• Grant-Martin-Brown Police Accountability Act
    Oscar Grant. Trayvon Martin. Michael Brown. Enough is enough. Now is the time to translate words into action, problems into solutions, tragedy into silver linings. Petition state legislature to enact this bill, requiring police officers to wear a video camera, mandate police training against racial profiling, and mandate police participation in community service programs for disadvantaged youth and people of color.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Holtzinger
  • Reforms for the Alaska National Guard
    We owe it to victims to move forward with these reforms. While it will be a very busy legislative session, we can’t forget how important it is to clean up the National Guard scandal so we all can once again be proud of this important institution for Alaska.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Loren Haller
  • Smile for the Camera!
    Police Foundation Executive Fellow, Chief Tony Farrar, recently completed an extensive year long study to evaluate the effect of body-worn video cameras on police use-of-force. This randomized controlled trial represents the first experimental evaluation of body-worn video cameras used in police patrol practices. Cameras were deployed to all patrol officers in the Rialto (CA) Police Department. Every police patrol shift during the 12-month period was assigned to experimental or control conditions. Wearing cameras was associated with dramatic reductions in use-of-force and complaints against officers. The authors conclude: "The findings suggest more than a 50% reduction in the total number of incidents of use-of-force compared to control-conditions, and nearly ten times more citizens’ complaints in the 12-months prior to the experiment." We applaud Chief Farrar for his commitment to conducting rigorous scientific research on a technology initiative that has broad implications for the field of policing. The full report, coauthored with Dr. Barak Ariel, Cambridge University
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ajia Clark
  • Impede Police Brutality!!!!!
    The vile, heinous and viscous acts of police brutality has steered out of ascendancy. How many more lives of black men will have to be slaughtered in order for you to take control? I thought it was the police officer duty to serve and protect? We the people are tired of these police taking the law into their own hands and not being held accountable for their actions! A black man in the U.S. is killed every 28 hours by the police. We don't need anymore Michael Browns, Trayvon Martins, Kimani Grays, and Kendrec McDades being viewed as a threat or a mistaken identity and killed in cold blood! This needs to stop now and Officer Darren Wilson needs to be prosecuted!
    112 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Clinique Cottingham
  • Board of Commissioners: IT'S TIME.. Make The Move Towards Proven Progress in Treating Addiction ...
    As an Olmsted County Resident I refuse to sit idly by and watch Board waste tax revenue by locking up illnesses such as alcoholism/addiction at the cost of up to 50,000 per year. When it has been proven time and again that those who qualify for the services of a drug court do not get better in jail, but get better with treatment and supportive services which cost far less than incarceration. Olmsted County Community Corrections already work with eligible offenders in a 'Highly Structured,' and monitored treatment option which is held in the detention center. Let us now bring the courts into the mix like Counties all over this nation..
    439 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Eric John
  • Revise The Felony Murder Rule
    What’s Wrong With The Felony Murder RULE - Common Sense: 1. It is fundamentally unfair and in violation of basic principles of individual criminal culpability to hold one felon liable for the unseen and unagreed-to results of another person’s action. 2. The felony murder rule OPERATES as a matter of law upon proof of the intent to commit a felony to relieve the prosecution of its burden of proving intent to kill, which is a necessary element of murder. 3. The intention to commit a felony does not equal the intention to kill, nor is the intention to commit a felony, by itself, sufficient to establish a charge of murder. 4. The felony murder rule violates the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of due process, more specifically, equal protection of the law, because no defense is allowed on the charge of first-degree murder, only the underlying felony. 5. The purpose of creating degrees of murder is to punish with increased severity the more culpable forms of murder, but an accidental or unknown killing during the COMMISSION or attempted commission of a felony is punished more severely than all other murder charges with exception to first degree murder. 6. The felony murder rule erodes the relation between criminal liability and moral culpability in that it punishes all homicides in the commission, or attempted commission, of the proscribed felonies, whether intentional, unintentional, or accidental, without proving the relation between the homicide and the perpetrator’s state of mind. 7. Holding one or many criminally liable for the bad results of an act which differs greatly from the intended results is based on a CONCEPT of culpability which is totally at odds with the general principles of jurisprudence. 8. The basic rule of culpability is further violated when felony murder is categorized as first-degree murder because all other first-degree murders (carrying equal punishment) require a showing of premeditation, deliberation, and willfulness, while felony murder only requires a showing of intent to do the underlying felony. 9. While the felony murder rule survives in California, and other states, the numerous modifications and restrictions of it by some states courts and legislatures throughout the United States reflect dissatisfaction with the basic harshness and injustice of the doctrine and call into question its continued existence. 10. The felony murder rule can be used by prosecutors in a manner so as to cause grossly disproportionate sentencing, depending on the circumstances of each individual case. 11. The felony murder rule is unconstitutional because the presumption of innocence is thrown out. The prosecutor must only prove intent to commit the original felony; once done, first degree murder attaches to the underlying felony even though intent, (mens rea,) to commit murder does not have to be proved. 12. The felony murder rule is unconstitutional because it violates the Eighth Amendment: cruel and unusual punishment, grossly disproportionate sentencing to the crime(s) actually committed. 13. The felony murder rule bears no rational relationship or equity in its two penalties, with the penalties of other California murder laws, including, at times, the charge of first-degree murder.
