughter alone. She first started making ultimatums that she come to my home or on trips for overnight visits with the children. Although I wasn’t comfortable with the idea I thought it best to just go along with it to spend time with my children. I loved my children and at that point I would have compromised for them. However the compromise was short lived. The time apart helped me to see many things. I started to see her as spoiled and selfish. I did not see her in the same light that had brought us together. I did not want to pursue any relationship with her other than being friends for the betterment of my children. Marilyn was glossing over the fact that I had asked for a divorce so I told her a second time. Thereafter she immediately stopped my son from having overnight visits with me and started trying to persuade my daughter the same. The difference between the two children’s response to Marilyn’s early attempts to isolate or brainwash them; was that my daughter could verbally express exactly what she wanted and my son could not because he was nonverbal. I had strong bonds with both of my children. By the time they could walk they had spent a lot of time with me and done a lot of things with me. They knew that I was supposed to be with them and vice versa. My son like all children his age wanted his mom and dad to be together whereas my daughter had always known us not to live together. Jaelen was easily persuaded by his mom Faith was not. Before the alienation Jaelen had spent a lot of time hanging out with me. We took road trips to the beach, I pushed him around in his kettle car, we fished, played video games, and had a great time together. Every time Jaelen would see me I could see that he wanted so badly to leave with me. Marilyn made Jaelen’s efforts to leave his grandparents home so dramatic that he began to choose the path of least disappointment. For example Jaelen would crawl up into my truck look around for a bit before waving for his mom to come with us and if she did not come to the vehicle, he would kiss his sister, hug me and go back into the house. The one thing that I could always count on is that when I came to see Jaelen that he would be waiting at the window for me to play with him and that he would run to the window to watch me drive away. I wanted so much for him to just say, “I’m going with my dad!” I never forced him to come with me because I knew it had to be his decision and I did not want to add tension to my relationship with Marilyn or her family. I just went with Jaelen’s flow if he wanted to play ball we played ball, if he wanted to play with remote control cars we played with remote control cars, if he wanted to wrestle we wrestled. I always played with Jaelen to his heart’s content no matter how much time it took to make him happy. When he was tired I would leave and come back the next day to play with him more. I wanted him to know that everything with him and I was going to be okay even if he didn’t choose to spend overnight visits with me and his sister. I was so tired of arguing by that time, so tired of being threatened by her families bogus complaints, so tired of the back and forth wi...
    7,034 of 8,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Edge
  • Justice for Glenda G. Lewis
    On December 30, 2011, Ms. Glenda G. Lewis of Cocoa, Florida was found battered and dead lying in her bed with her violent and abusive ex-boyfriend, Calvin Lamal Williams. Her family reported that weeks before her death, she had filed for a domestic violence injunction, but was repeatedly threatened by Williams to rescind it. Sadly, she did. Days later, she was dead. At the time of Glenda’s death, he was an absconder (his whereabouts unknown to authorities) and was wanted for a probation violation regarding another victim of his domestic violence. Outrage and disbelief has taken the place of grief and sadness by Glenda’s family and friends. We are desperate for answers to why her ex-boyfriend, a man with an extensive history of crime and violence, had not been charged with any crime regarding her “suspicious death” nearly 12 years ago. Why else would an otherwise healthy 40-year-old woman be found dead in her own bedroom in which her furniture was totally destroyed; if foul play was not involved? The message that was sent by Detective Glenn Wade was that you must be a LIVE victim of domestic violence to get charges filed, because once your abuser MURDERS you, you cease to have any rights for justice. Once you are DEAD, you no longer have a voice and your killer can get away with murder. We, the family and friends of Glenda Lewis, are her voice. Please hear our cries for justice. Domestic violence is not a private matter and does not affect the Lewis family solely. It is a public epidemic and if we are not careful with the progress of this case, none of us will ever be safe.
    96 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lashawnda Murray
  • Abolish the Death Penalty in Kentucky
    Legislation (HB 48) is being introduced to end capital punishment. In its crowded, 30-day session, the Kentucky state house will consider public support for doing away with capital punishment. Murder will become a Class A Felony punishable by life without parole or life without parole for 25 years.
    166 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Steve Olshewsky Picture