Michelle RoweWhen officers are required to wear video cameras this will protect the officers as well as the citizens. With the recent shooting death of an unarmed teenager in ferguson Missouri, Michael Brown this could help justify why the police officer had to shoot to kill.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Michelle Rowe
Mandatory Short-Way Release for: 3-G Offenders for State of TexasTo decrease the overcrowding and population of the 3-G offenders in Texas prisons.173 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Sheila Bly
stop the police from murderingEveryday you pick up the newspaper and you see the cop's are justifying killing people and dog's without any consequences.....this is Bullshit3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by KarenFitch
End Imprisonment of Impoverished Mothers of Truant StudentsBerks County residents, alarmed by the in-prison death a widowed mother of seven, discovered that the Court system's policy is to jail the parents of truant children if they cannot pay the children's truancy fines. Concerned citizens who had been unaware of the policy until the woman's death was reported, and who found that corrective legislation was moribund in Harrisburg, concluded that only the force of organized public opinion could foster a change in policy. For that reason, they decided to draft and promote this Petition.275 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Jim Russo
Grant Clemency to Unjust Sentences!!Spencer Bowens was given a Life sentence and after 16 years, U.S. Supreme Court decisions overturning the validity of his conviction , Congress changes and the U.S. Sentencing Commission changes, Spencer Bowens is still in federal Prison. We must take action to change the unjust and harsh sentences!70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jerome Brown
JUSTICE 4 ROY COLLINSRoy can`t rest in peace.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jamie Marie Watters`Collins
Omar S TillisSo many of our youth have made bad decisions as minors that has lead to several years of incarceration. Most are 1st time offenders that have been given the maximum time allowed for the crimes. Like Omar Tillis who was only 19 years old at the time of his conviction. While spending years in jail becoming just another number. Having spent his youth in an environment with adults. He has proven to be a model inmate. When released into society he will be a model citizen with the love and support of his family. Many times these young men are over looked. This happen with my brother. He is now deceased. I want to make a difference so that this young man can come home to his family where he has the love and support to continue being a model citizen in our community.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Shaniqua Bellamy
Second chance for non violent, first time offenders.The life sentences we are putting on non violent felons by labeling them for life, is killing our labor force. Many of these people are good people, who may have just made a poor decision. If we stop the disenfranchisement, we may stop a lot of the crime along with it. Give people a chance to show they can do better, and we're sure most of them will.117 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Anderson M41016
Accountability for officer shootingsFar too often officers are involved in shootings of unarmed citizens, and the public is told that the officer is on "admin leave" or "desk duty" but the identity of the officer is almost never made public. Instead, the media is allowed to vilify the deceased. If the identity of the officer involved in the incident is made public, it'll give the public a better shot at holding the officer and the police department, accountable...we ask for transparency with officer involved shootings!113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by David Ashley
Release Jonathon Blake MartinBlake is my husband and father of our child, Dexi. Our children's home lives should be top priority, and lengthy sentences for non aggravated crimes should be stopped. All it does is cost all of us (the taxpayers) more money.73 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jessica Seay
Require All Police Officers To Wear CamerasThe police deserve our respect. They deal with the worst of society on a daily basis. At the same time, people have rights. Several recent viral videos have served to undermine the police and their ability to maintain law and order. Many of these videos do not show what led up to the arrest and many show the people in question resisting arrest. When the suspect dies because of physical force, the public is angered and protests have ensured which has lead to rioting endangering the community at large. At the same time, there is a small percentage of police officers that have become that which they work to protect us against. These THUGS with a BADGE abuse power, do not care about your civil rights, and would not hesitate to harm you if you cross them on a bad day. These people do not maintain law and order, they only serve to undermine the rule of law and instead inflict their own version of justice - and they need to be removed from the streets. Please help us maintain TRUTH with ACCOUNTABILITY. Because the police deal with situations that are often violent and involve criminal behavior, it is in the best interests of our modern society to arm them with the ability to record their interactions with the public so that never again will people question what happened. We will know the truth and we will ALL have accountability for our actions.114 of 200 SignaturesCreated by ProgressiveModerateParty
Attorney General Holder, conduct a federal investigation of the Michael Brown murder case.This petition is being started because Chief Jackson of the Ferguson Police department has shown that he will do anything to protect police officer Darren Wilson. We do not trust District Attorney Robert McCullough or the local authorities of Ferguson, Missouri and St. Louis County, to give a fair, unbiased investigation. We are gravely concerned that history will repeat itself, with the same unfortunate results of the George Zimmerman murder trial of Trayvon Martin. Attorney General Holder, DO NOT LET US DOWN!65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by J. Swift