Attorney General Holder: Investigate Florida Prison DeathsOn June 23, 2012 Darren Rainey, a 50-year-old mentally ill state prison inmate in Miami-Dade County, died after guards responded to his defecating in his cell by locking him into a 180-degree shower for two hours—at which point his skin was separating from his body. Local police, and the state, failed to properly investigate. The case was only brought to light in recent months by The Miami Herald. After two years, no one has been held criminally accountable, or even charged. Only the U.S. Department of Justice can properly investigate this terrible crime, and a broader culture of abuse in Florida’s prisons that has led to other unnecessary deaths, and which falls especially hard on the mentally ill.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Wetstein
Jersey City Cop Attempts To Start Civil WarWe the people demand the full dismissal of the Jersey City Police Officer who distributed false information about the bloods street gang issuing a general threat of violence and murder against police officers around the state. Such action only serves to promote and escalate violence in Jersey City. This officer, who is allowed to remain anonymous, has put the lives of his fellow officers and the people of the community that he swore to protect at risk. Police officers have a difficult time as it is with policing urban communities without additional terrorist threats looming overhead. The rumors that were spread turned every resident of that community into a terrorist and gave license for every officer for indiscriminate use of force. We the people, do not want this office to be disciplined. We do not want him behind a desk. We do not want him on suspension. We do not want him directing traffic. We want this officer be fully removed from the ranks of the Jersey City Police Department with no pension. We the people also request that a full investigation be done to his work prior to this recent discovery to ensure that has said officer has not done this before and to ensure that any arrests he made were not false.We also request this be done at the expense of the officer. We the people have spoken.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Steven Samuel
Stop The KillingIt devastates the public of all races and religions to see fellow citizens blatantly killed for no reason other than a misdemeanor. If a person is instructing an officer that they cannot breathe and begging for their life, literally or fictitiously, they should be at the very least: ASKED, or QUESTIONED do you have a medical condition? Police must be made to respect the people they are hired to serve regardless of their race, religion, or creed! And held to a higher standard when these regulations are in fact broken! Please show your support now by signing this Petition.75 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sharney Jones
President Obama: End The Life SentenceMy friend Ronald Moon was indicted and charged with non-violent drug charges and received life without parole. After 9 years in prison, he has more than paid his debt to society. It cost 25,000 per year for taxpayer's to keep my non-violent friend in prison for a mistake he made 9 years ago. Please sign the petition asking President Barack Obama to grant my friend petition for clemency.873 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Gina Lowery
Free Gina SartinShe is my daughter and she shouldn't have to do 5yrs, the others didn't!20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nickie Clark
CALL FOR MORATORIUM ON SOLITARY CONFINEMENTAfter Naked Truth (ANT) We use the sword of truth to cut through well-dressed lies to reveal the NAKED TRUTH VISION: Hold commercial entities, elected officials, pastors, civil rights organizations, and ourselves accountable. MISSION: To make prosperity be defined as the absence of the poor not the presence of the rich. Governor Mike Pence Indiana State Capitol Building, Room 206 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 317-232-4567 Governor's Phone Dear Governor Pence: We call on you to act boldly now to end the torture now practiced in the Indiana prisons. As the international community has examined the research, including over a century of scientific studies suggesting that prolonged solitary confinement leads to irreversible mental degradation, experts have found that use of segregation for periods in excess of fifteen days constitutes torture and cannot be supported under existing international standards for human rights. Kofi Ajabu has spent over a decade in solitary and still experiences solitary as of this writing. And he is not the only Indiana inmate suffering from this condition. The abuses of solitary confinement are now being litigated in the Federal Courts, and reviewed in Congressional hearings. The treatment of inmates has become the subject of international reviews of this nation's human rights record. DOC present policies require an hour of daily exercise and regular access to personal hygiene for every inmate held there. In many instances these policies are ignored. As a result inmates for whom you are responsible have gone weeks without a shower or an hour in the exercise yard. We assert that these practices compound the torture inherent in long periods of solitary confinement and are inconsistent with the values of a state Constituted to "insure justice to all;" and that no "cruel and unusual punishments be inflicted". We appeal to you to sign an executive order that implements a moratorium to end this torture conducted in our name and with our tax dollars. Sincerely, Rev. Mmoja Ajabu, Founder 770-365-8048 [email protected] TO COMMUNITY STAKEHOLDER We plan to present the above letter the governor of Indiana in September. We will notify you of exact date and time. Please indicate your willingness to be a signatory by August 31st. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. – Rev. Ajabu83 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rev. Mmoja Ajabu
Stop Domestic ViolenceI am a survivor of Domestic Violence. My son and I felt as prisoners in our our own home, due to the abuser being out on bail, while we were unable to leave our home.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sylvia Macias
Justice For Jesse!I am starting this petition because as bizarre as this case may sound, it happened. There was no justice served in this case. Crawford County took an innocent young man and made him a criminal, they said he was a menace to society. Judge William Seay was very harsh and unjust in his decision to sentence Jesse to 12 years when child molesters and rapist are sentenced 3-7 years in prisons. Why? Where is our justice? Where is our Liberty? This man's life has been destroyed because two people made false statements and were set free of the crime they were arrested for. I am asking that this case be brought to the surface and Jesse be granted a pardon or sentence reduction and be released from prison and removed from parole (refer to MO Revised Statutes chapter 558 Imprisonment Section 558.046, August 28,2013). Jesse has served more than enough time in Missouri Department of Corrections; I want to see Justice for Jesse!!70 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Crystal
Independent Civilian Oversight of the California Highway PatrolThe recent beating of a mentally ill woman by a CHP officer that was caught on video is being investigated by the CHP without any independent review. The CHP is the largest highway patrol police force in the U.S., with nearly 10,000 officers. When the police police themselves without any independent oversight, there is no check on their power and authority. Independent civilian oversight is the check on that power.512 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Judge LaDoris Cordell (Ret.)
Rep Harris: Stop Blocking Marijuana Decriminalization in DCThe Mayor of DC signed into law DC's decriminalization of marijuana bill this past spring. Now, Rep. Andy Harris ( R- MD) pushed a amendment to block DC government from enforcing the legislation. Rep. Harris should mind his own business and stay out of our local affairs.381 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Khalid Pitts
Attorney General Kamala Harris: Reopen Case for Six-Year-Old Rape VictimA 911 call was made to Temecula Police Department. A six year old girl reported in child's language her stepfather raped her. The child was hospitalized for sexual abuse and a sexually transmitted infection at Loma Linda University Hospital San Bernardino California. Riverside County D.A. Paul Zellerbach, filed five felony charges of lewd acts and oral copulation with a minor. Riverside County Superior Court Judge F. Paul Dickerson III, approved a court order to hold the suspect to answer and proceed to trial, immediately afterwards, Riverside D.A. closed this case, set the suspect free without jail time, without prosecution. Justice was denied this six year old rape victim in Riverside California. We need Attorney General Kamala Harris and Riverside County D.A. to reopen and refile this sexual abuse case.130 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Kristi Benet
Stop abuse of powerPolice operating under the color of the law... abusing authority and treating citizens less than human. If anyone has encountered either of these police department please sign.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by brandy