Treat attacks on special needs people as felony hate crimes mandating prison time regardless of age.As a mother of an Autistic child who has ended in the hospital more than once, I am outraged that in some occasions the police has even refused to write a report and when they do, no charges are ever filed. The new incident of the child assaulted by pouring bio-hazard waste on him has been treated as a simple prank. Another teen was beat to a pulp with no consequences to his attackers. No more!!18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Maricarmen Martinez
Release RALPH "PLOOKIE" DUKEFREE RALPH PLOOKIE DUKE This is a plea for attention, support, and consideration for the release of RALPH "PLOOKIE" DUKE. During the cocaine/disco/bad girl era of the 80's, PLOOKIE was convicted of cocaine sales and related charges. When he was sentenced, it was somehow decided that he was going to be an example set by whomever-the city, the law, the legal system- and blatantly sentenced to LIFE PLUS FORTY YEARS! It was flaunted and even advertised on billboards that his sentence was intentionally set to be ridiculous and not in accordance with any sentencing guidelines for his charges: TO SET AN EXAMPLE. With public humiliation and advertised gloating added to the ridiculous sentence, hangings, public lynchings, and burning of witches resounds a bit too eerily. Setting all that aside, EXAMPLE SET, DONE, DEAD. It is no longer current nor effective. The real and current concern and NEED FOR CORRECTION-other than the rest of PLOOKIE's life-is a fair, just, equal legal system with standardized sentencing that is, in itself, within the law, and protects all of our legal, civil, human, and constitutional rights without bias and prejudice. Please pause briefly, as a responsible citizen, to consider and attend to this travesty of justice. It won't take much time nor any detailed scrutiny since it's ludicrousness was pronounced at sentencing and touted as advertised afterwards. PLOOKIE has already served 25 and counting years! Our legal system is NOT OUTSIDE THE LAW OR CITIZEN RIGHTS!406 of 500 SignaturesCreated by BambiLynn Graf
Frank Skillern Jr: Has served enough time for crime.My brother Frank Skillern Jr. sentenced to 18 years in jail for robberies committed in 2006. He has served 9 years in prison and is a completely changed man. Frank is ready to move on from those mistakes and better himself.71 of 100 SignaturesCreated by tyrona Skillern
Chris Lighty - Reopen the CaseThis Petition is to reopen the case on Darrell "Chris" Lighty. Requesting that the city of New York provide the needed materials for us to do our own gun residue test and independent autospy by Michael Baden and to look closely at the facts and help my family get some closure as we do not feel that Darrell committed suicide.687 of 800 SignaturesCreated by David Lighty
reduce aggravated sentences .I have seen murderers serve not even half of their sentence and be released but if you get an aggravated sentence you have to serve half of your time. It should depend upon what the Inmate has accomplished while being incarcerated or being credited for their good time to reduce their sentences.197 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gloria Morris
Board of Parole Hearings: Deny Russell Franklin Stone Parole!When I was 6 years old, my aunt, Dr. Deborah Saiki, was repeatedly stabbed to death by her husband, Russell Franklin Stone. While I can't do anything about the past, I can prevent this dangerous man from hurting anyone ever again, and that's why I'm asking you to sign this petition. Please urge the Board of Parole Hearings to deny Russell Stone (CDC #H-00697) parole. The family was told that this advanced parole hearing will be given because he is learning optometry, which is a huge slap in the face - my murdered aunt was an optometrist. Russell Stone has never shown any signs of remorse nor taken any responsibility in my aunt's brutal murder and is a continued threat to the public safety.352 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Rick Kitagawa
Pennsylvania Board of Probaation and ParoleOur daughter was raped by an inmate that was on work release at a restaurant where she and other minors work. She was a senior in high school---he was in his 30's, huge like a football player! He was a member and leader of a gang in Chester, PA., and had a track record of criminal crimes since he was 16--he was also a drug dealer and user. He threatened to kill her and our family if she told anyone and fortunately--he was caught before he raped her again. He had our phone#, address , her SS# and such because the employees records were left for any to see, at this restaurant. (How we found out--he called our home while our daughter was home alone and he told her if she told anyone he would kill our family)! When he was scheduled for trail, he didn't show up and the judge had to get a bench warrant for his arrest---he was finally found in a crack house in Philadelphia. The impact on our family, well it is just devastating----our daughter tried to committee suicide several times--I had to take her every where I went including work---you will never know the impact this has on our family and all those victims of violent crimes and we hope you never have to find out!!! We plea that you please help us keep save, as well as all the communities in our state! Kind regards, Bruce and Barbara Campbell14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bruce and Barbara Campbell
