• Release Satan from Hell and reinstate his license to prosecute.
    From civil rights oppression to sexually assaulting children, the moral elite and privileged have been running the empire of evil for too long. Time to bring back equality, justice and boils. Release Satan from Hell and reinstate his license to prosecute the wicked.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Lowther
  • 557 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Jack Chernak
    My petition is about my fiance, our kids have suffered enough, PLEASE review his case, it was political,😘 The facts of this case are that we both had worked at the Sheriffs Department for many of years and they tried to control our lives and we both decided to move on when we did that Jack started working for the county and two weeks prior to all of this Jack was pulled over by a major and asked what he was doing with a sign for sheriff in his front yard (which was the opposing sheriff, and not the one that had been sheriff for the past 20 plus years) the major said who do you think you are after all the paychecks (current sheriff) has signed for you jack told him well he isn't signing them anymore and was probably kind of a smartass and said that it was none of his business who we voted for the major got t'd off and told him you just wait I'll get you you son of a bleep... Two weeks later the SWAT team came in and arrested us for possession possession with intent to sell trafficking and child endangerment (the trafficking and child endangerment were later dropped) there was absolutely no evidence that they found on our property or self. Eventually after retaining a lawyer and filing for a motion of discovery there was a tape from our current roommate that we were trying to help out who was apparently an undercover and on the tape it was my roommate asking me if I had any medicine for his girlfriend because she had just cut her hand up and glass and had no insurance I of course gave him some pills and told him I did not need any money but he convinced me to let him give me some money after all that we had done for him and giving him a place to stay I eventually agreed and took the money.. This is the only evidence that they had whatsoever Jack was not even at our property when this took place.. Jack's lawyer convinced him to go in front of the judge and that him and his counselor had everything taken care of and he was going to get 6 months in a rehabilitation facility. It was all a lie it was all a setup when he went in front of the judge the judge gave him 10 years he has currently completed six and a half years.. He is 100 percent innocent!!!! I must add that I have spent all of our savings on lawyer and appeals, when finally the last lawyer told me he would not take any more money from me because it was a complete set up and I was never going to get him out.. #TRUESTORY😓😢😪😥 PLEASE GOD HELP MY FAMILY!!!
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Lynn Obenland
  • Prosecute those responsible for authorizing torture.
    Torture is illegal as well as morally reprehensible. Our nation has been perceived by the world as the enviable example of liberty and justice. Every citizen of the U.S. must now suffer with the knowledge that our past leaders abused their authority by authorizing the use of torture on detainees post 09/11/01. We can't change history, but we can punish those who dare bring this nation down with their illegal use of torture.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jerry Giefer
  • President Barack Obama: Free Oscar Lopez Rivera
    I am from Puerto Rico. All my countrymen and women alike; despite our different political differences want him released. It is time that he comes home.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Claudio
  • Indict The City of Rochester, NY Justice System
    This petition is about getting laws changed in the world, the procedures of death that are constantly occurring in our face saying that the law has the right to kill us and nothing can be done about it. Every family deserves Justice. George Orwell said, "Political language is designed to make Lies sound Truthful and Murder Respectable".
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Perkins
  • Impanel a Federal Grand Jury Probe into CIA Torturegate!
    This petition expresses the will of free people everywhere to reject state-sponsored torture of any detainee -- and to expose, condemn, and punish its perpetrators and enablers. The sought-for grand jury probe can help dethrone official torture as the epitome of "the end justifies the means." That negative public policy makes a mockery of the democratic process and hence endangers public safety.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Larry W. Bryant
  • Indict Daniel Pantaleo for Murdering Eric Garner
    On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in the Tompkinsville neighborhood of Staten Island, New York, after a police officer put him in an apparent choke hold for allegedly selling untaxed Cigarettes and the Murder was on video. The Grand Jury who heard the case failed to indict Daniel Pantaleo because District Attorney Daniel Donavan thought Pantaleo was doing what he was trained. Daniel murdered Eric Garner and District Attorney Daniel Donavan knows it.
    490 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Justice To Eric Garner
  • No Justice , No Peace
    My brother is incarcerated in Pennsylvania for a non -violent drug offence and the judge sentenced him 19 to 45 years.That amount of time is outrageous while murders get less time than that . I am trying to get justice for anyone who has been or is in this predicament.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Asia
  • Video Games End Prison Violence in Washington State Prisons
    Several inmates at the Washington State Penitentiary and their families are calling on members of the community to help them end prison violence through the use of video games. THIS CAN BE DONE AT NO COST TO THE PUBLIC by allowing inmates to purchase their own video game console from an approved vendor. Several other states have already taken advantage of this highly cost-effective and such management tool. Studies done in these states have shown a significant drop in prison violence when even the most violent offenders were given the opportunity to purchase their own video game system. Microsoft (creator of Xbox) has recognized the use of video game consoles in prisons across the U.S. and has developed a console which conforms with the prisons security concerns. This console is called the Xbox ghost system which has eliminated the use of wifi capability to prevent prisoners use of the internet to contact individuals outside the prison walls and has designed the system to be clear (see through) to prevent the prisoners use of the console to hide contraband. Several proposals have been submitted to the Washington Department of Corrections (DOC) regarding a video game program for prisoners. However, DOC's apparent hesitation in the implementation of this evidence based program stems from the concern over potential public outcry. Under Washington State law "all citizens, the public and inmates alike, have a personal and fiscal obligation in the corrections system. All communities must share in the responsibility of the corrections system." (See RCW 72.09.010 (5) (e)). Please us join us in our endeavor to implement this evidence based program by liking this page to show your community support in ending prison violence through the use of video games. In addition, view our links which support this evidence based program and go our link to at change.org to sign our petition. Washington State law defines "evidence-based" as "a program or practice that has had multiple-site random controlled trials across heterogeneous populations demonstrating that the program or practice is effective in reducing recidivism for the population." ( RCW 72.09.015(10)). Even if you are not from Washington State still show your support in this movement to end prison violence worldwide. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMUNITY SUPPORT! Feel free to post your comments on our page or contact us at [email protected].
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Forrest Amos
  • Dept. of Justice Investigation of The Little Rock Police Department
    The U.S. Dept. of Justice recently announced that it will perform a "pattern and practice" investigation of the Ferguson/St. Louis County Police Department. This effort came in response to claims by citizens of the shooting of unarmed black men, excessive force and racial discrimination/profiling. We deserve the same independent review in Little Rock.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sharmin Moody
  • Help Bring Justice For Eric Gardner
    To bring justice for people that have committed crimes against citizens using their police badges to protect them from legal punishment.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beverly Dickerson