• pay for time served
    Texas inmates DO NOT get paid for work that they do on the unit they are assigned to. Texas has a paper agreement that in leu of payment inmates with good records will be given time served and early release. So far this hasn't been the case. Texas inmates are giving the state free labor and are not being giving parole or even time served. For the outside world that would be like going to work everyday and being told that you are not going to be paid for your service but you are still required to report everyday as scheduled. Texas needs to be held accountable and let the ones who have learned their lesson rejoin our society. Currently our tax dollars are what is keeping these guys in prison. Lets let some out and make them pay taxes just like we do. Many men and women have families that need and want them home and its for these that we need to take a stand and make Texas do what it promised.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cecilia Harris
  • Cyclists for Justice - Seattle Death Aug 29, 2014
    Cyclists are being hit, maimed and killed while riding legally all across the United States of America. It is time to hold motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges. Stop Open Season on Cyclists! On August 29, 2014 in Seattle, WA Sher Kung, 31 was killed while riding her bicycle in a bike lane in downtown. She was an attorney and new mother of a 7 month old child that she now leaves behind. Kung received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and her law degree in 2009 from the University of Californina, Hastings College of Law. Our deepest condolences go out to her family and friends. Take Action Now! Do not let the Seattle Police Department or District Attorney allow this this driver to go home to his family without facing criminal charges. Several laws apply and should be enough to hold this motorist responsible for his actions. Remorse is not going to bring back this women who was cycling legally when she was struck and killed. This could be you or someone you love. Tell the district attorney you are a Cyclist for Justice. You expect charges to be filed. Laws that can and should be applied are: reckless driving: not yielding the right of way to another driver (bicycle driver); improper turn; not exercising due care that lead directly to the death of another driver (bicycle driver). In my opinion this is vehicular manslaughter and the district attorney should file and aggressively pursue these charges. No more slaps on the wrists for motorists that kill, injure, harass or hit cyclists. There are too many deaths of cyclists riding legally in the US. It is time for law enforcement officers, district attorneys and judges to bring criminal charges against these drivers. Enforce the existing laws as you would for any other vehicle on the road. These tragedies can be prevented. Drunk drivers are charged when they hit and kill people in other cars. Why should sober folks that make a choice, a dangerous decision and take a risk around cyclists that result in an accident or worse, death, be allowed to just go home? They should not. I firmly believe that when motorists are charged and jailed for killing bicyclists, motorists will take the existing laws more seriously. we will see more education for all drivers, improved safety for all bicyclists on or roads and, less motor vehicle accidents with cyclists. Take Action Now! Contact the King County Prosecuting Attorney, Dan Satterberg, listed here. Thank you! Contact your state and federal representatives too. Push for justice! Together our voices will be heard!d motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Scott Troy
  • Drone-Free LAPD. No Drones, LA!
    We are deeply concerned and reject the use of drone technology by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). The acquisition of drones by the LAPD signifies a huge step forward in the militarization of local law enforcement. The use of drone technology continues the normalization of surveillance, getting communities used to being watched and creating a culture of suspicion and fear. #NodronesLA
    820 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Stop LAPD Spying Coalition
  • Cop Who Killed Girlfriend's Puppy and Texted Photo Will Serve Only 3 Months
    Former Baltimore City police officer Alec Eugene Taylor killed his girlfriend's 7 month-old puppy Rocko for allegedly pooping on the carpet. He beat the dog, likely paralyzing him, then choked him until dead. It was later found that Rocko died from hemorrhage of the liver due to blunt-force trauma. After he killed Rocko, he texted his girlfriend a photo of the lifeless pup. As a part of the plea deal, the animal abuse charge was dropped; and it's likely that Alec Eugene Taylor will spend only 3 months in jail for this wanton murder of a puppy. An injustice has been ignored in the service of plea bargaining. A police officer has been allowed to commit a crime and not served the time that the crime demands had it been committed by a private citizen. Equal justice under the law applies to everyone equally; if anything, a police officer should be held to a higher standard.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Czerny Auyang
  • free innocent people from prison thats has been falsely accused. Mr. Steven C. Godbolt is one o...
    Free the innocence from prison, its a lot of people that's doing life and would never see the day of light because of being falsely accuse, I'm starting this petition because I would like to help free an innocence man but not just him I would like to help free many people that's suffering behind bars because of a crime they never committed or just doing unlawful time. Steven C. Godbolt was convicted to 156 years to life for a murder case he never committed, Mr.Godbolt was Charge for a premeditated and three counts of unpremeditated murders. I went through the transcripts an even heard on the streets that he didn't murder anyone, and it shows in the transcript that he didn't have a gun but because of the two guys that did the murder is still out at large the judge wanted to convict Someone with the case and the only one that they was able to convict as one of the shooters was Godbolt.
    125 of 200 Signatures
    Created by kyeshia thompson
  • JUSTICE for #DillonTaylor, 11 August 2014 #RIP!
