• Dept. of Justice Investigation of The Little Rock Police Department
    The U.S. Dept. of Justice recently announced that it will perform a "pattern and practice" investigation of the Ferguson/St. Louis County Police Department. This effort came in response to claims by citizens of the shooting of unarmed black men, excessive force and racial discrimination/profiling. We deserve the same independent review in Little Rock.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sharmin Moody
  • Help Bring Justice For Eric Gardner
    To bring justice for people that have committed crimes against citizens using their police badges to protect them from legal punishment.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beverly Dickerson
  • Tooele County Prison Approval
    We believe the prison would be economically beneficial to the county.
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tammy McCrone
  • Keep a prison program for mothers and children alive
    Four years ago I had a baby when I was is in prison. I'd barely had time to hold my little girl in my arms before they took her from me. For three years, I didn't get to see her. I missed her first smile, her first step, her first three birthdays. I never got to hold her little hand in mind, never got a chance to dry her tears. I could only hope and pray that she was loved, that she was cared for, that if she had bad dreams at night, that somebody would be there to comfort her. Finally, I got into a program at Coffee Creek prison that helps families. The program, called The Family Preservation Program, has been in operation for 4.5 years and served more than 100 women and children in a number of ways. Mothers learn parenting skills, something many of us never had a chance to learn because our own parents were unable to care for us or had problems of their own that were so enormous they didn't have anything left for us. FPP made all the arrangement so our kids could visit us twice a month. Unless you've been separated from your children, you can't really imagine how much that means. Not just to us, but also to our kids. They worry about us when we're in prison. They're afraid we'll be hurt or that we don't have enough to eat or that we have to sleep on cement floors. With all these worries, kids are vulnerable to emotional problems. They might not do well at school. But when they get to see us every other week, and they can see that we're doing okay, their worries are lifted. The time we spent with them is precious not just because of the emotional connection, but because during this time, we have activities together that build strong bonds. In the 4.5 years of the program, not a single woman who has been released from prison has reoffended. And now the program is going to be shut down because of funding issues. I'm out of prison now. I have a job. I'm in transitional housing now, but will soon have my own place and my daughter and I will live together at last. The issues of children of incarcerated parents are well documented and now 1 out of 8 children in the United States has a parent in prison. The problem is so huge that Sesame Street now has a character on it whose parent is in prison. This program is helping these children stay connected to their moms. It is helping moms become good mothers, which will pay off for the mother, the child, and the community when she is released from prison. This program helped me immeasurably and it will continue to help other women who have made serious mistakes and ended up in prison. It has given many families a second chance. It has helped children know they are loved and kept them connected with their mothers. Please help me keep this program going by signing this petition to ask the people who made the decision to close it, to keep it open.
    3,136 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Lanetta Garner
  • Social Workers Should Be Utilized In NYC Police Officer Retraining Efforts
    As a social worker, I take the mission of enhancing the well-being of individuals, families, and communities very seriously. In the wake of the Michael Brown and Eric Garner rulings, social workers are needed more than ever to create and support positive change.
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gloria LePore
  • Gov Cuomo Appoint a Special Prosecutor to Open a New Grand Jury in the Eric Garner Case
    This is a simple, effective action for people who are concerned about the failure of the Staten Island grand jury to indict the killers of Eric Garner
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Surovell
  • Lethal force by Police needs to be curbed. Any use of lethal force needs to be justified.
    This addresses the pervasive complacency regarding the use of lethal force by police across the nation and the mistrust and fear the seeming lack of justice it has created.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eileen Allen
  • Decline/Withdraw Pardon for Mark Wahlberg in Massachusetts State Court
    Under the present racial climate in this country this petition for pardon is both out of touch with the fair and procedural workings of our political justice system and if passed, at the present time presents a dangerous hindrance to the building of community connections both racially and economically in the city of Boston. Though Mr. Walhberg's petition is most likely to fail, pardon's involving acts of violence are typically rare, I would like to raise awareness of the petition and to ensure at this time that a pardon is not granted. Resources: http://theweek.com/article/index/273108/mark-wahlberg-should-not-be-pardoned http://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/names/2014/12/05/mark-wahlberg-applies-have-assault-erased/aKpkxGoIRwcKU1aSOhCrtN/story.html http://www.masslive.com/news/index.ssf/2014/12/actor_mark_wahlberg_dorchester.html Dear Mark Wahlberg, Just in case you see this petition, I sincerely hope you do and have a moment to read this personal message. I didn't grow up in Dorchester, I grew up in Cambridge, one of those odd girls in the pit in Harvard Square but I got older and moved to Dorchester with my husband and it is our home. And I love it. From the history to the grittiness and the resilient spirit of the community. I love the diversity and the connection to local politics. I don't need to tell you about Dorchester. You lived it and in your recent past you have given back to your old town. Your work on the behalf of Dorchester children is commendable and I personally thank you for reaching out to your community. I must ask you though: How many of those children who have run into trouble before or after experiencing your summer camp experiences will be able to expunge their records? How many of them were treated unfairly, harassed and manipulated by a system that you are petitioning to grant you a pardon from your past transgressions? In the past few months we have witnessed scene after scene of young black people in the streets, crying, hollering, weeping for justice from unwarranted and aggressive police brutality for much lesser crimes than you have committed in your youth. I ask you to take all of this in and recognize the ramifications of a pardon to those that have been so unjustly treated. Those that might look to a man in your position for leadership and guidance. Come back to Dorchester Mark, not just to eat or visit with the Mayor. Come back to the neighborhood that loves you and celebrates your successes. Come back and see where you can help Dorchester find revitalization and development for struggling communities! I welcome you to come back to Dorchester to give back on the Main Streets with their empty storefronts, to help revitalize parks and community gardens that desperately need benefactors, help us explore options for making Dorchester a player in the technology real estate market. Come back to Dorchester to the public that looks up to you now as a entrepreneurial business man who is a global success and help us right a few more wrongs. Then let's talk a pardon. Respectfully, Sarah Francis
    2,558 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Francis
  • Taz Shepherd: parole release
    Taz Shepherd was up for parole in July 2014 and has yet to be released. We believe he has served sufficient time. Taz is a model prisoner and we feel that he deserves to be given the opportunity to return to the community.
    56 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lonna Shepherd
  • Protect Consumers from MRDC Fraud
    My name is Katherine Kostreva, and I am the first victim of MRDC fraud to go public, as documented by the New York Times. For more than six months, I pleaded for Bank of America to help me. Their refusal lead to a second case of MRDC fraud. To date, I have suffered financial hardship and emotional duress because of Bank of America's negligence. When they issued a gag order, I realized that those before me have been silenced. Please help me close this banking loophole, that will only grow worse in the near future.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katherine Kostreva
  • Linda Brown
    The killing of my sister LINDA BROWN!
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rosslyn diamond
  • Eric Garner
    This petition was started to express grievance for the lack of indictment of the officer responsible for the death of Eric Garner by choke-hold and prevent the occurrence of similar situations.
    199 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Faith Blamon