• No more Indefinite Detention
    It is about the 2012 NDAA , signed by President Obama in the closing hours of 2011, as the nation partied. The law allows the President to use the military to detain indefinitely anyone he/she suspects of being a terrorist. It butchers the sixth Amendment, along with half of the Bill of Rights. It was appealed by a group of journalists , led by Chris Hedges, and was struck down by federal judge Katherine Forrest. The law was then reinstated on appeal, and the Supreme Court recently refused to hear it. We must NOT allow this dangerous law to remain on the books! Please sign and pass on this petition!
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Erik Holland
  • Human Potential Being Shelved In America
    Because 65 million Americans with criminal records face unprecedented barriers to employment; because human potential is being squandered; because a 'get tough on crime' policy created a bogged-down criminal justice system; and because policies within the American legal system have denied far too many citizens their right to trial is why I'm starting this petition. And for the record- most countries don't hold misdemeanors against their citizens for life. Consider that, while you compete for jobs- against immigrants brought in to take the jobs that they won't give to you. Something to consider.
    196 of 200 Signatures
    Created by CJ Hudson
  • Ask District Attorney to Recuse
    Everyone deserves a fair trial and everyone victim deserves justice.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joanne cipolla-dennis
  • Remove Moracco
    This is a public safety issue. We need to be able to feel safe in our own community and not fear our police officers.
    146 of 200 Signatures
    Created by joanne cipolla-dennis
  • 436 of 500 Signatures
    Created by RONALD WADDELL
  • Deport Immigrant Advocating for Convicted Murderer
    A Belgium National has been allowed to come to the United States, marry a convicted imprisoned killer, obtain a green card, take an American job, and advocate for the release of this convicted murderer. She has also fought against the victim's family and their first amendment rights. Tell our lawmakers inmates should not be allowed to marry behind bars and that this is unjust, unacceptable, and un-American. http://www.legalnews.com/detroit/872056 http://www.theoaklandpress.com/general-news/20110215/after-marrying-man-in-prison-for-murder-rochester-hills-woman-seeks-green-card http://articles.wsbt.com/2011-02-14/green-card_28535927 http://www.northwestohio.com/news/story.aspx?id=580814#.U20FtGdOXcs https://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/dailybrew/prison-pen-pal-relationships-lead-marriages-best-selling-20110308-131717-209.html http://www.penmighty.com/blogfiles/5897/woman-traveled-from-belgium-to-marry-man-convicted-of-second-degree-murder/
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcie Cicciarelli
    THE State's Attorney Office in Champaign, IL informed us that they will not seek chargers for Rachel's attack. A Champaign-Urbana Parkland College Student was ATTACKED in her APARTMENT! The VICTIM LOST the use of her RIGHT HAND due to a MOB ATTACK by 6 other Students and 1 adult, against a 19 year old VICTIM in HER RESIDENCE (NOT OUTSIDE). The girls attacked the victim knowing she had surgery 2 days prior. The victim's MOM was on the phone with her daughter as the attacked occurred. They both had no IDEA that one 19 year would bring 5 others to her apartment for a PLANNED and PREMEDITATED ATTACK!
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Saundra Davis
  • Justice for Connie Beard
    To get the case re-opened and any evidence (if any) evaluated and the killer to Justice..
    482 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Thomas W Maguire
  • Lancaster DrugTask Force
    My kids' father was set up by a family member/dealer. They sat at the dealers house, got high. Before my fiance left there,the dealer gave him a bowl to go in piece of paper that paper had 2 names written down that they both knew. He left there and was followed pulled over searched had thrown it when they first started search. In cuffs for drinking & Driving,they continued searching the car and proceed to search for that piece of paper because they knew what they were looking for.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angel Vinson
  • Gov. Cuomo: Pardon Cecily McMillan!
    You'd think when a police officer assaults a civilian and causes her to have convulsions, the cop would be the one who ends up on trial. Not so if you're an Occupy protester. Then a cop can grope you, attack you and abandon you — and you'll be charged with felonies for elbowing him back.
    201 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Demand Progress
  • Ban the Box
    One out of every 12 people you know is a convicted felon and must check the "yes" box on applications. This question allows application screeners to discriminate against felons regardless of their rehabilitation status.
    231 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Intro to Prison 12.0
  • Enact an Anti Vigilante~Gang Stalking Law
    I am an Anti Public Corruption Activist and Investigative blogger that has proven positive the corruption I allege. I have become highly targeted as a result of this and am the victim of near daily reprisal and retaliation. I am trying to get legislation enacted to address the hate crime of vigilante stalking aka, cause stalking, gang stalking, mob stalking and community stalking. I'm on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Wordpress, Google+, Pinkpeace, My Blog on Google, etc. My Story of Organized Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism Over a decade of gang stalking in colossal proportion. https://mathenydebra.wordpress.com Organized Gang Stalking Campaigns are the most heinous form of Hate Crimes: A criminal act that involves one (or more) of three specific crime groupings (assault, property damage and harassment/stalking), that is directed toward an individual or group that is (or perceived to be) a member of a protected class as defined by the Minnesota Human Rights Act and is motivated by a offender bias. My Story of Gang Stalking, Corruption and Domestic Terrorism https://www.facebook.com/DebMatheny https://www.facebook.com/matheny.debra I do this for all the victims as well as to bring justice to my father and daughter who were murdered to silence me. It's this angst that drives me to victory and my motivation to ensure this type of hate crime against innocent people cease, and not be allowed to flourish without legal consequence. http://www.change.org/petitions/minnesota-governor-mark-dayton-order-an-independent-investigation-addressing-the-corruption The Menace of #SatelliteSurveillance & #NoTouchTorture https://mathenydebra.wordpress.com/2015/03/16/the-menace-of-satellitesurveillance-notouchtorture/
    2,704 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Debra Matheny