    We are starting this petition because "We The People" of the United States of America are tired of our youth, elderly, and disabled being gunned down on our streets by a police state that is hell-bent on our destruction via control and is rooted in hatred toward a race, culture, or class of people that they deem unfit. IT IS WRONG and it must be stopped! We The People of the United States of America stand for love, justice, peace and freedom. We expect our police to do the same and when they step out of that mode or vein, which is the essence of Protect and Serve, THEN We The People of the United States of America have every right to call them and call our public servants to an account for that lack or disregard altogether. Thank you in advance for adding your name to this cause. Be well. Peace. Link: http://fox13now.com/2014/08/25/dozens-protest-death-of-dillon-taylor-shot-by-slc-police-officer/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE: 03 June 2015 For all of those that say, "they got what was comin' to um!" OR "they got what they deserved, in the end." I offer this in loyal contrarian opposition. Meet Dillion D. Taylor, 20 years old, of South Salt Lake City, UT. MURDERED by Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office​ and Salt Lake City Police Department​ like a dog in the parking lot of an 7-Eleven​ Convenience Store in South Salt Lake, Utah​ on August 11, 2014 - mere days after Michael O.D. Brown, Jr. of Ferguson, Missouri​ was MURDERED, himself, like a dog in the streets by #DarrenWilson. Exhibit A. Video (GRAPHIC, Fare Warning, DO NOT Watch this Video With Children under 10 years of age!) of his killing on 11 August 2014, over reported 'brandishing of a weapon on the streets': https://youtu.be/01ZwvYqMRhQ Exhibit B. The 'powers that be' for this community say that said murdering was 'justifiable homicide' and it couldn't be avoided. Even though Dillon Taylor, again just 20 years old, never produced nor were police able to find a weapon, a gun, that was said to be on a person, 'fitting his description', 'of interests' in the area brandishing a weapon at passers by and motorists in the area. No, and instead, Dillon D. Taylor, his big brother, and a cousin were coming out of a 7-Eleven store after having bought Slurpees, sodas and, snacks. Can you imagine? MURDERED like a dog in the street over clearly 'mistaken identity' and having a Slurpee and a sour patch whip in your hands. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2015/06/03/1390285/-Shocking-new-video-shows-unarmed-Utah-man-was-listening-to-headphones-when-killed-by-police?detail=facebook_sf I would very, very, very much like for you all to READ. SIGN. AND THEN SHARE this #petition with ALL IN YOUR CIRCLES folks. Because Dillon D. Taylor, 20, had his whole life ahead of him, and in an instant, in a moment, that whole life was taken from him, and the officers that did it didn't even give him a chance to produce anything but his headphones. Justice For Dillon Taylor​ and others! #RIPDDT http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/justice-4-dillontaylor?source=c.em&r_by=3867884
    681 of 800 Signatures
    Created by David Davidson
  • Mike Brown Act, aka. Right to live
    Too many innocent lives are being unjustly taken by law enforcement. It has become a shoot 1st culture among law enforcement when it comes to the policing of African Americans. Everyone has the inalienable rights of LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The right to live isn't being extended to African Americans In police encounters. If a citizen is unarmed and doesn't pose and imminent threat to an officer's life then it's the officer's duty to extend the right to life back to the citizen. We feel it's the federal governments duty to protect the rights of its citizens. Also we feel that the training of law enforcement should be federally regulated so there is a uniform approach to dealing with the events that lead to killing of Micheal Brown and countless others and the hand of law enforcement...
    210 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Frederick Carter
  • Prevent ex leesburg cop henri larue from being reinstated
    I was raped by henri larue on october 3rd of 2012. Although they had my dna on the inside zipper of his pants and a recording of him bragging about making a pitstop with me, he was acquitted of his charges on Friday August 22, 2014. Please keep him from being reinstated as a police officer to prevent your daughters, sisters, and mothers from being raped by this man.
    1,504 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Alexis Ramos
  • REMOVE or RESIGN: Attorney Bob McCulloch MUST GO! #Ferguson, #JusticeForMikeBrown
    Since 11 August 2014 the People of Ferguson Township, MO. have been trying to get Prosecuting Attorney Robert P. McCulloch to recuse himself, voluntarily, from the adjudication of the Michael Brown, Jr. Case. (Questions of impropriety abound when it comes to the record of P.A. McCulloch.) To date, though, Attorney McCullouch has refused. To that end we, the undersigned of this petition, call upon Missouri Governor Jay Nixon to remove Attorney McCullouch from the case OR resign, himself, immediately from office for dereliction of duty by wilfully ignoring the request/will of the People of Ferguson Township and St. Louis County, MO.
    730 of 800 Signatures
    Created by David Davidson
  • Parole Reform Freedom
    For Parole Board members to recognize good conduct time, work time and flat time credit for 3G (aggravated sentence) offenders.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Monica Kalahele
  • Fight Felony Discrimination in America
    I want the United States of America to recognize and act on the fact(s) that "felons" are everyday being discriminated against when seeking employment. I know employers have the right to hire whom they please and may, but it is ridiculous when the employer wants to hire you, but the headquarters of that company tells the employer not to hire you. I want the President along with the House of Representatives (both Republican and Democrat) to all come together and create a solution to this problem. I am not alone in this situation. As a youth I never predicted I would become a man with two felonies, but I am as of today and for the rest of my life. There are many felons here in America. Life is nearly hopeless as a felon. I have been turned down from jobs with Wal-Mart, Target, and many other great jobs I sought to re-integrate me, only because of my background check. I never understood these truths until I became a felon myself. Why do they (felons) end up back in prison? Hardly anyone wants to hire a felon, and if they do they are not willing to pay them enough to survive. This is a matter that has NOTHING TO DO WITH COLOR. I want to see justice done here. I want the EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION to end. Felons are still human beings. The only difference between a felon and a non-felon is at least you know what the felon's struggles are. There is no deadline for this petition I am creating. I just hope this can be the beginning of this movement and hopefully end with a change in the employment field. Discrimination is real and it hurts. This is a serious matter. I can be contacted at [email protected] or (903)353-4896. Justice for all means FOR ALL.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Ford
  • Justice for Victor White
    We need as many people possible to sign! Justice for Vic is much needed!
    695 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Jamasha