JUST Don't Drink and DriveMy youngest nephew, Justin Patrick Reidy, was struck and killed by a drunk driver while walking near the Northeast Philadelphia Airport on the morning of August 1, 2014. Justin was an incredibly talented visual artist who was still navigating his way in life, instead of celebrating the 23 anniversary of his birth on October 1st, 2014, we will be marking the 2 month anniversity of his death. Arizona has the toughest DUI laws in the U.S. and I want the rest of the nation to follow suit. 1st Offense Min 24 hrs to 10 days jail $250 base fine License Suspension 90-360 days Interlock Device (IID) for one year 2nd Offense 30 to 90 days jail $500 base fine License Suspension 365 days Interlock Device (IID) 3rd Offense 120 days jail $750 base fine License Suspension 365 days Interlock Device (IID) If you’re pickin’ up drinks…please, please, put down your keys!68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Gilliam
Fire racist cops in IllinoisThe people of Illinois have a right to know that members of law enforcement are not racists. Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7 (union that serves Chicago Police Department) began fundraising for Darren Wilson, the cop who shot Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. See http://www.chicagofop.org/darren-wilson-defense-fund-donations/.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carl Nyberg
Truth be seen. Mandatory body cameras for police officers.My son Mikey (a minor) was a victim of unwarranted excessive force by police(tasered) when walking home from a local store. My son committed no crime and carried no weapons. The police officers offered false scenarios in defense of their actions. Citizens have the right to have the truth be seen and told correctly to ensure safety and ensure police officers are not abusing their authority.277 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Michael Pecero
pay for time servedTexas inmates DO NOT get paid for work that they do on the unit they are assigned to. Texas has a paper agreement that in leu of payment inmates with good records will be given time served and early release. So far this hasn't been the case. Texas inmates are giving the state free labor and are not being giving parole or even time served. For the outside world that would be like going to work everyday and being told that you are not going to be paid for your service but you are still required to report everyday as scheduled. Texas needs to be held accountable and let the ones who have learned their lesson rejoin our society. Currently our tax dollars are what is keeping these guys in prison. Lets let some out and make them pay taxes just like we do. Many men and women have families that need and want them home and its for these that we need to take a stand and make Texas do what it promised.61 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cecilia Harris
Cyclists for Justice - Seattle Death Aug 29, 2014Cyclists are being hit, maimed and killed while riding legally all across the United States of America. It is time to hold motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges. Stop Open Season on Cyclists! On August 29, 2014 in Seattle, WA Sher Kung, 31 was killed while riding her bicycle in a bike lane in downtown. She was an attorney and new mother of a 7 month old child that she now leaves behind. Kung received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and her law degree in 2009 from the University of Californina, Hastings College of Law. Our deepest condolences go out to her family and friends. Take Action Now! Do not let the Seattle Police Department or District Attorney allow this this driver to go home to his family without facing criminal charges. Several laws apply and should be enough to hold this motorist responsible for his actions. Remorse is not going to bring back this women who was cycling legally when she was struck and killed. This could be you or someone you love. Tell the district attorney you are a Cyclist for Justice. You expect charges to be filed. Laws that can and should be applied are: reckless driving: not yielding the right of way to another driver (bicycle driver); improper turn; not exercising due care that lead directly to the death of another driver (bicycle driver). In my opinion this is vehicular manslaughter and the district attorney should file and aggressively pursue these charges. No more slaps on the wrists for motorists that kill, injure, harass or hit cyclists. There are too many deaths of cyclists riding legally in the US. It is time for law enforcement officers, district attorneys and judges to bring criminal charges against these drivers. Enforce the existing laws as you would for any other vehicle on the road. These tragedies can be prevented. Drunk drivers are charged when they hit and kill people in other cars. Why should sober folks that make a choice, a dangerous decision and take a risk around cyclists that result in an accident or worse, death, be allowed to just go home? They should not. I firmly believe that when motorists are charged and jailed for killing bicyclists, motorists will take the existing laws more seriously. we will see more education for all drivers, improved safety for all bicyclists on or roads and, less motor vehicle accidents with cyclists. Take Action Now! Contact the King County Prosecuting Attorney, Dan Satterberg, listed here. Thank you! Contact your state and federal representatives too. Push for justice! Together our voices will be heard!d motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges.52 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Scott Troy