• Gov. Brown: Protect in-person visitation in jails
    Increasingly, county jails are replacing in-person visitation with video visitation. At least eighteen counties in California have eliminated, plan to eliminate, or severely restrict in-person visitation in at least one of their jails. SB 1157 would require facilities that elect to use video visitation to also provide in-person visitation and would require that facilities that do not offer any in-person visitation to offer in-person visitation by January 1, 2022. Being able to have an in-person visit with their loved one who is incarcerated is crucial for family members, many of them children. Please ask Gov. Brown to sign this important bill.
    877 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Kevan Insko
  • Stop the Harassment of Leslie Merritt Jr & his Family by the Az DPS
    After being cleared of wrongdoing and getting the charges dismissed, AZ DPS is now retaliating against Leslie Merritt Jr and his family by visiting them at their homes and jobs threatening and harassing them to give in to their demands to admit wrongdoing that was never done by them!! This is wrong and needs to stop and the State of AZ and DPS need to be held accountable!!
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by christine ligoretti
  • Tell President Obama: Pardon Edward Snowden!
    TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR EDWARD SNOWDEN. Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing revealed the NSA’s massive, secret – and unconstitutional – surveillance programs. He took a huge personal risk to bring these programs to light. And his actions launched a vital national debate on whether the NSA should be spying on innocent Americans. But three years later, Snowden is still being forced to live in exile and threatened with likely spending the rest of his life in prison if he ever comes back to the country he loves. We have less than 125 days to push President Obama to officially pardon this important American whistleblower. Presidential pardons are about justice. They are for when the legal system has failed, or the laws are unjust or when our consciences demand it. Snowden made his sacrifice not for personal gain, but because he knew it was the only real way to expose the unconstitutional spying programs he witnessed. So when the White House tries to claim Snowden “is not a whistleblower” because he didn’t follow the "proper" whistleblower process, they’re just playing cynical word games. Intelligence contractors, like Edward Snowden, are NOT protected by the Intelligence Community’s whistleblower protections. The Intelligence Community’s own lawyer, even admits it. Even had Edward Snowden followed the “proper” process, his whistleblowing wouldn’t have been protected. Presidential pardons exist for exactly this kind of extraordinary situation. It’s time that President Obama uses that power to recognize Snowden’s public service. Snowden acted out of desperation and patriotism to inform Americans of the unconstitutional mass surveillance the NSA was conducting. Even former Attorney General Eric Holder agrees: “I think that he actually performed a public service by raising the debate that we engaged in and by the changes that we made.” Snowden stood up for our rights. Now it’s time we stand up for his. Sign the petition: Stand up for Edward Snowden and tell President Obama that three years is enough. Pardon Snowden and bring him home!
    326 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Get Stephen Mader Re-hired at a PD
    With so much controversy these days over officers who may or may not be abusing their position. We MUST support the cops that are undeniably honorable, like Stephen Mader. For more info, Please Read the Full Story here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2016/09/12/west-virginia-cop-fired-for-not-killing-a-man-with-an-unloaded-gun/?utm_term=.88d8fb3346eb
    592 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Alexis Romero
  • Demand the murder of Darren Seals be federally investigated.
    We cannot allow Police departments to become gangs who decide who lives and who dies. They work for the people, not the 1 percent.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ben Flint
  • Tell Congress: End Private Prison Tax Breaks!
    Mass incarceration in low-income communities feeds a cycle of poverty and crime and does little to keep those communities safe. It’s unconscionable that, through a loophole in our tax code, taxpayers are actually padding the profits of private prison owners who are getting rich off of mass incarceration. I’m fighting to end this outrageous, unjust special interest loophole and I hope you’ll join me. Sign the Petition: Tell Congress to end private prison tax breaks! - Ron Wyden
    11,024 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Senator Ron Wyden
  • Legalize marijuana
    Sign and share. Put your name on something that can actually benefit our State. Studies have proven that marijuana stops the growth and development of cancer and other diseases. Read the research. Cancer is an epidemic in our country! Take the first step and sign. It's our legal right to have access to the cure for cancer and other medical conditions! It will help our economy. Sign now.
    77 of 100 Signatures
    Created by LaShawna Griffin
  • S.O.C.D.
    My husband was hit with this once he was released from prison in 2011, and also made to register as a Sex Offender for the next 20 years. In the law it states you must have served your time or completed your probation whichever one is greater and then register for 20 years. Not to have 5 more years to do on a 6 year 6 month charge that he already done his time for. This is a Double Jeopardy and it's not fair to them or their family. He completed his classes for the SOTP twice. Paid for a polygraph and passed. Yes we have been affected by this, because my husband Joseph Fulz is a good honest man who deserves to try and rebuild his life. Why make him do more time than he's already done. If they wanted him to do 12 years then I feel the courts should have gave him 12 instead of 6 years and 6 months to only come home on probation. He completed his classes and was following all the rules. The reason for his violations doesn't have anything to do with the underlying offense. He was charged with 2nd degree Rape No Force, but how is it a Rape if there is not Force. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Please help us try and change the SOCD law. If he has done everything the Government request such as register, then the SOCD should be given if you become a Repeat Offender of such a crime as this. Not put you on SOCD and be a registry for 20 years if not a lifetime. We need help because I want my husband back home with his family.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Latisha Fulz
  • Gov. Martinez & Legislators: Don't create a new death penalty for New Mexico
    In 2009, New Mexico repealed the death penalty, replacing it with laws providing for new sentences for life in prison and restitution to the families of victims. But today Governor Martinez is calling for a return to the death penalty--making the state the only one in the country calling for a new death penalty, while at least a half-dozen others are moving to repeal their own. Send this message to Governor Martinez and legislators in the State Senate and State House to show your opposition to a return to this vengeful law.
    1,950 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Pat Davis
  • Corrupt Judges In Family Courts Around the Country
    The children should be heard in court and corrupt Judges around the country are destroying their lives! Let's rally and stop the corruption in Family Courts that's destroying families all over the U.S. Please visit https://www.facebook.com/forthefathersofAZ/ to view judges involved in Kids for Money Schemes and other crimes in courts and across the nation. These judges will need to be held accountable and not allowed to commit these crimes and just walk away. These criminals deserve prison time!
    44 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dennis Haymore
  • Georgia Prison Inhumane Conditions
    I have called the parole board 30 days ago to contact prison and was told he would be given his medication.
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marlo Holley
  • Conspiracy: An Unjust Charge
    I have been a witness to the disappearance of many young folks in poverty-stricken communities as they are swooped off the streets and sentenced to harsh terms in prison as a result of being convicted of conspiracy. My brothers, Robert (21) and Fatir (20) are at risk of spending the rest of their lives in prison, without a chance for rehabilitation. Please, don't wait until you are personally affected to take action against a charge that essentially is a threat to us all.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shaunte Morgan