    322 of 400 Signatures
    Created by JoAnne Jones
  • Local External Affairs to investigate and judge criminal acts by law enforcement
    Crimes committed by people serving in law enforcement is at an all time high, we see some of the most heinous crimes committed by law enforcement go unpunished. Most of these crimes are investigated by the Internal Affairs of the same department in which the suspects belong to. Asking the police department to investigated themselves of any wrong doing is like asking a child to tell you when they have done something wrong even when the evidence is overwhelmingly against them. Not all cops are bad but, we cannot go on thinking that all cops are good and have the best intentions at heart. They have the badge but they are still human and are to abide by the same laws they swore to uphold and we have many incidences where that has not been the case. What's worse is that these offenders are given a slap on the wrist if that and are sent back on the street to cause more chaos. In the last 7 months I have seen beatings, shooting, illegal raids, rape, murder, drug related crimes, drunk driving all by cops and in many of these cases were investigated by Internal Affairs where there was "No Wrong Doing" and every time the city aka the citizens have to shell out millions upon millions of dollars in these cases where there was "No Wrong Doing". I think it is time that we hold EVERYONE accountable, convict the bad cops so the good cops can do their jobs without the tension, pressure and dangers caused by those who believe they are above the law.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stan Mitchell
  • Families, friends and inmates: change unjust policies within the MDOC.
    This concerns the physical, mental and emotional well-being of the inmates. For example, unsanitary living conditions, lack of and improper medical care, safety issues because of understaffing and improper training. Family rights are being violated, and there are inconsistent policies regarding visitation. For example, former employees are prohibited from visiting inmates or marrying inmates, post employment. If you have not violated policy or disrupted the order of the facilities you should be allowed to visit and marry. Families should have longer visits. Women should be able to bring in feminine products and family members shouldn't have problems using the restroom. Also families should have the privileges of having family portraits for memories. Some children and loved ones will never be able to have family portraits.
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lashonda Morris
  • President Obama and US Attorney General Holder: Secure justice for Mike Brown
    Today, a St. Louis grand jury refused to indict Mike Brown's killer — Police Officer Darren Wilson. On Aug. 9, the nation was horrified to learn that Mike Brown was targeted and killed by police as he walked down the street with a friend. Now his killer may never be held accountable — unless President Obama and U.S. Attorney General Holder take action. The Department of Justice has the power to arrest and prosecute Officer Wilson under federal criminal charges. Raise your voice today to ensure our national leaders secure justice for Mike Brown immediately.
    83,910 of 100,000 Signatures
    Created by Rashad Robinson Picture
  • Pardon Edward Snowden
    I believe that Edward Snowden is a patriot who has stood valiantly against what he believes to be unconstitutional and oppressive practices by agents of the United States Government. I have been affected by those abuses, as has every other American who makes phone calls and uses the Internet. Our freedom is at stake.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Romney
  • Justice 4 Tremayne Guinn
    We want the Kansas City D.A. Office to know that the real perpetrator is still free while the wrong man sit in prison for a crime he did not commit.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tremayne Guinn
  • Michael Lyon: Eavesdropping is a Non Violent crime and should not be a Felony. Free Michael Lyon...
    It's not against the Law to video tape someone without them knowing. It's agaiinst the law to video tape with audio on it. With Comcast having video with audio in people's homes recording and with hidden cameras in people's homes watching care givers with their children making sure they are not abused, and with all the people recording other people on their phones with audio and posting them on line without consent, this should not be a felony. And Michael Lyon should not be in jail serving time for what the whole rest of the world is doing. Court Says It's Okay To Secretly Record Conversation If Done For Legitimate Reasons from the i-may-or-may-not-be-recording-this dept While there have been a lot of concerns lately about efforts to misuse "wiretapping" laws that forbid any recordings of people without their knowledge, it appears at least a few courts are recognizing how silly that is. Yet another court has now said that secretly recording a conversation -- in this case with an iPhone -- is okay, assuming there was no crime committed with the recording, and the recording was for a legitimate purpose. As the court noted: "The defendant must have the intent to use the illicit recording to commit a tort of crime beyond the act of recording itself." That makes sense. The act of recording alone, shouldn't be a criminal act, as it really depends on what is being done with the recording. And, in an age where not only is recording everything easier, but for some becoming standard, requiring permission to record all audio seems like an outdated concept. People are recording other people with audio on and posting it all over the web like this and these people aren't in jail for it, here are examples of videos on the web and FB Please watch this video and tell me that this isn't illegal but it's okay to post all over the Internet on YouTube http://youtu.be/rPZ4zJ7mT2I http://youtu.be/Jy97oEVUXSM https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vrORmQduIk4
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Campbell